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What Will the Royal Makeover Cost?

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-21 03:21

        Queen Elizabeth II’s image is ubiquitous. Her face is on British money — the blue five-pound notes, the bronze one-pound coin. It’s on post boxes and stamps. The royal coat of arms is on condiment jars and jackets. Since her death this month, Queen Elizabeth’s face has been all over nonstop news coverage. But before long, the visage of King Charles III will replace his mother’s in official and unofficial capacities.        伊丽莎白二世女王的形象无处不在。她的面孔在英国的钱币上——蓝色的五镑纸钞,一镑的铜币。在邮政包裹和邮票上。王室纹章印在调料罐和夹克上。自本月去世后,伊丽莎白女王的面孔不断出现在无休止的新闻报道里。但过不了多久,查尔斯三世国王的脸将在各种官方和非官方场合取代母亲的脸。
        A lot will be changing. But there is a silver lining of sorts for this royal makeover.        有很多东西会改变。但王室的这种改头换面也有好的一面。
        “The cost of the monarchy, which is significant, comes with the ongoing costs which ought to be reined in and haven’t been reined in,” said Norman Baker, a former government minister and the author of the book “ … And What Do You Do? What the Royal Family Don’t Want You to Know.”        “君主制的成本是很高的,其中包括理应进行限制但目前还没有限制的成本,”前大臣、《你能怎么办?——王室不想让你知道的那些事》一书的作者诺曼·贝克说。
        In other words, everything is already so expensive that replacing one royal with another isn’t a major investment.        换言之,这一切本已经十分昂贵,因此替换一个王室成员的过程也就不需要太多的投入。
        STAMPS        邮票
        A stamp costs 95 pence in 2022        一张2022年售价95便士的邮票
        220 billion copies of this stamp design have been produced        这一款邮票已经印制了2200亿张
        The Royal Mail Group has not yet announced the plan for King Charles stamps, but, of course, stamps with Queen Elizabeth’s image are still valid. One change that has nothing to do with their royal highnesses: The Royal Mail is in the process of adding bar codes to stamps, a move it said would enhance security and allow people to access videos through the Royal Mail app. Stamps without the bar codes — which happen to feature the queen — will be valid only until early next year.        皇家邮政尚未宣布查尔斯国王的邮票计划,而有伊丽莎白女王形象的邮票当然还是有效的。有一个跟王室成员无关的变化:皇家邮政正准备在邮票上添加条码,称此举可以增强安全性,让人们通过皇家邮政的移动应用获取视频。没有条码的邮票——正好也就是有女王的邮票——将于明年初作废。
        “All of a sudden, I suppose, just the everyday stamp has become a collector’s item, and that’s quite interesting,” said Laura Clancy, a lecturer in media at Lancaster University. “It changes the meaning of the object, right? From an everyday object to something that is more special.”        “我想这些普通的邮票一夜之间会成了收藏品,这是挺有意思的,”兰卡斯特大学媒体学讲师劳拉·克兰西说。“这会改变物品的含义,对吧?从日常的物品变成某种特殊的东西。”
        POST BOXES        邮箱
        There are 115,000 post boxes throughout Britain        全英有11.5万个邮箱
        Approximately 70,000 have Queen Elizabeth’s initials on them        约7万只有伊丽莎白女王的首字母缩写
        It is not uncommon to come across mailboxes adorned with the insignia of monarchs who served long before Queen Elizabeth. There are around 115,500 mailboxes throughout Britain and 61.4 percent of those, which date to the reign of Queen Victoria, bear Queen Elizabeth’s royal cypher, according to the Royal Mail Group. All mailboxes and those already in production with Queen Elizabeth’s initials will remain intact, the service’s website says.        经常可以见到带有伊丽莎白女王之前君主徽章的邮箱。据皇家邮政的数据,全英有大约115500个邮箱,最早的可以追溯到维多利亚女王时代,其中61.4%的邮箱带有伊丽莎白女王的皇家徽号。皇家邮政网站说,这些邮箱和已经在制作中的那些带有伊丽莎白女王首字母的邮箱都将被保留。
        When a new mailbox is created, however, it will bear the insignia of King Charles, according to Mr. Baker, who pointed out that the country sends less mail than it used to. King Charles’s insignia will eventually adorn the nation’s post boxes. There just won’t be as many of them.        但是据贝克说,新造的邮箱会带有查尔斯国王的徽章,他同时还提到,英国人对邮递的使用在减少。全国邮箱最终将使用查尔斯国王的徽章。只不过数量没以前那么多了。
        “The cost of a post box is not related to whether it’s a change of monarchy or not,” Mr. Baker said. “The cost of Charles being on there rather than the Queen is minimal. I mean, it’s nothing.”        “君主的改变不会影响邮箱的成本,”贝克说。“不用女王,改用查尔斯,不会产生多少成本。不值一提。”
        BANK NOTES        纸币
        Over 4.7 billion bank notes are in circulation        流通中的纸币超过47亿张
        They are worth 82 billion pounds        总价值820亿英镑
        There are over 4.7 billion Bank of England currency notes in circulation worth around 82 billion pounds. Queen Elizabeth was the first monarch to appear on Bank of England bank notes in 1960 — so there is no precedent for what will happen during a turnover in the monarchy.        有超过47亿张英格兰银行纸币正在流通中,价值约820亿英镑。1960年,伊丽莎白女王成为首位被印在英格兰银行纸币上的君主,因此,君主更迭对这一情况会造成怎样的影响并无先例参考。
