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Russia Begins Mobilizing Ukrainians to Fight Against Their Own Country

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-26 03:51

        KYIV, Ukraine — In the occupied city of Kherson, some Ukrainian men believe that if they break their own arms, maybe the Russians will not force them into military service. Others are hiding in basements. Some are trying to run even though they are forbidden to leave the city, residents said, and virtually everyone is afraid.        乌克兰基辅——在被占领的赫尔松,一些乌克兰男子认为如果打断自己的手臂,俄罗斯人也许就不会强迫他们服兵役。还有人躲进地下室。居民们说,尽管他们被禁止离开这座城市,但仍有人试图逃跑,几乎所有人都很害怕。
        “People are panicking,” said Katerina, 30. “First they were searching our houses, and now the Russians will conscript our men to their army. This is all unlawful but very real for us.”        “人们很恐慌,”30岁的卡特琳娜说。“他们先是搜查我们的房子,现在俄罗斯人又要把我们的人征召到他们的军队里去。这一切都是非法的,但对我们来说却是真实的。”
        As the Kremlin’s conscription drive faced protests across Russia for a fifth day, new signs of resistance, and fear, emerged on Sunday in the territories it occupies in Ukraine as well.        随着克里姆林宫的征兵计划连续第五天在俄罗斯各地遭遇抗议,周日,在其占领的乌克兰领土上也出现了新的抵制迹象和恐惧。
        The drive to compel Ukrainians to battle other Ukrainians is part of a broader, if risky, effort by Moscow to mobilize hundreds of thousands of new fighters as its forces suffer huge casualties and struggle to hold off Ukrainian advances in the east and south.        迫使乌克兰人与其他乌克兰人交战,是莫斯科动员数十万新战士的更广泛行动的一部分,尽管此举很冒险。目前,俄罗斯军队遭受了巨大伤亡,并在东部和南部艰难地阻挡着乌克兰的推进。
        It comes at the same time as a Russian-orchestrated vote that is setting the stage for the Kremlin to cleave Ukraine through an annexation that has been broadly condemned around the world.        与此同时,俄罗斯策划的投票正在为克里姆林宫吞并乌克兰领土并分裂乌克兰创造条件,此举在世界各地引起广泛谴责。
        The result of the pseudoreferendum underway is expected to be announced on Tuesday. The anticipated outcome: that a majority of people in four Ukrainian regions — Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizka — “voted” to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is then widely expected to declare in coming days those areas belong to Russia and therefore protected by the might of its full arsenal, including the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons.        正在进行的伪公投预计将于周二宣布结果。预期的结果是:乌克兰顿涅茨克、卢甘斯克、赫尔松和扎波罗热四个地区的大多数人“投票”决定脱离乌克兰,加入俄罗斯。人们普遍预计,俄罗斯总统普京将在随后几天宣布这些地区属于俄罗斯,因此受到俄罗斯所有武装力量的保护,其中包括世界上最大的核武库。
        At the same time, Russian military officials continued to cast a dragnet across the vast expanse of their own nation, which stretches halfway around the Northern Hemisphere, for hundreds of thousands of men to conscript into the military, many likely to soon be dispatched to Ukraine.        与此同时,俄罗斯军方官员继续在该国横跨北半球一半的广袤国土上撒网,征召数十万人入伍,其中许多人可能很快就会被派往乌克兰。
        Despite draconian laws against dissent and the arrest of thousands of Russians protesting the “partial mobilization” in recent days, scattered demonstrations continued on Sunday, with reports of widespread unrest in Dagestan, a republic in the Caucasus region of southern Russia. The police fired into the air to clear one demonstration, according to videos circulating on social media, and Russian social media channels reported that some villages were refusing to comply with mobilization orders.        尽管针对异见者的法律非常严厉,近几天有数以千计抗议“部分动员”的俄罗斯人被捕,但周日零星的示威活动仍在继续,据报道,俄罗斯南部高加索地区的达吉斯坦共和国出现了大范围骚乱。社交媒体上流传的视频显示,警方朝天鸣枪以驱散一次示威活动。俄罗斯社交媒体频道报道称,一些村庄拒绝执行动员令。
        Amid rumors that Mr. Putin may close the nation’s borders completely, an exodus from the country continued, with a line of 2,500 cars reported at the Russia-Georgia border on Sunday, according to the Federal Customs Service.        有传言称普京可能完全关闭俄罗斯边境,与此同时,人们仍在继续大批逃离俄罗斯,据俄联邦海关总署的数据,周日有2500辆汽车出现在俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚边境。
        Mr. Putin had resisted ordering a mobilization for months, but his decision underscored the Kremlin’s struggles on the battlefield, where more than 80,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured in just over seven months, American officials estimate. It was the largest escalation of the war since Moscow began its full-scale invasion in February, and it underlined Mr. Putin’s commitment to a prolonged struggle to bend Ukraine to his will.        几个月来,普京一直抗拒下令动员,但他此时的动员决定突显了克里姆林宫在战场上的艰难处境。据美国官员估计,短短七个多月的时间里,俄罗斯的伤亡已超过8万。这是自莫斯科今年2月开始全面入侵以来最大规模的战争升级,表明普京决心进行一场旷日持久的冲突,让乌克兰屈从于他的意志。
        In an address on Sunday, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine urged Russians to avoid mobilization by any means, including by surrendering themselves to Ukrainian captivity.        在周日的讲话中,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基敦促俄罗斯人采取一切方式逃避动员,包括向乌克兰投降。
        “We see that people, in particular, in Dagestan, began to fight for their lives,” he said. “We see that they are beginning to understand that this is a question of their lives. Why should their husbands, brothers, sons die in this war? In a war that one man wants.”        “我们看到人们,尤其是达吉斯坦的人们开始为自己的生死而战,”他说。“我们看到,他们开始明白这是一个性命攸关的问题。为什么人们的丈夫,兄弟,儿子要死在这场只有一个人想要的战争当中?”
