美国人均预期寿命两年减少近三岁 新冠疫情是罪魁祸首_OK阅读网
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美国人均预期寿命两年减少近三岁 新冠疫情是罪魁祸首
US life expectancy plunged again in 2021, down nearly a year

来源:中国日报    2022-09-02 08:00

        In the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the estimated American lifespan has shortened by nearly three years. The last comparable decrease happened in the early 1940s, during the height of World War II.在新冠疫情暴发后的前两年,美国人均预期寿命缩短了近三年。上一次类似的下降发生在20世纪40年代初,即第二次世界大战高潮时期。
        “It’s a dismal situation. It was bad before and it’s gotten worse,” said Samuel Preston, a University of Pennsylvania demographer.宾夕法尼亚大学人口统计学家塞缪尔·普雷斯顿说:“这个情况令人沮丧。以前的情况很糟糕,现在更糟。”
        US life expectancy rose for decades, but progress stalled before the pandemic.几十年来,美国的人均预期寿命保持增长,但疫情前开始下降。
        The last time it was that low was in 1996.与1996年的美国人均预期寿命相同。
        Experts say there are many possible reasons for such differences, including lack of access to quality health care, lower vaccination rates, and a greater share of the population in lower-paying jobs that required them to keep working when the pandemic was at its worst.专家表示,可能造成这种差异的原因有很多,包括缺乏高质量的医疗服务、疫苗接种率较低,以及在疫情最严重的时候,更多从事低薪工作的人需要坚持工作。
        Findings in the report:调查结果:
        —COVID-19 deaths were the main reason for the decline. The second largest contributor was deaths from accidental injuries — primarily from drug overdoses, which killed a record-breaking 107,000 Americans last year.-新冠疫情是美国人均预期寿命下降的主要原因。第二大致死原因是意外伤害,其中以药物滥用为主。2021年有107000名美国人死于意外伤害,创历史新高。
        —Hispanic Americans had seen a huge drop in life expectancy in 2020 — four years. But in 2021, life expectancy for them dropped by about two months, to about 77 years, 7 months. -西班牙裔美国人的预期寿命在2020年大幅缩短4年,而在2021年缩短了约两个月,降至约77岁7个月。

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