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China offers $9b to businesses to maintain jobs

来源:中国日报    2022-09-28 13:49

        China has stepped up efforts to save jobs this year, with some 64.63 billion yuan ($9.19 billion) having already been offered to businesses this year.        今年以来我国加大稳就业力度,已向企业发放稳岗资金646.3亿元。
        Unemployment insurance refunds totaling 44.84 billion yuan were given to some 7.21 million enterprises, or more than half of all employers covered by the social security net, in the first eight months of the year, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.        据人社部统计,前8个月,各地向721.1万户企业发放失业保险稳岗返还资金448.4亿元,全国超半数参保企业受益。
        The amount of money and number of beneficiaries were respectively 1.9 and 1.8 times their levels reported for the whole of 2021.        受益企业数量和返还资金金额分别是去年全年的1.8倍和1.9倍。
        Approximately 19.68 billion yuan in one-time training subsidies was paid to 3.96 million companies in regions impacted by COVID-19 outbreaks and in the five hardest-hit industries, including the catering sector.        中高风险疫情地区以及餐饮等5个特困行业共有395.7万户企业享受到196.8亿元一次性留工培训补助支持。
        To help college and university graduates as they seek employment, the government has also provided grants totaling 110 million yuan to 33,000 companies, benefiting some 103,000 graduates.        为了帮助高校毕业生就业,政府还向3.3万户企业发放1.1亿元补助,惠及高校毕业生10.3万人。
        China's 160-million-plus market entities form the cornerstone of the economy and are crucial to the stability of employment, according to Zhang Chenggang from the Capital University of Economics and Business.        首都经济贸易大学的张成刚说,1.6亿多户市场主体是中国经济的重要基石,是稳住就业基本盘的关键。
        The pro-employment funds will encourage employers to maintain jobs, shore up business confidence and stabilize the economy, he said.        他表示,稳岗资金既能鼓励企业稳岗扩岗,又有利于企业增强发展信心、稳定经济增长。

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