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U.S. Warships Sail Taiwan Strait, Defying Chinese Pressure

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-29 11:02

        HONG KONG — The U.S. Navy said that two of its warships were sailing through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the first such passage by American ships since China began large-scale military exercises in response to a visit to Taiwan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi early this month.        香港——美国海军表示,周日有两艘军舰驶过台湾海峡,这是自中国为回应议长南希·佩洛西本月初访台开始大规模军演以来,美国军舰首次进行此类航行。
        The guided-missile cruisers Antietam and Chancellorsville were conducting what the Navy’s Seventh Fleet called “a routine Taiwan Strait transit.” American officials said this month that the Navy would continue to operate around Taiwan, despite China’s claims to control the waterway.        “安提坦号”和“钱瑟洛斯维尔号”导弹巡洋舰正在执行海军第七舰队所谓的“例行台湾海峡过境”。美国官员本月表示,尽管中国声称对该航道拥有控制权,但海军将继续在台湾周边开展行动。
        China has warned the United States against sailing warships in the Taiwan Strait and said that it would respond to what it considers threats to its sovereignty. The Chinese military said on Sunday in a statement that it had monitored the ships’ passage but did not indicate any additional response.        中国警告美国不要在台湾海峡航行军舰,并表示,将对认定为威胁中国主权的行为作出回应。中国军方周日在一份声明中表示,它对美舰过航行动全程跟监警戒,但没有做出任何更多的回应。
        “Eastern theater forces remain on high alert, ready to thwart any provocation,” it said.        声明说:“战区部队保持高度戒备,随时做好挫败任何挑衅准备。”
        After Ms. Pelosi visited Taiwan on Aug. 2-3, China launched missiles into waters that are part of Japan’s exclusive economic zone and carried out 72 hours of live fire exercises around Taiwan that simulated a potential blockade of the island. China considers self-governed Taiwan to be part of its territory, although the Communist Party has never controlled the island.        在佩洛西于8月2日至3日访台后,中国向属于日本专属经济区的水域发射了导弹,并在台湾周围进行了72小时的实弹演习,模拟对该岛的可能封锁。中国认为自治岛屿台湾是其领土的一部分,尽管共产党从未控制过该岛。
        Beijing has long sought to isolate Taiwan internationally and called Ms. Pelosi’s visit, the first by a House speaker in 25 years, a breach of the status quo under which the United States does not maintain official ties with Taiwan. Her trip was followed by visits from three more groups of American officials and a delegation of Japanese lawmakers.        北京长期以来一直试图在国际上孤立台湾,并称佩洛西的访问打破了美台不保持官方关系的现状。佩洛西此行是众议院议长25年来首次访台。另有三批美国官员和一个日本议员代表团继佩洛西之后访问了台湾。
        Analysts said that the extensive drills following Ms. Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan meant China would probably continue to rely on military exercises in response to perceived provocations in the area.        分析人士表示,佩洛西访台后的大规模演习意味着,中国可能会继续依靠军事演习来应对该地区被视作挑衅的行为。
        “If the U.S. or Taiwan do something they don’t like, they are likely to carry out similar naval and air activities — maybe not a missile firing, but naval and air exercises to make the point that you have done something to make China unhappy,” said Phillip C. Saunders, director of the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the Institute for National Strategic Studies in Washington. “That is what I see as the new normal going forward.”        “如果美国或台湾做了他们不喜欢的事情,他们可能会进行类似的海空活动——也许不是发射导弹,而是进行海空演习,以表明你做了一些让中国不高兴的事情,”华盛顿国家战略研究所中国军事研究中心主任菲利普·桑德斯说。“我认为这就是未来的新常态。”
        Chinese officials have called on the United States to halt military activities in the region and accused the Americans of exacerbating tensions.        中国官员呼吁美国停止在该地区的军事活动,并指责美国加剧了紧张局势。
        “The U.S. side has done too much and gone too far in this region,” Qin Gang, the Chinese ambassador to the United States, said in mid-August.        “美方在这一地区做得太过了,”中国驻美国大使秦刚8月中旬表示。
        “I do call on American colleagues to exercise restraint, not to do anything to escalate the tension,” Mr. Qin added. “So if there’s any move damaging China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, China will respond.”        秦刚还说:“在此我呼吁美国同事保持克制,不要使紧张局势升级。如果美方采取任何损害中国主权和领土完整的举动,中方将作出反应。”
        The U.S. Navy said that its ships did not sail through any territorial waters while transiting the Taiwan Strait and that the passage was meant to uphold the freedom to navigate the high seas.        美国海军表示,巡洋舰在通过台湾海峡时没有驶过任何领海,该过航旨在维护公海航行自由。
        “These ships transited through a corridor in the strait that is beyond the territorial sea of any coastal state,” the Seventh Fleet said in a written statement on Sunday. “The ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the United States’ commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. The United States military flies, sails and operates anywhere international law allows.”        “巡洋舰仅驶过海峡中的一条走廊,该走廊不属于任何沿海国的领海,”第七舰队周日在一份书面声明中说。“巡洋舰通过台湾海峡表明了美国对自由和开放的印太地区的承诺。美国军队在国际法允许的任何地方飞行、航行和行动。”
        Taiwan’s military said that the two American warships had sailed from north to south through the strait and that their voyage appeared “normal.”        台湾军方表示,两艘美国军舰从北向南驶过海峡,航程看来“正常”。
        “During their southward journey through the strait, the national army had grasped the relevant dynamics of the surrounding sea and airspace throughout the whole process, and the situation was normal,” Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said in a statement.        台湾国防部在一份声明中说:“通过台湾海峡南驶期间,国军全程掌握我周边海、空域相关动态,状况均正常。”

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