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Solomon Islands Suspends Visits by Foreign Military Ships, Raising Concerns in U.S.

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-31 02:43

        WASHINGTON — The Solomon Islands has suspended visits by U.S. and other foreign military vessels, American officials said Tuesday, raising concerns in Washington that the Pacific nation is turning away from engagement with the United States in favor of working with China.        华盛顿——美国官员周二表示,所罗门群岛已暂停美国和其他外国军舰访问,这引发了华盛顿方面的担忧,即这个太平洋国家正在放弃与美国的接触,转而与中国合作。
        The Solomon Islands gave notice of the decision after a U.S. Coast Guard ship and a British Royal Naval ship failed to get timely approvals last week to make routine stops in a port.        上周,一艘美国海岸警卫队的船只和一艘英国皇家海军军舰未能及时获得在港口进行例行停靠的批准,此后,所罗门群岛通知了这一决定。
        The Solomon Islands government formally notified the United States on Monday that it had placed a moratorium on all foreign military ship visits pending a review of protocols and procedures, Vedant Patel, a deputy spokesman for the State Department, said Tuesday.        美国国务院副发言人韦丹·帕特尔周二表示,所罗门群岛政府周一正式通知美国,在对协议和程序完成审查之前,已暂停所有外国军舰访问。
        The move appeared to be a rebuke of the United States, which has sent top officials to the Solomon Islands in recent months to strengthen relations.        此举似乎是对美国的非难,美国近几个月已派出高级官员前往所罗门群岛加强关系。
        Mr. Patel said he did not have information on whether China had suggested the suspension or if the Chinese navy had recently visited the country.        帕特尔说,他不了解暂停是否由中国提议,或者中国海军近期是否访问过该国。
        Documents leaked in March revealed that the administration of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Chinese officials had signed a secret security agreement that would allow the Solomon Islands to call on China to send military and security forces to the country if needed. Terms of the agreement said the deal was to remain secret, but opponents of it shared copies of a draft online. The Australian government, which sees the Pacific islands as within its sphere of influence, verified the authenticity of the documents.        3月份泄露的文件显示,总理梅纳西·索加瓦雷的政府与中国官员签署了一份秘密安全协议,允许所罗门群岛在需要时要求中国向该国派遣军事和安全部队。协议条款称该交易将保密,但反对派将一份草案副本放到了网上。将太平洋岛屿视为其势力范围的澳大利亚政府证实了这些文件的真实性。
        Some analysts said the agreement could open the way for Chinese troops and naval ships to establish a presence in the Solomon Islands, which played a pivotal role in World War II. In August 1942, American-led forces and the Japanese military began fighting an intense six-month series of battles in and around Guadalcanal, the country’s main island. About 7,000 American troops died, but the U.S. military triumphed, which paved the way for its efforts to retake the Philippines and attack the islands of Japan.        一些分析人士表示,该协议可能为中国军队和海军舰艇在所罗门群岛建立军事存在开辟道路,该群岛在“二战”中曾经发挥关键作用。1942年8月,以美国为首的军队和日本军队开始在该国的主要岛屿瓜达尔卡纳尔岛及其周边地区激烈战斗了六个月。大约7000名美军阵亡,但美军取得了胜利,这为其重新夺回菲律宾和攻击日本岛屿的努力铺平了道路。
        National security officials in both the Trump and Biden administrations have feared that China would gain a foothold in the Solomon Islands and cut off the U.S. Navy’s ability to project power and support partners and allies in the Asia-Pacific region.        特朗普和拜登政府的国家安全官员都担心中国会在所罗门群岛获得立足点,切断美国海军在亚太地区的军力投射、支持合作伙伴与盟国的能力。
        The Coast Guard vessel, the Oliver Henry, had to divert to Papua New Guinea after the Solomon Islands failed to respond to a request to dock for a routine refueling stop, U.S. officials say.        美国官员说,在所罗门群岛未能回应海岸警卫队的“奥利弗·亨利”号例行加油的停靠请求后,该舰艇不得不改道前往巴布亚新几内亚。
        The vessel had been in the region as part of operations coordinated by the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency to monitor illegal or unregulated fishing. The British naval ship that was not given timely approval, the H.M.S. Spey, was involved in the same operation.        这艘船因参与太平洋岛国论坛渔业局协调的监测非法或无管制捕捞的行动而在该地区航行。参与同一行动的英国海军舰艇“斯佩号”也没有得到及时的批准。
