美国人均预期寿命两年减少近三岁 新冠疫情是罪魁祸首_OK阅读网
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美国人均预期寿命两年减少近三岁 新冠疫情是罪魁祸首
US life expectancy plunged again in 2021, down nearly a year

来源:中国日报    2022-09-02 08:00

        US life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2021, falling by nearly a year from 2020, according to a government report being released Wednesday.8月31日美国官方发布的一份报告显示,2021年美国人均预期寿命连续第二年下降,较2020年缩短了近一年。
        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials blamed COVID-19 for about half the decline in 2021, a year when vaccinations became widely available but new coronavirus variants caused waves of hospitalizations and deaths. Other contributors to the decline are longstanding problems: drug overdoses, heart disease, suicide and chronic liver disease.美国疾病控制与预防中心官员将2021年美国人均预期寿命缩短的一半原因归咎于新冠疫情。2021年疫苗接种已广泛普及,但新变异毒株导致大批感染者住院或死亡。导致美国人均预期寿命缩短的其他原因是长期存在的问题:药物滥用、心脏病、自杀和慢性肝病。
        Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might expect to live, given death rates at that time. It is “the most fundamental indicator of population health in this country,” said Robert Hummer, a University of North Carolina researcher focused on population health patterns.人均预期寿命是根据某一年的死亡率对当年出生的婴儿的平均寿命的预测。北卡罗来纳大学研究人口健康模式的罗伯特·哈默说,这是“美国人口健康的最基本指标”。
        It was 78 years, 10 months in 2019. In 2020, it dropped to 77 years. Last year, it fell to about 76 years, 1 month.2019年美国的人均预期寿命为78年10个月,2020年降至77年。2021年,下降到了76年零1个月。
        Declines during the pandemic were worse for some racial groups, and some gaps widened. For example, life expectancy for American Indian and Alaskan Native people saw a decline of more than 6 1/2 years since the pandemic began, and is at 65 years. In the same span, life expectancy for Asian Americans dropped by about two years, and stands at 83 1/2.新冠疫情期间,美国某些种族群体的人均预期寿命缩短更多,一些差距被拉大。例如,自疫情暴发以来,美国印第安人和阿拉斯加土著人的预期寿命缩短了6.5年以上,达到65岁。在同一时期,亚裔美国人的预期寿命下降了约两年,为83.5岁。
        But it’s likely the declines in 2020 and 2021 will stand as the first two consecutive years of declining life expectancy in the US since the early 1960s, CDC officials said.但美疾控中心官员表示,2020和2021的预期寿命下降可能是自20世纪60年代初以来美国预期寿命首次出现连续两年下降的情况。
        —Life expectancy for women in the United States dropped about 10 months, from just under 80 years in 2020 to slightly more than 79 in 2021. Life expectancy for men dropped a full year, from about 74 years to 73.-美国女性的预期寿命下降了约10个月,从2020年的不到80岁降至2021的79岁多一点。男性的预期寿命整整下降了一年,从约74岁降至73岁。
        —White people saw the second biggest drop among racial and ethnic groups, with life expectancy falling one year, to about 76 years, 5 months. Black Americans had the third largest decline, falling more than eight months, to 70 years, 10 months-美国白人的预期寿命下降了一年,降至76岁零5个月,下降幅度排在第二。美国黑人的预期寿命下降幅度排在第三,下降了8个多月,降至70岁10个月。

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