共享中国机遇 第二十二届投洽会圆满落幕_OK阅读网
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共享中国机遇 第二十二届投洽会圆满落幕
How amazing trade fair set record amid heat wave

来源:中国日报    2022-09-19 15:04

        Yet, in front of the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, men and women in business professional attire were a busy lot. They went through the security checks in an orderly way, to reach the 22nd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), held from Sept 8 to 11.        然而,在厦门国际会议展览中心前,身着商务职业装的男男女女却是一片繁忙的景象。为了参加于9月8日至11日举行的第22届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会,他们有序地通过了安检。
        Initiated 25 years ago, the fair has become one of the world's largest and most influential events of its kind for the promotion of international investment and free trade. People's enthusiasm for the event remained high despite the unpleasant weather and the overhang of the COVID-19 pandemic.        中国国际投资贸易洽谈会于25年前首次举办,目前已成为促进国际投资和自由贸易的同类活动中规模最大、最有影响力的活动之一。尽管天气炎热,疫情防控严格,但人们依然热情高涨。
        During my stay, I conducted a number of interviews. I heard fair participants repeatedly say that the four-day event fully demonstrated China's devotion to boosting two-way investment and global economic recovery.        我在洽谈会期间进行了多次采访,屡次听到参展者表示,为期四天的洽谈会充分展示了中国致力于促进双向投资和世界经济复苏的决心。
        The nation is also capable of sustaining its attraction for foreign investment despite the slowdown in global foreign investment activities, multinational corporation executives and experts said.        多位跨国公司高管和专家表示,在全球对外投资放缓的情况下,中国仍有能力保持对外国投资的吸引力。
        Huang Bin, chairman of Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals China Co, a subsidiary of the UK-headquartered pharma giant, said China's continuously improving business environment and its promising economic prospects have been offering broad development space for foreign investors.        阿斯利康药业(中国)有限公司董事长黄彬表示,中国营商环境不断改善,经济发展前景广阔,为外国投资者提供了广阔的发展空间。知名药企阿斯利康总部位于英国。
        He spoke highly of the nation's efforts to build a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment through concrete actions. The implementation of the new foreign investment law, the continuous downsizing of the negative list for foreign investment, and the nation's applications to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, or CPTPP, and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement demonstrate China's resolve in this regard, he said.        他高度评价了中国以实际行动营造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境的努力。外商投资法的实施、外商投资负面清单的不断缩减、中国申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》和《数字经济伙伴关系协定》都表明了中国在这方面的决心。
        The two pacts are widely considered as representative of high-level international trade and investment liberalization standards.        这两个协定被广泛认为是高水平国际贸易和投资自由化标准的代表。
        Despite challenges, China's long-term economic prospects are bright, Huang said, adding foreign investors and MNCs, including AstraZeneca, are confident about their development prospects in China.        黄彬表示,尽管面临挑战,但中国长期的经济前景是光明的,外国投资者和阿斯利康等跨国公司都对在中国的发展前景充满信心。
        Wang Jie, vice-president of Schneider Electric, also said the company sees great development opportunities in China, its second-largest market, as the nation accelerates industrial digitalization and pays increasing attention to sustainable development.        施耐德电气副总裁王洁也表示,随着中国加快工业数字化进程,越来越重视可持续发展,施耐德电气在其第二大市场中国看到了巨大的发展机遇。
                 The CIFIT in Xiamen mirrored such strong confidence-more than 480 project deals with a combined investment value of 342 billion yuan were signed.
        More than 800 industrial and trade groups, more than 4,000 enterprises, and about 60,000 business people from over 90 countries and regions attended the fair online and offline. That is to say, the combined number of fair participants and exhibition visitors set a new record in the fair's history.        来自90多个国家和地区的800多个工商经贸团组、4000多家企业、约6万名客商线上线下参会参展,参会参展人数高于往年。

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