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A Cornered Vladimir Putin Is More Dangerous Than Ever

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-22 02:14

        Vladimir V. Putin’s menacing televised address on Wednesday was much more than a bid to change the course of his faltering war against Ukraine. It attempted to invert a war of aggression against a neighbor into one of defense of a threatened “motherland,” a theme that resonates with Russians steeped in patriotic history.        普京于周三发表威胁性电视讲话远不只是为了改变乌克兰战争举步维艰的进程。这场讲话试图将一场针对邻国的侵略战争转变为一场保卫受威胁“祖国”的战争,这一主题在深受爱国主义历史熏陶的俄罗斯人当中引发了共鸣。
        Mr. Putin, Russia’s president, aimed at nothing less than altering the meaning of the war for his country, raising the stakes for the entire world. He warned the West in unmistakable terms — “this is not a bluff” — that the attempt to weaken or defeat Russia could provoke nuclear cataclysm.        普京的目的无非是改变这场战争对俄罗斯的意义,令整个世界面临更大风险。他明确警告西方——“这不是虚张声势”——试图削弱或击败俄罗斯可能引发核灾难。
        Rattling his nuclear saber, accusing the West of seeking to “destroy” his country and ordering the call-up of 300,000 military reservists, Mr. Putin implicitly conceded that the war he started on Feb. 24 has not gone as he wished. He painted the Ukrainians as mere pawns of the “military machine of the collective West.”        普京挥舞着核武器,指责西方试图“摧毁”他的国家,并下令征召30万预备役军人,他含蓄地承认,他在2月24日发动的战争并没有像他希望的那样发展。他把乌克兰人描绘成“整个西方军事机器”的棋子。
        By veering far from his original objective of demilitarizing and “de-Nazifying” all of Ukraine, he made a nonsense of the Kremlin’s far-fetched claims that the war was proceeding according to plan, and tacitly acknowledged something he had always denied: the reality and growing resistance of a unified Ukrainian nation.        他背离了在乌克兰全境实现非军事化和“去纳粹化”的最初目标,这让克里姆林宫关于战争正在按计划进行的牵强说法成为无稽之谈,并且无形中等于也承认了他一直否认的事实:一个统一的乌克兰民族和它不断增加的抵抗。
        But Mr. Putin cornered is Mr. Putin at his most dangerous. That was one of the core lessons of his hardscrabble youth that he took from the furious reaction of a rat he cornered on a stairwell in what was then Leningrad.        但普京走投无路的时刻也是他最危险的时刻。这是他艰苦的青年时代得到的最重要的教训之一,当时他在列宁格勒的一个楼梯间里将一只老鼠逼到走投无路后,老鼠做出了愤怒的反应,他从这只老鼠身上学到了这一课。
        “Russia won its defensive wars against Napoleon and Hitler, and the most important thing Putin did here from a psychological perspective was to claim this, too, is a defensive war,” said Michel Eltchaninoff, the French author of “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin.” “It was an aggressive war. Now it’s the defense of the Russian world against the Western attempt at dismemberment.”        “俄罗斯打赢了对拿破仑和希特勒的防御战,从心理学角度来看,普京现在做的最重要的事情就是宣称这也是一场防御战,”《弗拉基米尔·普京的内心世界》(Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin)一书的法国作者米歇尔·埃尔切尼诺夫说。“这原本是一场侵略战。现在,它成了俄罗斯世界反抗西方肢解企图的防御战。”
        In Mr. Putin’s telling, that imagined world imbued with some inalienable Russian essence has grown in size. He said Russia would support imminent referendums in four regions of Ukraine on whether to join Russia — votes denounced by Ukraine and the West as a sham, and a likely prelude to annexation.        按照普京的说法,那个充满了不可剥夺的俄罗斯特质的想象世界变得越来越大。他说,俄罗斯将支持乌克兰四个地区就是否加入俄罗斯即将举行的公投。乌克兰和西方谴责该公投是一场骗局,很可能是吞并乌克兰的前奏。
        The Kremlin has signaled that if it absorbs that territory, the Ukrainian counter-offensives underway in the east and south to recapture territory seized by Russia would be considered attacks on Russian soil, justifying any level of retaliation, up to and including a nuclear response.        克里姆林宫已经发出信号,如果俄罗斯吞并了这些领土,乌克兰在东部和南部为夺回俄占领土而展开的反攻将被视为对俄罗斯领土的攻击,这样俄罗斯将有正当理由采取任何级别的报复行动,甚至包括核回应。
        “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will of course use all means at our disposal to defend Russia and our people,” Mr. Putin said.        “如果我们国家的领土完整受到威胁,我们当然会动用一切可以动用的手段来保卫俄罗斯和我们的人民,”普京说。
        His speech, which may of course be a bluff despite his denial, nevertheless placed before the West a dilemma that has been inherent in its policy from the start of the war: How far can intense military and logistical support of Ukraine — effectively everything short of NATO troops on the ground — go without setting off nuclear confrontation?        这番讲话当然可能是虚张声势,尽管他对此予以否认,但也让西方面临一个从战争开始就存在于其政策中的两难境地:在不引发核对抗的情况下,对乌克兰的密集军事和后勤支持——实际上是除了北约地面部队之外的一切-——究竟能做到什么程度?
