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Russians Mourn Gorbachev in Silent Protest Against an Absent Putin

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-05 04:36

        MOSCOW — Thousands of Russians on Saturday stood for several hours in snaking lines amid a heavy police presence to pay their respects to Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who died on Tuesday.        莫斯科——周六,数以千计的俄罗斯人在警方的密切注视下排队数小时,追悼周二去世的最后一位苏联领导人米哈伊尔·S·戈尔巴乔夫。
        Many Russians blame and revile Mr. Gorbachev for the breakup of the Soviet Union, but people of all ages, many of whom stood solemnly clutching flowers outside Moscow’s famed House of the Unions, said that they had come to thank him for something severely restricted today in Russia: freedom.        许多俄罗斯人指责和辱骂戈尔巴乔夫导致苏联解体,但也有许多人——各个年龄段都有——手捧鲜花在莫斯科著名的工会大厦外肃穆而立,他们说他们来感谢他曾为俄罗斯带来自由。如今在俄罗斯,自由受到严格限制。
        “Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev gave us 30 years of sunlight,” said Maksim, 20, a political science student, who carried a large sunflower to place before Mr. Gorbachev’s body, which was lying in state in the building’s grand hall.        “米哈伊尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·戈尔巴乔夫给了我们30年的阳光,”20岁的政治学专业学生马克西姆说,他在暂厝于宏伟大厅中的戈尔巴乔夫遗体前摆了一大棵向日葵。
        “Unfortunately, this time has passed, and there is no more sun, only darkness,” Maksim said. “But I am deeply grateful to him for these 30 years.”        “可惜,那段时间已经过去了,再也没有太阳,只有黑暗,”马克西姆说。“但我为这30年向他深表感激。”
        For many, the funeral was a vivid reminder of the rights that Russians have lost under the leadership of President Vladimir V. Putin and as a result of the almost complete dismantling of Mr. Gorbachev’s legacy, culminating with the six-month-old war that Russia is prosecuting in Ukraine to take back former Soviet territory.        对许多人来说,葬礼让俄罗斯人清楚地看到,他们在普京治下失去了怎样的权利,这也是戈尔巴乔夫遗产几乎完全被瓦解的结果,俄罗斯为收回前苏联领土而对乌克兰施加的这场持续了六个月的战争标志着后者达到一个顶峰。
        “For so many of us in Moscow, his death seems the death of democracy,” said Veronika, 32, an art consultant. The New York Times is using only first names to protect the Russians in attendance from possible retaliation.        “对于我们莫斯科的许多人来说,他的死亡就像民主的死亡,”32岁的艺术顾问维罗尼卡说。《纽约时报》不透露受访者姓氏以保护出席追悼会的俄罗斯人免受可能的报复。
        Amid the throngs, one person was conspicuously absent on Saturday: Mr. Putin. Citing a busy schedule, he did not attend the funeral. Instead, Mr. Putin paid his last respects to Mr. Gorbachev on Thursday, taking a bouquet of flowers to the hospital in Moscow where he died.        周六,人群中明显缺少一个人:普京。他以日程繁忙为理由没有参加葬礼,而是在周四带着一束鲜花前往戈尔巴乔夫去世的那家莫斯科医院,向后者致以最后的敬意。
        Mr. Putin’s absence sent a clear message: While the Kremlin wanted to avoid any direct condemnation of a person who was once at its helm, it also wanted to distance itself from the symbol of an era whose legacy Mr. Putin is now largely trying to undo.        普京的缺席传达了一个明确的信息:虽然克里姆林宫希望避免对国家的前领导人进行任何直接谴责,但它也希望与那个时代的象征保持距离,普京基本上在试图消除那个时代的影响。
        The funeral was a rare opportunity for like-minded Russians to gather in one place, though, at a time when protest and dissent have been effectively criminalized.        这次葬礼使志同道合的俄罗斯人难得聚集在一个地方,然而,此时抗议和异议实际上已被定为犯罪。
        “They were burying their freedom and their hopes,” said Andrei Kolesnikov, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace based in Moscow. “This is really such a peaceful and sad protest against what Putin was doing all these years — and against Putin himself.”        “他们正在埋葬他们的自由和他们的希望,”卡内基国际和平基金会驻莫斯科高级研究员安德烈·科列斯尼科夫说。“这着实是一次悲伤的和平抗议,抗议的是普京这些年来所做的事情以及普京本人。”
        Mr. Gorbachev died this past week at age 91, after what the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow said was “a long and grave illness.” Mr. Gorbachev’s admirers credit him with ending the Cold War and achieving significant strides in nuclear disarmament. Inside Russia, he gave “the people of the Soviet Union the possibility of being independent, of building their lives independently,” his longtime interpreter, Pavel Palazhchenko, said in an interview.        戈尔巴乔夫于上周去世,享年91岁,莫斯科中央临床医院称他经历了“一场长期而严重的疾病”。赞赏戈尔巴乔夫的人认为他结束了冷战,并在核裁军方面取得了重大进展。在俄罗斯,他给了“苏联人民独立的可能性,以及自主建立生活的可能性”,担任他的翻译多年的帕维尔·帕拉日琴科在接受采访时说。
