上海发布稳增长“22条”  聚焦助行业强主体_OK阅读网
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上海发布稳增长“22条”  聚焦助行业强主体
22 policies in Shanghai to help boost market mood, keep recovery pace

来源:中国日报    2022-09-29 15:46

        The Shanghai municipal government has given a solid boost to market confidence by announcing 22 favorable policies on Wednesday, which will help maintain the strong momentum in economic recovery, local officials said.        9月28日,上海市政府发布《上海市助行业强主体稳增长的若干政策措施》,提出稳增长“22条”,有力地提振了市场信心,这将有助于保持经济复苏的强劲势头。
        The 22 policies will boost market demand, stabilize growth, inject more vitality into market entities and further improve business environment, said Wu Qing, Shanghai's executive vice-mayor, at a news conference.        上海市常务副市长吴清在新闻发布会上表示,稳增长“22条”将促进市场需求,稳定增长,为市场主体注入更多活力,进一步改善营商环境。
        Industries hard hit by the resurgent COVID-19 cases, including cultural, tourism, sports, exhibition, advertising and civil aviation, will likely benefit the most, observers said.        观察人士表示,受新冠肺炎疫情重挫的文化、旅游、体育、会展、广告和民航等行业可能受益最大。
        Organizers holding economic and technology fairs in Shanghai this year will be granted a maximum 1 million yuan subsidy each, said Wu.        吴清说,对2022年克服疫情影响在沪举办的对外经济技术展览会,举办单位实际发生的场租费用将给予补贴,单场最高100万元。
        Meanwhile, the Shanghai government will provide 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan each as incentives to small and medium-sized enterprises that are recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as niche-sector leaders with high market share and strong innovation capacity.        同时,由各区对新认定市级“专精特新”中小企业、国家“专精特新”小巨人分别给予不低于10万元、30万元奖励。
        To nurture technology innovation, the city will reward key high-tech companies with a maximum 500,000 yuan each. The government's fiscal subsidy for technology upgrades of major projects in key areas has been raised to 100 million yuan — an extension of the previous raise to 50 million yuan in May, according to Zhang Hongtao, chief engineer of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization.        为支持高新技术企业创新发展,市、区联动给予企业一次性奖励,最高50万元。据上海市经济和信息化委员会总工程师张洪涛表示,政府对重点领域重大项目技术升级的财政补贴已提高到1亿元,今年5月,补贴数额已提高到5000万元。
        Companies are encouraged to enter emerging sectors like metaverse, green transformation and smart devices, in order to help Shanghai realize high-quality economic growth, said Zhang.        张洪涛说,鼓励企业进入元宇宙、绿色转型和智能设备等新兴领域,以帮助上海实现高质量的经济增长。
        The export tax rebate processing time will be further shortened while Customs clearance efficiency should be improved in order to stabilize trade, said Zhang Guohua, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.        上海市商务委副主任张国华表示,要压缩出口退税办理时间,提高作业和通关效率,以稳定贸易。
        The municipal government will come up with new business soliciting models so that more multinational companies will set up regional headquarters and research centers in the city, he said.        他说,市政府将创新招商引资模式,进一步支持外资企业在沪设立跨国公司地区总部和外资研发中心。
        This is the third time this year that Shanghai has introduced supportive measures to stimulate economic growth. The first 21 measures were rolled out in late March and another 50 measures were announced in late May.        这是上海市今年第三次出台扶持措施刺激经济增长。上海市于今年3月底、5月底先后出台抗疫助企“21条”和经济恢复重振“50条”两轮助企纾困稳增长综合性政策。
        Much progress has been made since then. Data from the Shanghai Bureau of Statistics showed that the average added value of industrial companies with annual sales revenue of at least 20 million yuan each rose 16.1 percent year-on-year in August.        从那时起,上海市经济已经取得了很大发展。上海市统计局的数据显示,8月份,年销售收入在2000万元以上的工业企业的平均增加值同比增长16.1%。
        The value of total imports and exports of the city surged 15.8 percent year-on-year to approach 415 billion yuan. The total retail sales of consumer goods also gained 2.5 percent year-on-year while fixed asset investment increased 9.9 percent year-on-year.        全市进出口总额近4150亿元,同比增长15.8%。社会消费品零售总额同比增长2.5%,固定资产投资同比增长9.9%。
        According to the municipal government's research over the past few months, companies still have high expectations for more optimized supportive policies. This is particularly true of companies confronting stiffer operational difficulties, said Wu.        根据上海市政府过去几个月的调查,企业对更优化的扶持政策仍然抱有很高的期望。吴清表示,对于那些面临更严峻运营困难的公司来说,情况尤其如此。
        Shanghai's measures introduced on Wednesday, which come at a critical juncture in the national effort to further stabilize economic growth, represent an upgrade of previous measures.        上海市9月28日出台的政策是在国家进一步稳定经济增长的关键时刻出台的,代表着之前政策的升级。
        A clear and firm supportive policy environment can better offset external uncertainties, he said.        他说,一个清晰坚定的支持性政策环境可以更好地抵消外部不确定性。

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