        “I believe the nuclear threat is a bluff but it gives Putin a means to terrify the West, and accentuate divisions about providing arms because some may now view that as too dangerous,” said Sylvie Bermann, a former French ambassador to Russia.        “我认为核威胁是虚张声势,但它给了普京一个恐吓西方的手段,并加剧了在提供武器装备方面存在的分歧,因为有些人现在可能认为这太危险了,”法国驻俄罗斯前大使西尔维·伯曼说。
        Hours after the speech in Moscow, President Biden denounced Mr. Putin’s “overt nuclear threats” against Europe, describing them as “reckless.” Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, he said the West would be “clear, firm and unwavering” in its resolve as it confronts Mr. Putin’s “brutal, needless war” in Ukraine.        普京在莫斯科发表讲话几小时后,拜登总统谴责其对欧洲的“公开核威胁”,称其“鲁莽”。他在联合国大会上发表讲话时表示,面对普京在乌克兰发动的“残酷、不必要的战争”,西方回应将会“明确、坚定、毫不动摇”。
        “This war is about extinguishing Ukraine’s right to exist as a state, plain and simple,” Mr. Biden said. He continued: “Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe, that should make your blood run cold.”        “这场战争就是要扼杀乌克兰作为一个国家的生存权,”拜登说。他还表示,“无论你现在身处何方,无论你生活在何处,无论你相信什么,俄罗斯的行径都应让你不寒而栗。”
        A game of brinkmanship has begun with the American and Russian leaders seeking to outmaneuver each other as the war festers. If Ukraine and its Western backers have the advantage for now, that edge is by no means secure.        随着战火愈演愈烈,边缘策略的博弈已经开始,美俄领导人都试图在策略上胜过对方。即使乌克兰及其西方支持者目前占据优势,这种优势也绝不稳固。
        Seven months into the war, its resolution appears more distant than ever and its reverberations more dangerous. Perhaps not since the Cuban missile crisis six decades ago have American and Russian leaders confronted each other so explicitly and sharply on the danger of nuclear war.        战争已经进行了七个月,它的解决方式似乎比以往任何时候都更加遥不可及,其影响也更为危险。也许自60年前的古巴导弹危机以来,美俄领导人从未如此明确地赫然面对核战争的危险。
        As Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, has said, the United States and its Western allies have been trying to use “all means possible” to help Ukraine “without creating an uncontrollable escalation.” But the risk of that escalation, possibly the start of World War III, just grew, because what constitutes a strike “inside Russia” may now be defined differently by Mr. Putin.        正如德国总理肖尔茨所说,美国及其西方盟友一直在试图使用“一切可能的手段”帮助乌克兰,“同时避免局势失控升级”。但如今事态升级的风险(可能是第三次世界大战的开始)反而增加了,因为普京现在对什么是针对“俄罗斯境内”的打击可能做出了不同的定义。
        Full of anger and venom, portraying Ukraine as the headquarters of neo-Nazis and the West as a giant engine of “Russophobia,” Mr. Putin appeared as deluded about the neighbor he attacked as he was in his Feb. 24 speech that announced the war.        普京满怀愤怒和恶意,把乌克兰描绘成新纳粹分子的大本营,把西方描绘成“恐俄症”的巨大引擎。对于这个被他攻击的邻国,他的看法似乎和2月24日做宣战讲话时一样充满错觉。
        He has downsized Russia’s military ambitions in Ukraine — upended by the Russian defeat in Kyiv and recent battlefield setbacks in the northeast — without downsizing his obsessions over Russian humiliation at the breakup of the Soviet Union three decades ago.        他降低了俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事野心——因俄罗斯在基辅的失败和最近在东北部战场的挫折而动摇——但没有降低他对30年前苏联解体时俄罗斯蒙羞的执着。
