2022年服贸会圆满收官 为世界经济复苏注入动力_OK阅读网
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2022年服贸会圆满收官 为世界经济复苏注入动力
CIFTIS ends, sees large number of deals, agreements, product launches

来源:中国日报    2022-09-06 16:24

        The grand event, which concluded on Monday in Beijing, saw 1,339 deals clinched, including 513 commercial transactions, 175 investment agreements and 173 releases of new product and service solutions, according to the fair's organizing committee.        据执委会介绍,9月5日在北京落幕的服贸会共达成各类成果1339个,其中成交项目类513个、投资类175个、首发创新类173个。
        Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce, said the government will push the implementation of upgrading strategies in pilot free trade zones, support the growth of trade in services and provide foreign companies with greater transparency and certainty in the services field.        商务部副部长王受文表示,政府将加快实施自贸区的提升战略,以更大的力度推动服务贸易的扩大开放,给予外国企业服务提供者更大的准入透明度和确定性。
        Ding Yong, head of the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, said 128 forums and 65 business promotional activities had been held during the fair. More than 10,200 domestic and foreign companies participated in the event in both offline and online forms this year, exceeding the scale seen in 2021.        北京市商务局局长丁勇介绍,本次服贸会举办了128场专题论坛和65场推介洽谈活动。今年线上线下参展企业10200余家,超越了2021年服贸会规模。
        Covering an exhibition area of more than 15,200 square meters and focusing on nine themes, including financial, educational, healthcare and supply chain management services, the 2022 CIFTIS featured over 446 Fortune 500 companies and industry-leading enterprises, which had set up booths, said the event's organizer.        主办方称,2022服贸会展览展示总面积超15.2万平方米,聚焦9个专题展,包括金融服务、教育服务、健康卫生服务和供应链及商务服务,共有446家世界500强及行业龙头企业设立展位。
        In particular, it was the first time that the fair featured an environmental service section, covering an area of 16,700 square meters and comprising five themed exhibitions on low-carbon energy, climate, carbon economy, carbon neutrality and green technology.        值得注意的是,本届服贸会首次设立环境服务展区,占地面积达16700平方米,包括低碳能源、气候与碳经济、碳中和与绿色技术等五大专区。
        Pushed by fast-growing business sectors such as knowledge-intensive services and foreign culture trade, the value of China's trade in services jumped 20.7 percent year-on-year to 3.39 trillion yuan ($491.23 billion) in the first seven months of 2022, data from the commerce ministry showed.        商务部数据显示,在知识密集型服务和对外文化贸易等快速增长领域的推动下,今年1-7月,我国服务进出口总额3.39万亿元,同比增长20.7%。
        Ann Derwin, ambassador of Ireland to China, said CIFTIS is a "bridge between China and the rest of the world".        爱尔兰驻华大使安黛文表示,服贸会是连接中国与世界的桥梁。
        Despite the challenges facing the global economy and a tough trading environment, the Chinese economy has shown strong resilience. The fair has played a positive role in China's continued promotion of global trade, and sent a positive signal to overseas companies interested in expanding their business in China, especially in the area of trade in services, she said.        安黛文认为,尽管全球经济面临挑战,贸易环境艰难,中国经济依然表现出强大韧性。服贸会为中国继续促进国际贸易发挥了积极作用,对有意来华拓展业务的海外公司发出了积极信号,向国际合作伙伴、服务贸易领域的企业打开了中国的大门。

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