        The brutality of the Russian campaign in Ukraine has been demonstrated by the mass graves found in Izium, the torture chambers used in Kupiansk and the trail of death left behind by Russian soldiers in Bucha. Rights groups, United Nations investigators, international journalists and Western officials have all documented the path of destruction that Russian occupation forces have left in their wake.        在伊久姆发现的乱葬岗、在库皮扬斯克的刑讯室,以及俄罗斯士兵在布查留下的大量死亡,都证明了俄罗斯在乌克兰的残暴。人权组织、联合国调查人员、国际记者和西方官员都记录了俄罗斯占领军在他们身后留下的一片毁灭景象。
        But the latest effort to dragoon unwilling Ukrainian men to fight and kill other Ukrainians added a new element of terror to an already harsh existence under Russian rule in occupied Ukraine.        但最新的行动是强迫不情愿的乌克兰人与其他乌克兰人自相残杀,俄罗斯占领下的乌克兰,生活本已非常艰苦,此举又增添了新的恐怖元素。
        While the Kremlin spent eight years stoking separatist sentiment in the parts of eastern Ukraine controlled by Russia since 2014, the brutality of the invasion has almost certainly dampened it even there, and a conscription drive could weaken it further.        尽管克里姆林宫花了八年时间在乌克兰东部自2014年以来被俄罗斯控制的部分地区煽动分离主义情绪,但几乎可以肯定的是,即使在那里,入侵的残暴性也抑制了分离主义情绪,而征兵运动可能会进一步削弱它。
        In the two southern regions partly under the control of Russian forces, Kherson and Zaporizka, all men ages 18 to 35 have been forbidden to leave, and many have been ordered to report for military duty, according to witnesses and Ukrainian officials.        据目击者和乌克兰官员称,在部分处于俄罗斯军队控制下的两个南部地区,即赫尔松和扎波罗热,所有18岁至35岁的男性都被禁止离开,许多人被命令去服兵役。
        “Many people are calling us and asking whether we could help them to evacuate,” Halyna Odnorih, a coordinator in the city of Zaporizhzhia for people who have escaped occupied regions, said in an interview on Sunday. “But unfortunately we can’t.”        “很多人给我们打电话,问我们是否可以帮助他们撤离,”扎波里日亚市负责逃离被占领地区难民事务的协调员哈雷娜·奥德诺里周日接受采访时说。“但不幸的是,我们不能。”
        Ivan Fedorov, the exiled mayor of the occupied city of Melitopol, said on Sunday that men could no longer travel out of Zaporizhzhia, and he urged people seeking to avoid Russian conscription “to leave for Crimea, then for the European Union or Georgia and then return to Ukraine.”        被占领的梅利托波尔市的流亡市长伊万·费多罗夫周日说,男性不能再离开扎波罗热,他敦促寻求避免俄罗斯征兵的人“前往克里米亚,然后前往欧盟或格鲁吉亚,然后返回乌克兰”。
        “Because everyone will certainly be taken away from the street and get mobilized,” he said.        “因为每个人肯定会被从街上带走并被动员入伍,”他说。
        In eastern Ukraine, the situation is more complicated since Russia has occupied parts of Luhansk and Donetsk since 2014 and the ranks of Kremlin-backed rebels there have for years been filled out with Moscow sympathizers. Still, Russia’s proxy leaders there have had to forcibly conscript soldiers as casualties have risen.        在乌克兰东部,情况更加复杂,因为俄罗斯自2014年以来占领了卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克的部分地区,而克里姆林宫支持的叛军部队多年来一直充满了莫斯科的支持者。尽管如此,随着伤亡人数的增加,俄罗斯在那里的代理领导人不得不强行征兵。
        At least two Telegram channels are now dedicated to helping people in those areas escape.        现在至少有两个Telegram频道致力于帮助这些地区的人们逃离。
        Russia is also stepping up conscription efforts in Crimea, the southern peninsula that it illegally annexed from Ukraine in 2014, according to rights groups, Crimean officials and witnesses.        据人权组织、克里米亚官员和目击者称,俄罗斯还在加强对克里米亚的征兵工作,该半岛位于南部,于2014年被俄罗斯非法吞并。
        Those groups say the Russian military has been disproportionately conscripting Crimean Tatars, an ethnic minority group that has faced persecution by Russian officials “with the apparent goal of completely silencing dissent on the peninsula,” according to a 2017 Human Rights Watch report.        根据2017年人权观察的一份报告,这些团体表示,俄罗斯军方一直在过度征召克里米亚鞑靼人,该少数民族群体曾受到俄罗斯官员迫害,“其目标明显是完全压制半岛上的异议”。