        On Wednesday, as in February, he accused the Ukrainian authorities, falsely, of genocide against ethnic Russians. He boasted of nuclear weapons that are “more advanced” than the West’s. He made wild allegations about the threat to Russia. He alluded, for example, to “statements by some high-ranking representatives of leading NATO states about the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction — nuclear weapons — against Russia.”        周三,和今年2月一样,他错误地指责乌克兰当局对俄罗斯族人进行种族灭绝。他吹嘘自己的核武器比西方国家“更先进”。他对俄罗斯所面对的威胁提出了荒唐的指控。例如,他暗示“北约主要国家的一些高级代表关于对俄使用大规模杀伤性武器——也就是核武器——的可能性和可接受性发表了声明”。
        There is no evidence of this.        没有证据证明这一点。
        Mr. Putin “claimed he had to act because Russia was threatened. But no one threatened Russia and no one other than Russia sought conflict,” Mr. Biden said.        普京“声称他必须采取行动,因为俄罗斯受到了威胁;但没有人威胁俄罗斯,除了俄罗斯之外没有人寻求冲突”,拜登说道。
        The speeches came on the eve of a winter that will be hard in Europe, with inflation and energy costs rising, and days before an Italian election Sunday in which a far-right candidate, Giorgia Meloni, is the favorite. The European extreme right has generally been sympathetic to Moscow, although Ms. Meloni’s own position appears to be evolving.        这番话是在欧洲即将迎来严冬前夕发表的,通货膨胀和能源成本都出现上升。几天后,意大利将在周日举行大选,极右翼候选人焦尔吉娅·梅洛尼是最受欢迎的候选人。欧洲极右翼人士通常对莫斯科持同情态度,不过梅洛尼的立场似乎也在变化。
        Up to now, Mr. Biden has been very effective in cementing Western unity. But while the Biden administration has little apparent faith in diplomacy with Moscow at this stage, France and Germany still seek the dialogue with Russia that President Emmanuel Macron of France mentioned in his speech on Tuesday to the United Nations, a dialogue judged necessary, he said, because “we seek peace.”        到目前为止,拜登在巩固西方团结方面一直卓有成效。不过,尽管拜登政府现阶段对与莫斯科外交缺乏显而易见的信心,但法国和德国仍在寻求与俄罗斯进行对话,法国总统马克龙周二在联合国的演讲中提到了这一点。马克龙说,他认为有必要进行对话,因为“我们寻求和平”。
        Not at any price, however. Mr. Macron’s position has hardened. He presented a stark picture of a world hovering on the brink of war and brutal division as a result of Russia’s “imperial” aggression.        不过,这并非不惜一切代价。马克龙的立场已经强硬起来。他描绘了一幅残酷的画面:由于俄罗斯“帝国主义”的侵略,世界徘徊在战争和残酷分裂的边缘。
        He said the world was close to “an enlarged era of conflict, a permanent one, where sovereignty and security will be determined by force, by the size of armies.” It was imperative, he insisted, that those remaining neutral — an apparent reference to India and China, among others — speak out.        他说,世界正接近“一个扩大的冲突时代,一个永久的冲突时代,在这个时代,主权和安全将由武力和军队规模决定”。他坚持认为,当务之急是那些保持中立的国家——显然指的是印度和中国等国——要大声疾呼。
        “Those who are silent today are, despite themselves, or secretly, serving the cause of the new imperialism,” Mr. Macron said.        “那些今天保持沉默的人,不由自主地、或以某种‘同谋’的形式,在为新帝国主义行为助纣为虐,”马克龙说。
        The Russian attempt to rebuild the imperium lost at the dissolution of the Soviet Union finds itself at a treacherous crossroads. After multiple military setbacks, Mr. Putin spoke from a weaker position than the one he held seven months ago.        俄罗斯试图重建苏联解体时失去的帝国,却发现自己正处于一个危险的十字路口。在多次遭遇军事挫折后,普京的处境比七个月前更弱了。
        “The situation is very dangerous because Putin is in a trap,” Ms. Bermann said.        “局势非常危险,因为普京处于陷阱之中,”伯曼说。

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