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Meta Removes Chinese Effort to Influence U.S. Elections

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-28 01:14

        Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, said on Tuesday that it had discovered and taken down what it described as the first targeted Chinese campaign to interfere in U.S. politics ahead of the midterm elections in November.        Facebook和Instagram的母公司Meta周二表示,它已经发现并清理了据其所称目前已知首个有针对性的中国宣传运动,该运动旨在干涉美国11月中期选举。
        Unlike the Russian efforts over the last two presidential elections, however, the Chinese campaign appeared limited in scope — and clumsy at times.        然而,与俄罗斯在过去两次总统选举中的行动不同,中国的宣传运动范围似乎有限——有时还很笨拙。
        The fake posts began appearing on Facebook and Instagram, as well as on Twitter, in November, using profile pictures of men in formal attire but the names of women, according to the company’s report.        根据Meta的报告,这些虚假帖子去年11月开始出现在Facebook和Instagram以及Twitter上,头像是穿着正装的男性,但使用了女性的名字。
        The users later posed as conservative Americans, promoting gun rights and opposition to abortion, while criticizing President Biden. By April, they mostly presented themselves as liberals from Florida, Texas and California, opposing guns and promoting reproductive rights. They mangled the English language and failed to attract many followers.        这些用户后来冒充美国保守派,宣传枪支权利、反对堕胎,同时批评拜登总统。到了4月,他们大多以来自佛罗里达州、得克萨斯州和加利福尼亚州的自由主义者的形象出现,反对枪支并促进生育权利。他们的英语错漏百出,未能吸引大量追随者。
        Two Meta officials said they could not definitively attribute the campaign to any group or individuals. Yet the tactics reflected China’s growing efforts to use international social media to promote the Communist Party’s political and diplomatic agenda.        两名来自Meta的人士表示,他们无法明确这项运动背后的个人或团体。然而,这些策略反映了中国越来越多地利用国际社交媒体来宣传共产党的政治和外交议程。
        What made the effort unusual was what appeared to be the focus on divisive domestic politics ahead of the midterms.        这项行动不同寻常之处在于,在中期选举之前,它似乎将重点放在美国分裂的国内政治上。
        In previous influence campaigns, China’s propaganda apparatus concentrated more broadly on criticizing American foreign policy, while promoting China’s view of issues like the crackdown on political rights in Hong Kong and the mass repression in Xinjiang, the mostly Muslim region where hundreds of thousands were forced into re-education camps or prisons.        在之前的影响力运动中,中国的宣传机构把重点放在更广泛地批评美国的外交政策,同时就中国压制香港政治权利和新疆大规模镇压等问题宣传中国的观点。新疆地区人口大部分是穆斯林,那里有数十万人被迫进入再教育营或监狱。
        Ben Nimmo, Meta’s lead official for global threat intelligence, said the operation reflected “a new direction for Chinese influence operations.”        Meta负责全球威胁情报的首席官员本·尼莫表示,此次行动反映了“中国影响力行动的新方向”。
        “It is talking to Americans, pretending to be Americans rather than talking about America to the rest of the world,” he added later. “So the operation is small in itself, but it is a change.”        “这次不再是向全世界其他地方谈论美国,而是假装自己是美国人,同美国人对话,”他后来补充说。“所以行动本身很小,但这是一个变化。”
        The operation appeared to lack urgency and scope, raising questions about its ambition and goals. It involved only 81 Facebook accounts, eight Facebook pages and one group. By July, the operation had suddenly shifted its efforts away from the United States and toward politics in the Czech Republic.        该行动似乎缺乏紧迫性和规模,使人对其野心和目标产生怀疑。它仅涉及81个Facebook帐户、八个Facebook页面和一个群组。到7月,该行动突然将其努力从美国转移到捷克共和国的政治上。
        The posts appeared during working hours in China, typically when Americans were asleep. They dropped off noticeably during what appeared to be “a substantial lunch break.”        这些帖子发表于中国的工作时间,通常是美国的夜里。似乎在“相当长的午休”时,帖子数量明显下降。
        In one post, a user struggled with clarity: “I can’t live in an America on regression.”        在一篇帖子中,一位用户竭力想清楚表达:“我不能生活在一个倒退的美国。”
        Even if the campaign failed to go viral, Mr. Nimmo said, the company’s disclosure was intended to draw attention to the potential threat of Chinese interference in domestic affairs of its rivals.        尼莫说,即使这场运动未能广泛传播,Meta也需要披露,这是为了令人们关注中国干涉其竞争对手内政的潜在威胁。