        “It’s disappointing that the Oliver Henry was not provided diplomatic clearance in support of this operation,” Mr. Patel said.        “‘奥利弗·亨利号’对行动的支持没有获得外交上的许可,这令人失望,”帕特尔说。
        Mr. Sogavare issued a statement on Tuesday saying there had been delays in information sharing and asking other nations to “give us time to review, and put in place our new processes, before sending further requests for military vessels to enter the country.”        索加瓦雷周二发表声明称,信息共享出现了延误,并要求其他国家“在为军队舰艇进入所罗门群岛发送更多申请前,给我们一些时间用于审查以及落实新流程”。
        A Pentagon official said U.S. diplomats in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, had been in touch with counterparts in the government there about ship visit procedures and requisite clearances.        五角大楼的一名官员表示,驻所罗门群岛首府霍尼亚拉的美国外交官已就船舶访问程序和必要的许可联络了当地政府官员。
        Charles Edel, Australia chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a former State Department official, said a denial of a visit by a U.S. military vessel was not in itself a significant concern.        战略与国际研究中心澳大利亚主席、前国务院官员查尔斯·埃德尔表示,拒绝美国军舰访问本身并不是一个重大问题。
        But “given the larger context of Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare’s recent signing of a secretive security agreement with China, his acceptance of a bid from Huawei to build cell towers in the Solomon Islands and his increasing reluctance to cooperate with the U.S. and Australia, this decision reflects a concerning trend,” he said.        但“鉴于所罗门群岛总理索加瓦雷最近与中国签署了一项秘密安全协议、接受了华为在所罗门群岛建造手机信号塔的投标,以及越来越不愿意与美国和澳大利亚合作,这一决定反映了一个令人担忧的趋势”,他说。
        “These indications suggest that Sogavare is increasingly looking to bring the Solomon Islands closer to China, and further away from the U.S., Australia and the rest of the Pacific Island community,” Mr. Edel added.        “这些迹象表明,索加瓦雷越来越希望让所罗门群岛靠近中国,远离美国、澳大利亚和太平洋岛国的其他国家,”埃德尔补充说。
        The United States has scrambled to try to blunt China’s influence in the Solomon Islands. In early August, Wendy R. Sherman, the deputy secretary of state, and Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to Australia, took part in a ceremony there that marked the 80th anniversary of the Guadalcanal battles. Both their fathers were wounded in the fighting.        美国已经忙于削弱中国在所罗门群岛的影响力。8月初,副国务卿温迪·谢尔曼和美国驻澳大利亚大使卡罗琳·肯尼迪在那里参加了纪念瓜达尔卡纳尔岛战役80周年的仪式。他们的父亲都在那场战役中受过伤。
        In April, Kurt Campbell, the top official on Asia policy in the White House, and Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific, were in a U.S. delegation that traveled to the Solomon Islands in part to warn Mr. Sogavare about his security agreement with China.        4月,白宫亚洲政策高级官员库尔特·坎贝尔和负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿丹尼尔·克里滕布林克参加了一个前往所罗门群岛的美国代表团,部分原因是为了就索加瓦雷与中国的安全协议向他发出警告。
        In February, Antony J. Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, announced during a visit to Fiji that the United States planned to reopen its embassy in the Solomon Islands after a closure of 29 years.        今年2月,美国国务卿布林肯在访问斐济时宣布,计划将关闭了29年的美国驻所罗门群岛大使馆重新开放。
        In 2019, Mr. Sogavare cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the self-governing, democratic island that Chinese leaders want to bring under their rule, and established formal relations with China. But he has insisted his nation does not intend to host a Chinese naval base.        2019年,索加瓦雷与台湾断交,并与中国正式建交。中国领导人希望将自治民主岛屿台湾置于其统治之下。但索加瓦雷坚称,他的国家不打算设立中国海军基地。
        Last year, anti-China sentiments contributed to deadly protests and riots against Mr. Sogavare in Honiara. People burned and looted stores in the Chinatown area of the capital, and three bodies were found in one building there.        去年,反华情绪助长了首都霍尼亚拉针对索加瓦雷的致命抗议和骚乱。人们在该市的唐人街地区烧毁和抢劫商店,在那里的一栋建筑物中发现了三具尸体。

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