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Miss England finalist becomes first in pageant's history to compete without makeup

来源:中国日报    2022-09-01 08:30

        A Miss England finalist has become the first ever beauty queen to compete without wearing any makeup in the pageant's nearly century-long history.        一名入围英格兰小姐选美决赛的选手成为这项比赛长达近一个世纪的历史上完全素颜参赛的第一人。
        Melisa Raouf, a 20-year-old college student from south London, moved forward at the pageant's semifinals on Monday after opting for a barefaced look. Now, she'll compete in the finals this October for the crown.        来自伦敦南部的20岁女大学生梅丽莎·拉乌夫在选择以素颜参加8月22日的英格兰小姐选美半决赛后顺利晋级。如今,她将在10月份的决赛中角逐桂冠。
        "It means a lot to me as I feel many girls of different ages wear makeup because they feel pressured to do so," Raouf said in an interview with the UK's Independent newspaper.        拉乌夫在接受英国《独立报》的采访时说道:“素颜参赛对我意义重大,因为我认为许多不同年龄段的女孩化妆都是迫于压力。”
        "If one is happy in their own skin we should not be made to cover up our face with makeup. Our flaws make us who we are and that's what makes every individual unique," she added.        “如果一个人觉得素颜很舒服,就不应该被迫化妆。我们的缺陷让我们成为真实的人,让每个人都独一无二。”
        Raouf said that, though she started wearing makeup at a young age, she decided to eschew tradition for the pageant.        拉乌夫说,尽管她从小就开始化妆,但是她决定抛弃这一选美传统。
        "I never felt I met beauty standards. I have recently accepted that I am beautiful in my own skin and that's why I decided to compete with no makeup," she explained in the interview.        她在访谈中解释道:“我以前从来不觉得我符合审美标准。直到最近我才意识到,素颜的自己就很美,这是我决定素颜参赛的原因。”
        In May, Raouf posted a selfie on Instagram from the "bare face" round of the competition, writing that she was "embracing blemishes and imperfections."        今年5月在英格兰小姐选美比赛的“素颜”环节中,拉乌夫在Instagram上传了一张自拍照,并写道她要“拥抱瑕疵和不完美”。
        Angie Beasley, director of Miss England, told CNN in a statement on Friday: "We introduced the Bare Face Top Model round in 2019 as most contestants were submitting highly edited images wearing lots of makeup and we wanted to see the real person behind the makeup."        英格兰小姐选美总监安吉·比斯利在8月26日发给美国有线电视新闻网的一份声明中写道:“我们在2019年推出了素颜模特环节,因为多数参赛者提交的都是化了浓妆的精修照,我们想看到妆容背后的真人。”
        According to organizers, Raouf plans to go bare-faced again at the national final in October.        据主办方透露,拉乌夫打算再次素颜参加10月份的全国总决赛。
        "We wish her the best of luck in Miss England, it's a very brave thing to do when everyone else is wearing makeup but she's sending out an important message to young women," Beasley added.        比斯利说道:“我们祝她在英格兰小姐选美决赛中好运,在其他所有选手都化妆的情况下坚持素颜参赛是非常勇敢的行为,但她却向年轻女性传递了一条重要讯息。”

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