四大行加大逆周期信贷投放力度 稳定经济增长_OK阅读网
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四大行加大逆周期信贷投放力度 稳定经济增长
Big Four to up lending in H2, stabilize growth

来源:中国日报    2022-09-05 14:00

        Liao Lin, president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, said the lender will see a higher increase in credit extension year-on-year in the second half and for the full year of 2022.        中国工商银行行长廖林表示,工行下半年和2022年全年的信贷投放将实现同比多增。
        ICBC will ramp up corporate lending, provide ancillary financing to major infrastructure projects, and give stronger support to key fields of the economy, including the manufacturing sector, technology startups, green finance and inclusive finance, said Liao at a recent news conference announcing the bank's 2022 interim results.        廖林在近日举行的2022年中期业绩新闻发布会上说,工商银行将加大企业贷款力度,为重大基础设施项目提供辅助性融资,加大对制造业、科创、绿色金融、普惠金融等重点经济领域的支持力度。
        At the end of June, ICBC's domestic renminbi loans increased by 1.61 trillion yuan from the end of last year. In the same period last year, the increase was 1.26 trillion yuan. So, this year's first-half rise was 346.5 billion yuan higher.        今年上半年,工商银行境内人民币贷款比上年末新增1.61万亿元,,同比多增3465亿元,去年同期数据为新增人民币贷款1.26万亿元。
        Similarly, Bank of China will also enhance efforts to realize a higher year-on-year growth of domestic RMB loans for the full year, said Lin Jingzhen, executive vice-president of BOC.        中国银行副行长林景臻表示,中国银行也将加大力度,境内人民币贷款全年实现同比多增。
        "We will ramp up financial support for major infrastructure projects in the areas of transportation, energy, water conservancy, 'new infrastructure' and China's new-type urbanization, and allocate more credit resources to projects that are in line with the nation's policy orientation, including carbon emissions reduction, technological innovation and green development projects," said Lin on Wednesday.        林景臻在8月31日表示,“中国银行将加大对交通、能源、水利、新基建、新型城镇化等基建项目和重大工程的金融支持力度;提高对碳减排、科技创新、绿色发展等国家政策导向项目的资源保障力度。”
        As of the end of June, BOC's RMB loans and advances to customers totaled 13.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.02 trillion yuan compared with the prior year-end. Specifically, technology finance loans grew by 17.21 percent, loans granted to strategic emerging industries rose 67 percent, manufacturing loans went up 15.64 percent, and outstanding inclusive finance loans granted to micro and small-sized enterprises surged 25.36 percent, according to the bank's 2022 interim report.        根据中国银行发布的2022年半年度报告,中国银行今年上半年新增人民币贷款1.02万亿元,截至6月末人民币贷款总额达到13.78万亿元。科技金融贷款、战略性新兴产业贷款、制造业贷款分别比上年末增长17.21%、67.00%、15.64%。普惠型小微企业贷款余额比年初增长25.36%。
        Gu Shu, chairman of Agricultural Bank of China, said ABC is highly likely to see its credit growth between September and December exceed that of the same period last year.        中国农业银行董事长谷澍表示,接下来的9月到12月,信贷增长量超过去年同期的态势大概率可以得到延续。
        In July, RMB loans of ABC increased 168.1 billion yuan, 37.8 billion yuan more than the increase in July 2021. In contrast, China's RMB loans to the real economy registered an increase of 408.8 billion yuan, 430.3 billion yuan less than the growth in the same month last year, said the People's Bank of China, the central bank.        农业银行人民币各项贷款7月份新增1681亿元,比去年7月份多增378亿元。根据央行发布的数据,2022年7月对实体经济发放的人民币贷款增加4088亿元,同比少增4303亿元。
        "The decline in China's RMB loans to the real economy in July was mainly due to weak expectations for the housing market. In the long run, however, it would likely prove to be a fluctuation during the process of the Chinese economic transformation and does not necessarily represent a trend. With a suite of policies supporting economic stabilization, effective investment will expand steadily, and consumption and housing market expectations will be stabilized gradually," Gu said.        谷澍说:“7月信贷数据有所下降主要是受到房地产市场预期偏弱的影响。从长周期来看,当前我国经济仍处于增长方式转型过程,新旧动能的转换不可能是一帆风顺。后续在‘一揽子’稳定宏观经济大盘政策措施的支持下,预计有效投资会稳步扩大,消费、房地产等将逐渐趋稳。”
        The Chinese economy has been facing fairly high downward pressure since the beginning of this year due to internal and external factors that exceeded market expectations. The State Council, China's Cabinet, launched a package of policies in a timely manner to promote an economic rebound, said Zhang Jinliang, president of China Construction Bank.        建设银行行长张金良表示,今年以来受内外部超预期因素的影响,我国经济下行的压力较大。国务院及时出台了一系列政策,促进经济企稳回升。
        "Taking the medium- and long-term view, the Chinese economy is still resilient, and economic fundamentals that will sustain long-term growth remain unchanged. We believe it will overcome temporary difficulties and fluctuations," Zhang said.        他说:“但是从中长期看,我国经济发展的韧性强,经济长期向好的基本面也没有改变。对于一时的困难和波动我们相信可以克服。”
        As of the end of June, the balance of CCB's loans to the infrastructure sector went up 8.02 percent from the end of last year to 5.47 trillion yuan; loans to strategic emerging industries rose 26.66 percent to 1.17 trillion yuan; and loans to science and technology enterprises increased by 30.07 percent to 1.14 trillion yuan.        截至6月末,建设银行基础设施贷款余额5.47万亿元,较上年末增幅达到8.02%;战略性新兴产业贷款余额1.17万亿元,增幅26.66%;科技产业贷款余额1.14万亿元,增幅30.07%。

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