        The cost of creating new molds to accommodate King Charles would be “relatively negligible,” said Mauro F. Guillén, the dean at Cambridge Judge Business School, who estimated that phasing out the currency with Queen Elizabeth will be a two- to four-year process.        剑桥大学贾奇商学院院长莫罗·F·吉伦表示,为查尔斯国王制作新钞模具的成本“相对来说可以忽略不计”,他估计,需要两到四年时间才能逐步淘汰印有伊丽莎白二世的货币。
        King Charles’ ascension is occurring as the Bank of England continues to replace paper bank notes with polymer ones to prevent fraud and reduce the transmission of germs. In 2016, the bank introduced a five-pound polymer note that featured Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill, the former prime minister.        查尔斯国王登基之时,英格兰银行还在继续用塑质钞票取代纸质钞票的过程,目的是为了防止欺诈并减少细菌传播。2016年,该银行发行了面值五英镑的塑质钞票,票面上印着伊丽莎白女王和前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔。
        One other factor in the timing of King Charles currency, according to Mr. Baker: The king gets to approve the image.        贝克表示,发行印有查尔斯国王货币的时机还取决于另一个因素,那就是肖像得得到国王批准。
        COINS        硬币
        29 billion coins are in circulation        290亿枚流通硬币
        5 different portraits of Elizabeth are on coins        硬币上五幅不同的伊丽莎白肖像
        There are 29 billion British coins in circulation with Queen Elizabeth’s visage and on all of them, she faces to the right. Since Charles II’s reign in the 17th century, new kings and queens have faced the opposite direction of their predecessors on coins, with the exception of Edward VIII, who preferred to face left. Unless the new king expresses a different preference, he will be facing left.        有290亿枚印有伊丽莎白女王头像的英国硬币正在流通,在所有硬币上,她都面朝右侧。自17世纪查理二世在位以来,新登基国王与女王的硬币肖像都与前任朝向相反,只有爱德华八世是例外,他要求面朝左侧。除非新国王另有偏好,否则他将面朝左侧。
        Mr. Guillén said the coins were more expensive to produce than bank notes because they were more durable. He was reluctant to put a figure on what production of the new coins might cost — estimating around $600 million — but noted that it would take multiple years to phase out older coins, and the total tab could fluctuate significantly.        吉伦表示,因为更加耐用,硬币的制作成本比纸币要高。他不愿透露新版硬币的制作成本(估计在6亿美元左右),但他指出,淘汰旧版硬币需要很多年时间,制作总成本可能会有很大波动。
        CONDIMENTS        调味品
        About 800 brands and individuals have royal warrants        大约有800个品牌和个人拥有皇家授权
        Heinz has supplied the royal family with products since 1951        自1951年以来,亨氏一直为王室供应产品
        Companies as different as Heinz and Burberry use Queen Elizabeth II’s coat of arms on ketchup bottles and coats, but that will change. To be eligible to use the royal arms, a business must have provided products and services to the royal family for at least five of the past seven years. More than 600 enterprises, including Barbour, Command Pest Control and Swarovski, currently have warrants granted by Queen Elizabeth II, according to the Royal Warrant Holders Association.        亨氏和博柏利等各行各业的公司都将伊丽莎白二世的徽章印在番茄酱瓶和外衣之上,但这种情况将会改变。企业必须在过去七年的至少五年里为王室提供过产品和服务,才有资格使用王室徽章。根据英国皇家认证持有者协会的数据,目前有600多家企业获得了伊丽莎白二世颁发的授权许可,其中包括Barbour、Command害虫防治以及施华洛世奇。
        Now that Queen Elizabeth has died, companies like Heinz, which received warrants from her, have two years to continue to use the coat of arms. After that period is up, Heinz must update ketchup bottles that circulate in Britain, though it may not be a significant cost.        伊丽莎白女王去世后,像亨氏这种得到她授权的企业还有两年时间可以继续使用徽章。在这一期限结束后,亨氏必须更换在英国上架的番茄酱瓶,不过所耗费的成本可能不会太高。
        “We’re not talking about changing the ketchup,” Mr. Guillén said. “We’re talking about changing a very, very small, tiny part of the packaging.”        “用不着换番茄酱本身,”吉伦说。“我们说的只是换掉非常非常小的一部分外包装。”
        Other unofficial goods are seeing the market effect of the Queen’s death, too. Silk Road Bazaar, for example, makes felt ornaments it sells on Etsy and to wholesale clients, catering to Anglophiles. Its designs include Queen Elizabeth, an orange and white corgi, Big Ben, and now, King Charles and Camilla, queen consort.        女王去世后,其他非王室官方授权产品的销售也受到了影响。例如制作毛毡饰品的Silk Road Bazaar,其产品会在Etsy网站上以及面向批发客户销售,迎合英伦爱好者的需求。该品牌的设计元素包括伊丽莎白女王、一只橙白亮色的柯基犬、大本钟,现在又加入了查尔斯国王与卡米拉王后。
        In August, Silk Road Bazaar sold just three Queen Elizabeth ornaments on Etsy and one of then-Prince Charles, said Andrew Kuschner, the company’s founder. So far this month, however, it has sold 60 Queen Elizabeth ornaments and eight of King Charles.        该公司创始人安德鲁·库施纳表示,今年8月,Silk Road Bazaar在Etsy上只卖出了三件伊丽莎白女王饰品和一件当时还是王子的查尔斯的饰品。但本月到目前为止,该公司已经售出60件伊丽莎白女王饰品和八件查尔斯国王饰品。

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