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Texas tax revenue jumps by record 26% as inflation rages

来源:中国日报    2022-09-07 17:43

        Texas is raking in a record-high amount in tax revenue, thanks in part to economic growth and surging inflation pushing the cost of everyday goods higher.        由于经济增长以及通胀飙升导致日用品成本上升,美国得州税收额创下历史新高。
        The Lone Star State collected $77.2 billion in taxes in the fiscal year through August, up 25.6% from the previous fiscal year, according to a release from state Comptroller Glenn Hegar.        得州审计长格伦·赫格发布的一份报告显示,截至今年8月的财年得州共收税772亿美元,较上一财年增长25.6%。
        Sales tax revenue, meanwhile, totaled about $43 million, about a 19.3% increase from fiscal year 2021.        同时,征收销售税共计约4300万美元,较2021财年增长约19.3%。
        "Over the last many months, economic growth and inflation have driven higher sales tax collections as demand remains strong and businesses and consumers continue to pay elevated prices for goods," Hegar said in the release.        赫格在报告中称:“过去几个月,经济增长和通货膨胀导致销售税增加,因为需求依然强劲,企业和消费者继续为商品支付更高的价格。”
        The increase in tax revenue has only been in the double digits five times since 1988, according to Hegar, and even then the jump only ranged from 10% to 13%.        赫格表示,自1988年以来,税收增长只有五次达到两位数,即使如此,增幅也只有10%到13%。
        Texas does not have a state income tax or a corporate income tax, meaning that it depends heavily on its sales tax to generate revenue. Sales tax revenue tends to increase during periods of high inflation, because the price of everyday consumer goods like food, gasoline and clothing is also more expensive.        得州没有州所得税或公司所得税,这意味着该州财政收入严重依赖销售税。在高通胀时期,由于食品、汽油和服装等日常消费品的价格升高,销售税往往会增加。
        "The strong growth in August came from receipts remitted by the oil and gas mining sector, which were up by nearly 80% compared with a year ago," Hegar said.        赫格称:“得州石油和天然气开采行业纳税额同比增长了近80%,推动8月份税收强劲增长。”
        Inflation has ripped higher over the past 12 months, regularly hitting new records each month. Although the torrid pace of inflation cooled slightly in July, the consumer price index remained at 8.5%, near the highest level in four decades.        在过去的12个月里,美国通货膨胀率不断攀升,接连创下新高。尽管7月份的通胀率略有下降,但消费者价格指数仍保持在8.5%,接近40年来的最高水平。
        Millions of Americans could be in store for higher taxes as a result of the hottest inflation in 40 years. That's because of a phenomenon known as "bracket creep," which happens when taxpayers are pushed into higher-income brackets even though their purchasing power is essentially unchanged due to steeper prices for most goods.        由于美国正遭遇40年来最严重的通货膨胀危机,数百万美国人可能面临更高的税收。这是“税级攀升”现象导致的,也就是纳税人被推到更高收入等级,但由于物价上涨,他们的购买力基本上没有变化。
        For instance, a hypothetical Delaware resident who earned $60,000 in taxable income in 2019 and now makes $64,000 has not actually seen an increase in real income; the $64,000 she earns today has about the same purchasing power as the $60,000 she made in 2019.        例如,假设一名特拉华州居民在2019年的应税收入为6万美元,现在为6.4万美元,但因为通胀,她的收入实际上并没有增加;她今天挣的6.4万美元的购买力与她2019年挣的6万美元差不多。
        On top of that, because her state's income tax brackets are not indexed to inflation, that higher salary pushes her into a higher property tax rate (6.6%), whereas before she was paying a rate of 5.5%. Though the resident's purchasing power is unchanged, her tax bill rises by $264.        除此之外,由于该州的所得税等级不与通货膨胀挂钩,因此较高的工资使她的纳税率升高至6.6%,而在此之前的税率为5.5%。尽管购买力没有变化,但该居民的税单却增加了264美元。

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