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China Threatens Reaction After U.S. Announces Arms Sales to Taiwan

来源:纽约时报    2022-09-05 09:58

        HONG KONG — China threatened over the weekend to take countermeasures after the Biden administration approved the sale of more than $1.1 billion worth of arms to Taiwan.        香港——拜登政府批准向台湾出售总值超过11亿美元的武器后,中国在周末威胁采取反制措施。
        A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said the sale of military equipment to Taiwan, designed to repel a seaborne invasion from China, would “severely jeopardize China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”        中国驻华盛顿大使馆的一名发言人称向台湾出售旨在击退中国海上入侵的军事装备,将“将严重危害中美关系以及台海的和平与稳定”。
        In a series of messages posted to Twitter on Saturday, Liu Pengyu, the spokesman, also called on the United States to “immediately revoke” the decision to approve the arms sale, which was announced on Friday after the Biden administration formally notified Congress. It will still need approval by Congress, which is considered likely.        周六,在Twitter上的一系列帖子中,中国驻美大使馆新闻发言人刘鹏宇还要求美国“立即撤销”批准军售的决定。该决定是拜登政府正式通知国会后于周五宣布的,仍需得到国会的批准,人们认为获批问题不大。
        The deal is the largest for Taiwan under the Biden administration, said Drew Thompson, a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore, on Sunday. While some sales, including during the Trump administration, were larger, this one reinforces that Taiwan wants to have “a larger supply of war reserve munitions on hand in advance of a conflict.”        新加坡国立大学高级研究员唐安竹(Drew Thompson)周日说,这是拜登政府时期对台湾最大一笔军售。虽然此前包括在特朗普政府时期美国有过更大规模的军售,但此次军售加强了台湾“在冲突发生前拥有更多弹药战争储备”的想法。
        Mr. Thompson, who formerly worked at the Pentagon, said the Chinese Embassy’s statements were in line with past reactions to weapon deals and “may even be more cautious than statements in the past that have called for sanctions against companies supplying weapons.”        曾在五角大楼工作的唐安竹说,中国驻美大使馆的声明与以前对美台武器交易的反应相似,“也许甚至比过去声称要对提供武器的公司进行制裁的声明更谨慎。”
        China claims Taiwan, a self-governing democracy, as its own and has accused the United States of interfering with its internal affairs even though the ruling Communist Party has never controlled the island.        中国把民主自治的台湾宣称为自己的领土,指责美国干涉中国内政,尽管执政的共产党从来没有控制过台湾。
        The State Department said that the sales were part of a long-established U.S. policy of providing weapons to Taiwan. But the move comes as tensions in the Taiwan Strait have reached their highest level in decades and the U.S.-China relationship is fraying over a range of economic and political issues.        美国国务院说,军售是美国向台湾提供武器这一长期政策的一部分。但这次军售是在台湾海峡的紧张局势达到几十年来最高点、美中关系在一系列经济和政治问题上摩擦不断的时候。
        The United States has maintained tariffs the Trump administration imposed on hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods, even as President Biden considers rolling back some. And American officials boycotted the Beijing Winter Olympics in February to protest Chinese human rights abuses, including a crackdown in the Xinjiang region that the United States has called genocidal.        美国保持了特朗普政府对总值数千亿美元的中国商品征收的关税,虽然拜登总统在考虑削减某些关税。美国官员抵制了今年2月的北京冬季奥运会,以抗议中国侵犯人权的行为,包括中国在新疆地区进行的美国称之为种族灭绝的镇压。
        A visit to Taiwan last month by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the most prominent official to visit in more than two decades, exacerbated tensions. In response, China deployed large-scale military exercises designed to intimidate Taiwan and demonstrate to the United States its military capability. Beijing also canceled or suspended high-level talks with the United States on a range of issues, including climate change and military cooperation.        美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西上个月访问台湾,她是20多年来访问台湾的最重要官员,这加剧了紧张局势。作为回应,中国部署了大规模军事演习,目的是恐吓台湾,向美国展示自己的军事能力。中国政府还取消或暂停了与美国在气候变化和军方合作等一系列问题上的高层会议。
        Last week, the U.S. Navy said that two of its warships had sailed through the Taiwan Strait as part of a “routine Taiwan Strait transit.” The Chinese military acknowledged the passage of the two ships and said its forces “remain on high alert, ready to thwart any provocation.”        上周,美国海军表示,两艘军舰执行了穿越台湾海峡的任务,作为“例行台湾海峡穿越”的一部分。中国军方承认两艘美国军舰通过了台湾海峡,并表示本国部队“保持高度戒备,随时做好挫败任何挑衅准备”。
        The United States has quietly pushed for Taiwan to buy weapons that would help its small military fight off an invasion from China, a campaign that has gained urgency since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. Washington is increasingly wary that an emboldened China might invade Taiwan in the coming years.        美国一直在不声张地推动台湾购买有助于其规模不大的军队抵御中国入侵的武器,这一努力自俄罗斯今年2月入侵乌克兰以来已变得更加紧迫。华盛顿越来越担心更大胆的中国可能会在未来几年入侵台湾。
        Beijing has tried to cut off Taiwan internationally and said that Ms. Pelosi’s visit in August breached a status quo in which the United States holds no official ties with Taiwan. After her visit, three additional groups of American officials visited the island as well as a delegation of Japanese lawmakers.        中国政府已试图在国际上孤立台湾,并表示佩洛西8月份的访问打破了美台之间没有官方关系的现状。佩洛西访台后,另外三批美国官员及一个日本议员代表团访问台湾。
        Mr. Liu, the Chinese spokesman, called on Washington to “honor its commitments to the one-China principle” and affirmed Beijing’s line that Taiwan is an “inalienable part of Chinese territory.”        中国驻美大使馆新闻发言人刘鹏宇呼吁华盛顿“遵守一个中国原则”,他重申了中国政府的立场,即台湾是“中国领土不可分割的一部分”。
        Taiwan said Saturday that it “highly welcomes” the arms sales and said the military equipment was needed to strengthen its defenses. Its Ministry of National Defense said it detected People’s Liberation Army aircraft and naval ships in the region again on Saturday. China’s recent drills practiced blockading the island, a strategy that could cut it off from fuel and food supplies while signaling Beijing’s military power.        台湾周六对军售表示“高度欢迎”,并说有必要购买这些军事装备以加强防御。台湾国防部说,周六再次在附近地区探测到解放军的飞机和海军舰艇。中国最近的演习演练了对台湾的封锁,该战略可切断台湾的燃料和食品供应,同时彰显北京的军事实力。

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