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来源:中国日报    2022-09-03 08:00

        Did you know that if your TV, computer and other appliances are plugged in, they are quietly draining electricity - all day, every day - even when they are turned off? Electric power consumed by products when they are switched off or in a standby mode is known as standby power (sometimes called vampire power or phantom power).
        Standby power refers to the way electric power is consumed by electronic and electrical appliances while they are switched off or in standby mode.
        待机能耗英文是standby power(待机能耗)。可以翻译成vampire power(电力吸血鬼)、phantom load(幻影负荷)或ghost load(幽灵负荷)。
        This only occurs because some devices claimed to be "switched off" on the electronic interface, but are in a different state from switching off at the plug, or disconnecting from the power point, which can solve the problem of standby power completely.
        The Energy Saving Trust estimates that an individual could save around £40 a year by turning off devices that are not using. Globally, standby consumption, both business and private, accounts for 2% of total electricity consumption and 1% of CO2 emissions.
        ❶ 使用带开关的电源板。电涌保护器往往自带开关,有助于保护电器和电子设备。把家电插在同一个电源板上,不用的时候就直接关闭电源板,这样一来,所有电器的电源就都断开了。
        Use a power strip with switches. Surge protector power strips typically have such switches and help protect your appliances and electronics. If you plug all of your products into a power strip and flip off the power strip when these items are not in use, they are truly off.
        ❷ 随手拔掉插头。有些家电需要随时开着,比如冰箱和卧室里的闹钟。但是很多电器没必要一直插着电源,比如烤箱。
        Unplug your products. Now, there are some products that you will want to keep plugged in, such as the digital alarm clock in your bedroom or the refrigerator. But there are many appliances that you may not need to have plugged in, such as a toaster oven.
        ❸ 考虑使用节能电器。许多节能电器的待机能耗相对更低。
        Consider using energy-saving products. Many energy-saving products have lower standby power than other products.

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