        Meta also announced that it had taken down a much larger Russian influence operation that began in May and focused primarily on Germany, France, Italy and Britain.        Meta还宣布,它已清理了一项规模更大的俄罗斯影响力行动,这一行动始于5月,主要集中在德国、法国、意大利和英国。
        The company said it was “the largest and most complex” operation it had detected from Russia since the war in Ukraine began in February.        Meta表示,这是自2月乌克兰战争爆发以来发现的来自于俄罗斯“规模最大、最复杂”的运动。
        The campaign centered on a network of 60 websites that impersonated legitimate news organizations in Europe, like Der Spiegel, Bild, The Guardian and ANSA, the Italian news agency.        运动的中心是一个由60个网站组成的网络,这些网站冒充欧洲的合法新闻机构,如《明镜》、《图片报》、《卫报》和意大利新闻机构ANSA。
        The sites would then post original articles criticizing Ukraine, warning about Ukrainian refugees and arguing that economic sanctions against Russia would only backfire. Those articles were then promoted across the internet, including on Facebook and Instagram, but also on Twitter and Telegram, the messaging app, which is widely used in Russia.        然后,这些网站会发布原创文章批评乌克兰,警告人们小心乌克兰难民,并称对俄罗斯的经济制裁只会适得其反。这些文章随后在互联网上被转发,包括在Facebook和Instagram上,以及在俄罗斯广泛使用的Twitter和Telegram上。
        The Russian operation involved 1,633 accounts on Facebook, 703 pages and one group, as well as 29 different accounts on Instagram, the company’s report said. About 4,000 accounts followed one or more of the Facebook pages. As Meta moved to block the operation’s domains, new websites appeared, “suggesting persistence and continuous investment in this activity.”        Meta的报告称,俄罗斯的行动涉及Facebook上的1633个帐户、703个页面和一个群组,以及Instagram上的29个不同帐户。大约4000个帐户关注了一个或多个Facebook页面。在Meta开始封锁该行动的域名后,新网站出现了,“表明这项行动长期存在,并且得到了持续投资。”
        Meta began its investigation after disclosures in August by one of Germany’s television networks, ZDF. As in the case of the Chinese operation, it did not explicitly accuse the government of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, though the activity clearly mirrors the Kremlin’s extensive information war surrounding its invasion.        8月,德国电视网络之一ZDF做出披露后,Meta开始了调查。就像对待中国宣传行动那样,它没有明确指责俄罗斯总统普京的政府,尽管这一活动明显反映了克里姆林宫围绕其入侵展开的广泛信息战。
        “They were kind of throwing everything at the wall, and not a lot of it was sticking,” said David Agranovich, Meta’s director of threat disruption. “It doesn’t mean that we can say mission accomplished here.”        “他们用尽浑身解数,但没有起到什么效果,”Meta的阻断威胁主管大卫·阿格拉诺维奇说。“这并不意味着我们可以说任务到此为止。”
        In a statement, Twitter said it had been investigating the accounts identified by Meta “for some time” and had taken action against accounts that violated the company’s rules, though it did not elaborate.        Twitter在一份声明中表示,它对Meta识别的帐户进行调查,已经“有了一段时间”,并且已对违反公司规则的帐户采取行动,但没有详细说明。
        Meta’s report noted overlap between the Russian and Chinese campaigns on “a number of occasions,” although the company said they were unconnected. The overlap reflects the growing cross-fertilization of official statements and state media reports in the two countries, especially regarding the United States.        Meta的报告指出,俄罗斯和中国的活动在“一些情况下”重叠,尽管该公司表示它们之间没有联系。这种重叠反映了两国官方声明和官方媒体报道的交叉融合越来越多,特别是关于美国的报道。
        The accounts associated with the Chinese campaign posted material from Russia’s state media, including those involving unfounded allegations that the United States had secretly developed biological weapons in Ukraine.        与中国影响美国竞选活动相关的帐户发布了来自俄罗斯官方媒体的材料,其中包括毫无根据的指控,即美国在乌克兰秘密开发了生物武器。
        A French-language account linked to the operation posted a version of the allegation in April, 10 days after Russia’s Ministry of Defense originally posted it on Telegram. That one drew only one response, in French, from an authentic user, according to Meta.        俄罗斯国防部最初在Telegram上发布这一指控10天后,与俄罗斯宣传行动相关的一个法语帐户于4月发布了关于该指控的一个说法。根据Meta的说法,这个帖子只得到了一个法语回复,来自一个真实用户。
        “Fake,” the user wrote. “Fake. Fake as usual.”        “假的,”这名用户写道。“假的。像平时一样是假的。”

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