        On Saturday, inside the grand hall of the House of the Unions, known as the Hall of Pillars — the same place where Russians bade farewell to Lenin and Stalin — people filed past Mr. Gorbachev’s open coffin, which was flanked by two honor guards. A mountain of flowers left by mourners lay on a long table in front of the coffin, which was beneath a Russian flag instead of the Soviet red banner.        周六,在工会大厦的“圆柱大厅”内——俄罗斯人在这里告别了列宁和斯大林——人们从戈尔巴乔夫敞开的灵柩旁走过,两侧站着两名仪仗队警卫。棺材前的一张长桌上堆满了追悼者留下的鲜花,棺材底下是一面俄罗斯国旗,而不是苏联红旗。
        Mr. Gorbachev’s family members sat beside the coffin, and close friends, like Dmitri A. Muratov, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 (Mr. Gorbachev also received the prize, in 1990), sat nearby. In the early 1990s, Mr. Gorbachev helped found the newspaper that Mr. Muratov edits, Novaya Gazeta. The paper was forced to suspend publication in March, threatened by a new wartime censorship law, and the Russian authorities now seek to revoke its license.        坐在灵柩旁的除了戈尔巴乔夫的家人,还有他的密友——如2021年获得诺贝尔和平奖的德米特里·A·穆拉托夫(戈尔巴乔夫也曾于1990年获得该奖)。1990年代初,戈尔巴乔夫参与创办了穆拉托夫主编的报纸《新报》(Novaya Gazeta)。由于受到新的战时审查法的威胁,该报于3月被迫暂停出版,俄罗斯当局现在正寻求吊销其许可证。
        There were so many mourners that guards urged people not to linger in front of Mr. Gorbachev’s coffin. Many left the hall in tears.        哀悼者太多,警卫敦促人们不要在灵柩前逗留。许多人泪流满面地离开了大厅。
        “He gave us freedom, and peace, and music — everything that is most dear to us,” said Ekaterina, 75, who was crying as she exited onto the central Dmitrovka Street, which was cordoned off by law enforcement.        “他给了我们自由、和平和音乐——对我们来说所有最珍贵的东西,”75岁的叶卡捷琳娜说,她哭着走出了被执法部门封锁的中央德米特洛夫卡街。
        “Condolences to all of us because this also concerns you,” she said, referring to the West and reflecting on how Mr. Gorbachev had opened Russia up to Europe and the United States.        “向所有人表示哀悼,因为这也与你们有关,”她说——“你们”指的是西方——这是在回顾戈尔巴乔夫如何向欧洲和美国开放俄罗斯。
        Since Mr. Gorbachev’s death on Tuesday, it was clear that the Kremlin would not accord him the pomp of the grand state ceremonies that characterized funerals of his Soviet predecessors.        自从戈尔巴乔夫于周二去世以来,很明显可以看出克里姆林宫不会为他举行像他的苏联前任们那样以盛大国家仪式为特点的葬礼。
        And while the absence of foreign dignitaries — who lionize Mr. Gorbachev for ending the Cold War — was a sign of Russia’s current isolation, many high-profile Russian figures did attend the ceremony on Saturday. Dmitri A. Medvedev, a former president; Sergei Stepashin, a former prime minister; and some popular culture figures, including Alla Pugacheva, a pop superstar, all paid their respects on Saturday.        赞美戈尔巴乔夫结束冷战的外国政要缺席了他的葬礼,这成为俄罗斯目前被孤立的一个标志,但许多俄罗斯知名人士出席了周六的追悼会。前总统德米特里·A·梅德韦杰夫、前总理谢尔盖·斯捷帕申以及一些流行文化人物,包括流行巨星阿拉·普加乔娃,都在周六表达了他们的追思。
        Also in attendance were some who have been critical of Mr. Gorbachev’s legacy, including Dmitri Kiselyov, the host of the flagship weekly news show on Russian state television.        还有一些批评戈尔巴乔夫遗产的人也来了,其中包括俄罗斯国家电视台的周播旗舰新闻节目的主持人德米特里·基谢廖夫。
        Despite trying to distance himself from Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Putin on Wednesday acknowledged the last Soviet leader’s legacy without praise, calling him “a politician and statesman who had a huge impact on the course of world history.”        虽然试图与戈尔巴乔夫保持距离,普京在周三承认——但没有赞扬——这位苏联末代领导人的遗产,称他为“一位对世界历史进程产生巨大影响的政治家和领导人”。
        “He deeply understood that reforms were necessary,” Mr. Putin added. “He strove to offer his own solutions to urgent problems.”        “他深知改革的必要性,”普京还说。“他努力为紧迫的问题提供他自己的解决方案。”