        Alim Aliev, a founder of the rights organization Crimea SOS, said that 80 percent of summons to the Russian Army in Crimea had been issued to Crimean Tatars.        权利组织克里米亚SOS的创始人阿利姆·阿利耶夫说,俄罗斯军队在克里米亚发出的征兵传票80%发给了克里米亚鞑靼人。
        “It’s a war crime, which may lead to genocide of the Crimean Tatar people,” he said. “We advise people not to come to the public gatherings, not to take the notifications and not to come to the military committees.”        “这是战争罪,可能导致克里米亚鞑靼人的种族灭绝,”他说。“我们建议人们不要参加公众集会,不要接受通知,不要去军事委员会。”
        Tamila Tasheva, the presidential representative of Ukraine in Crimea, said on Sunday that local military authorities had issued 1,500 draft notices to the Crimean Tatars through visits to the people’s houses and work places, including markets.        乌克兰驻克里米亚总统代表塔米拉·塔舍瓦周日表示,当地军事当局已通过到访人们的住宅和工作场所——包括市场,向克里米亚鞑靼人发出了1500份征兵通知。
        She said that while the “partial mobilization” announced by the Kremlin was said to affect only those with previous military service, the local Russian authorities did not even bother with the pretense of asking those being conscripted from the Tatar community if they had ever been in the military.        她说,虽然克里姆林宫宣布的“部分动员”据称只影响那些以前服过兵役的人,但俄罗斯地方当局没有问那些从鞑靼社区征召入伍的人是否曾经服役,甚至连装模作样都省了。
        Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Mr. Zelensky, called the conscription campaign in Crimea “a real ethnic genocide and an enormous tragedy for the entire nation.”        泽连斯基的高级顾问米哈伊洛·波多利亚克称克里米亚的征兵行动是“一场真正的种族灭绝,是整个国家的巨大悲剧”。
        “Forcing citizens to a war in the occupied regions is nothing more than Moscow’s attempt to cleanse the territory of a disloyal population,” he said on Sunday.        他周日表示:“强迫公民参加被占区的战争,只不过是莫斯科试图清洗不顺从的民众。”
        Ukrainian officials said that the Russian effort to conscript Ukrainians was further evidence that the Kremlin’s ultimate aim was the same one Mr. Zelensky had warned when the war started.        乌克兰官员表示,俄罗斯招募乌克兰人的行动进一步证明,克里姆林宫的最终目标正是泽伦斯基在战争开始时警告的那样。
        “Russia wants to turn Ukraine into silent slaves,” he said in April during an address to the United Nations Security Council.        “俄罗斯希望将乌克兰变成沉默的奴隶,”他在4月向联合国安理会发表讲话时说。
        As Moscow moves ahead with its plan to annex parts of Ukraine, Kyiv has called for another urgent meeting of the Security Council this week.        随着莫斯科推进其吞并乌克兰部分地区的计划,基辅呼吁本周再次召开安理会紧急会议。
        The recruitment of unwilling soldiers carries obvious risks for Russia. Military analysts have said that conscripts from Luhansk and Donetsk were part of the forces whose stunning collapse in the northeastern Kharkiv region this month allowed for Ukraine’s most successful offensive operation of the war.        招募不愿参军的士兵给俄罗斯带来了明显的风险。军事分析家表示,本月在东北部地区哈尔科夫遭遇惊人溃败的部队中,有一部分人就是从卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克征召的,那次战役是乌克兰在本次战争中最成功的一次进攻行动。
        The Ukrainian intelligence service said last week that Ukrainian recruits sent by Russia to fight in Kherson have “refused to take part in combat missions.” Citing intercepted communications and interviews with relatives, the agency said that Russian commanders had threatened to send conscripts “to the front line without weapons if they refuse to follow orders.”        乌克兰情报部门上周表示,俄罗斯派往赫尔松作战的乌克兰人新兵“拒绝参加战斗任务”。该机构援引截获的通讯和对亲属的采访称,俄罗斯指挥官曾威胁说,“如果新兵不服从命令,就把他们赤手空拳送到前线”。

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