科学家发明蟑螂机器人 可用于搜索和救援任务_OK阅读网
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科学家发明蟑螂机器人 可用于搜索和救援任务
Scientists create a remote-controlled cyborg cockroach

来源:中国日报    2022-09-07 08:00

        While it may sound like something that has crawled out of your nightmares, cyborg cockroaches have arrived as friends rather than foes.
        Scientists in Japan have designed a new remote-controlled insect, equipped with a battery 'backpack' that is powered by solar panels.日本科学家设计了一款新型遥控蟑螂机器人,它配备了由太阳能电池板供电的电池“背包”。
        The researchers from the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research had to install some components into a tiny pack to allow for all the roach's natural movements.来自RIKEN Cluster的研究人员进行了开创性的研究,他们必须将一些组件安装到一个小背包中,以便让蟑螂自由行动。
        Famously able to survive a nuclear war, cockroaches have been the inspiration for a number of technologies in recent years.众所周知,蟑螂能够在核战争中幸存下来,近年来,它一直是许多技术的灵感来源。
        The cockroaches are still alive, but wires attached to their two 'cerci' - sensory organs on the end of their abdomens - send electrical impulses that cause the insect to move right or left.蟑螂机器人是有生命的,但连接在蟑螂腹部末端的两个感觉器官“尾蚴”上的电线发出电脉冲,控制它左右移动。
        While it's possible to build docking stations for recharging the battery, the need to return and recharge could disrupt time-sensitive missions.虽然可以建造充电站为电池充电,但返回充电可能会使时间紧迫的任务中断。
        Therefore, they designed an on-board solar cell that could continuously ensure that the cockroach stays charged while it works.因此,他们设计了一种太阳能电池,可以持续确保蟑螂在工作时保持充电。
        The solution, published in npj Flexible Electronics, was to design a special 'backpack' that could neatly carry both the wireless leg-control module and rechargeable lithium polymer battery.于是研究人员设计了一种特殊的背包,以便于蟑螂携带遥控模块和可充电锂聚合物电池。这一研究成果发表在《npj-柔性电子》上。
        It allowed for this electronic device to be stably mounted on the insect for over a month, while leaving space elsewhere on the body to implant the solar panel.这种电子设备可以固定在蟑螂身上一个多月,同时还留出空间给蟑螂植入太阳能电池板。

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