        Mr. Kolesnikov of the Carnegie Endowment said that Mr. Putin’s “bunkerized” farewell to Mr. Gorbachev, a reference to the Russian president’s increasing isolation since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, was indicative of the Kremlin’s attitude toward the man Mr. Putin blames for the collapse of the Soviet Union, which he sees as the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century.        卡内基基金会的科列斯尼科夫说,普京对戈尔巴乔夫的“地堡”式吊唁表明了克里姆林宫对戈尔巴乔夫的态度,地堡形容的是这位俄罗斯总统自2020年新冠疫情开始越来越与外界隔绝。普京认为苏联的解体是20世纪“最大的地缘政治灾难”,而戈尔巴乔夫是罪魁祸首。
        “It is a bit strange that the Gorbachev funeral took this unprecedented form,” Mr. Kolesnikov said. “This is a marker of Putin’s attitude toward Gorbachev. On the one hand, he can’t be too close to his figure, but on the other hand, they can’t ignore totally the scale.”        “戈尔巴乔夫的葬礼采取了这种未有先例的形式是有点奇怪的,”科列斯尼科夫说。“这表明了普京对戈尔巴乔夫的态度。一方面,他不能太过靠近这个人物,但另一方面,他们也不能完全忽视其影响。”
        The Kremlin said after Mr. Gorbachev’s death that there would be only “elements of a state funeral,” including an honor guard. By contrast, when Mr. Gorbachev’s successor, Boris N. Yeltsin, died in 2007, Mr. Putin, who succeeded him, declared a day of national mourning for his funeral. The ceremony was broadcast live on state television, and the lowering of Mr. Yeltsin’s coffin was accompanied by an artillery salute.        戈尔巴乔夫去世后,克里姆林宫表示仅采用仪仗队等“部分国葬安排”。相较之下,戈尔巴乔夫的继任者叶利钦在2007年去世时,接任叶利钦的普京宣布为他的葬礼进行一天的全国哀悼。国家电视台对葬礼进行了现场直播,叶利钦的灵柩在礼炮声中缓缓下葬。
        Mr. Yeltsin’s funeral was attended by numerous foreign dignitaries, including acting state leaders and former ones such as Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Mr. Gorbachev’s funeral was attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary. Mr. Kolesnikov said that the presence of the far-right Hungarian leader, who has maintained close ties with Mr. Putin, was “insulting” to Mr. Gorbachev’s legacy.        多位外国政要参加了叶利钦的葬礼,包括一些国家的代理领导人,以及克林顿和乔治·H·W·布什等前总统。匈牙利总理欧尔班出席了戈尔巴乔夫的葬礼。科列斯尼科夫表示,这位与普京关系密切的极右翼匈牙利领导人的现身是对戈尔巴乔夫遗产的“侮辱”。
        Though a number of foreign ambassadors paid their respects on Saturday, the absence of a wider group of global representatives at Mr. Gorbachev’s ceremony highlighted Russia’s isolation as its current leader is engaged in the brutal war in Ukraine.        尽管一些外国使者在周六前来吊唁,但缺席戈尔巴乔夫葬礼的各国代表要更多,这凸显出俄罗斯因其现任领导人在乌克兰进行残酷战争而陷入的孤立处境。
        As Mr. Gorbachev’s rule divided Russia, so did his funeral. While thousands stood in line to pay their last respects, others called for recording every attendee. “These are the most decisive, brave, and sincere of all enemies of Russia,” Igor Girkin, a former Russian intelligence colonel who took part in the conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine when it began in 2014, wrote on his Telegram channel.        就像他的统治一样,戈尔巴乔夫的葬礼也分裂了俄罗斯。在成千上万的人排队向他致以最后的敬意之时,另一些人则呼吁录下每一位出席者的样子。“这些人是最坚决、勇敢、真诚的俄罗斯国家公敌,”曾参与2014年乌克兰顿巴斯地区冲突最初阶段的前俄军情报人员伊戈尔·吉尔金上校在他的Telegram频道上写道。
        After the ceremony on Saturday, Mr. Gorbachev was buried next to his wife, Raisa, at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. A few years before his death, in an interview with the documentary filmmaker Vitaly Mansky, Mr. Gorbachev said that his love for his wife had constituted the meaning of his life.        周六的葬礼结束后,戈尔巴乔夫被安葬在莫斯科新圣女公墓他妻子赖莎的墓地旁。在去世几年前,戈尔巴乔夫在接受纪录片导演维塔利·曼斯基的采访时表示,对妻子的爱构成了他生命的意义。
        “What can be higher than the feeling of being in love and being loved by a woman?” he asked.        “还有什么比恋爱和被一个女人爱着的感觉更重要呢?”他问道。
        Another scene in the documentary was also telling: As Mr. Gorbachev celebrated the arrival of 2020 among a small group of associates, he sang along with the Russian national anthem, which played at the stroke of midnight.        该纪录片的另一个场景也非常生动:当戈尔巴乔夫与一些熟人一起庆祝2020年的到来之时,他跟着午夜奏响的俄罗斯国歌唱了起来。
        When the choir sang the line, “Be glorious, our free fatherland!” Mr. Gorbachev’s face lit up with a boyish smile.        当合唱团唱到“光荣啊,我们自由的祖国!”这句歌词时,戈尔巴乔夫的脸上洋溢着孩子般的笑容。
        “And who brought the freedom?” he said.        “那是谁带来了自由呢?”他说。

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