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U.S. Restricts Sales of Sophisticated Chips to China and Russia

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-05 09:55

        The Biden administration has imposed new restrictions on sales of some sophisticated computer chips to China and Russia, the U.S. government’s latest attempt to use semiconductors as a tool to hobble rivals’ advances in fields such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence.        对于向中国和俄罗斯出售某些尖端计算机芯片,拜登政府实施了新的限制,这是美国政府利用半导体作为工具,阻碍竞争对手在高性能计算和人工智能等领域取得进展的最新尝试。
        The new limits affect high-end models of chips known as graphics processing units, or GPUs, which are sold by the Silicon Valley companies Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices. Such products were originally developed to render images in video games but in the past decade were widely deployed in the largest supercomputers used by scientists and by internet companies for applications such as recognizing speech and objects in photographs.        新限制将影响被称为图形处理单元(GPU)的高端芯片型号,它们由硅谷的英伟达(Nvidia)和超微半导体公司(AMD)销售。这类产品最初是为了在视频游戏中渲染图像而开发的,但在过去10年里被广泛用于科学家和互联网公司使用的最大的超级计算机中,用于识别语音和照片中的物体等应用。
        Supercomputers are used in applications that include weapons development and intelligence gathering, and some large systems in China have been linked to surveillance of the country’s Muslim minorities. A.I. technology is also increasingly being used for purposes such as identifying faces in video images.        超级计算机应用于武器开发和情报收集等方面,中国的一些大型计算机系统据信用于监视该国的穆斯林少数民族。人工智能技术也越来越多地应用于识别视频图像中的人脸等目的。
        The restrictions are part of a cold war between China and the United States for primacy in advanced technologies. The Biden administration, building on limits begun under former President Donald J. Trump, has adopted measures aimed at restricting access by companies such as China’s Huawei to advanced chips and foreign semiconductor manufacturing. China has designed many chips on its own, but generally relies on factories in Taiwan to manufacture the most advanced models.        这些限制是美中两国在先进技术领域争夺主导地位的冷战的一部分。在始于特朗普时期限制措施的基础上,拜登政府采取了旨在限制中国华为等公司进入先进芯片和外国半导体制造领域的措施。中国大陆已自行设计了许多芯片,但通常依赖台湾的工厂来制造最先进的型号。
        In statements on Wednesday, Nvidia and AMD acknowledged the new restrictions.        在周三的声明中,英伟达和AMD确认了新限制的存在。
        Nvidia, by far the largest GPU maker, said the federal government would now require it to seek export licenses to sell two high-end chips used with server systems in data centers. The government said the new requirement would address the risk that those products might be used in, or diverted to, a military use in China and Russia, according to the company.        英伟达是目前最大的GPU制造商,该公司表示,联邦政府现在将要求它申请出口许可证,才能销售两款用于数据中心服务器系统的高端芯片。政府表示,新要求将解决这些产品可能被用于或转移到中俄军事用途的风险。
        Nvidia has many customers in China, but does not currently sell to Russia. It said the new measures affected a business that generated about $400 million in revenue in its most recent fiscal quarter.        英伟达在中国有很多客户,但目前还没有向俄罗斯销售产品。该公司表示,新措施影响了该公司最近一个财季约4亿美元的营收。
        AMD said the measures appeared to affect sales of one of its high-end GPUs to China and Russia. It said it did not believe the restrictions would have a material effect on its business.        AMD表示,这些措施似乎影响了它的一款高端GPU在中国和俄罗斯的销售。该公司表示,它不认为这些限制会对其业务产生实质性影响。
        A spokesman for the Commerce Department said it was conducting a review of policies related to China and might adopt new measures to keep advanced technologies out of the wrong hands.        美国商务部发言人表示,该部门正在对与中国有关的政策进行审查,并可能会采取新措施,防止先进技术落入他人之手。
        Without commenting on the chip restrictions specifically, the spokesman said possible future steps include “preventing China’s acquisition and use of U.S. technology in the context of its military-civil fusion program to fuel its military modernization efforts, conduct human rights abuses and enable other malign activities.”        这位发言人没有具体评论芯片限制,但他说,未来可能采取的措施包括“防止中国在军民两用项目的背景下获取和使用美国技术,以推动其军事现代化努力,进行人权侵犯及促成其他恶性活动”。
        In the last few years, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security has tightened restrictions on supplying certain U.S. technologies to China, arguing that the goods were being sold through civilian supply chains but ultimately went toward military uses, like weapons, aircraft and surveillance technology. Companies can request a license to sell restricted items to specific customers, but most of those applications are denied.        过去几年里,美国商务部工业与安全局收紧了向中国提供某些美国技术的限制,称这些产品通过民用供应链出售,但最终用于军事用途,比如武器、飞机和监视技术。公司可以申请向特定客户销售受限制商品的许可证,但大多数申请都被拒绝。
        Nvidia’s and AMD’s statements indicated that they did not expect licenses to be granted in most cases. AMD said it expected the measures to “prevent” the sale of a product called the MI250 to China and Russia.        英伟达和AMD的声明表明,他们预计在大多数情况下不会获得许可。AMD表示,预计这些措施将“阻止”向中俄出售一款名为MI250的产品。
        Nvidia said the measures affected an existing product, the A100, as well as a product that is expected to be available later this year, the H100. It added that the restrictions might hurt its ability to complete development of the H100 in a timely manner or support existing customers of the A100, and might require the company to transition certain operations out of China.        英伟达说,这些措施影响了现有产品A100,以及预计将于今年晚些时候上市的产品H100。该公司还表示,这些限制可能会损害其及时完成H100的开发,或支持A100现有客户的能力,并可能要求该公司将某些业务转移到中国以外的地方。
        The measures come at a tough time for Nvidia. Demand for GPUs used in video game play and in cryptocurrency mining has dropped sharply, and in early August, Nvidia posted quarterly revenue that was well below what it had forecast in May.        这些措施出台之际,英伟达正处于艰难时期。视频游戏和加密货币挖矿中使用的GPU的需求大幅下降,8月初,英伟达公布的季度营收远低于5月份的预测。
        Nvidia’s stock fell more than 6 percent late Wednesday after it confirmed the new government restrictions, which had been the subject of earlier articles in Chinese news outlets.        周三晚些时候,在确认了新的政府限制措施后,Nvidia的股票下跌了逾6%。中国的新闻媒体早前曾就新的限制措施发表文章。

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