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Public cloud to double to $90b by 2025 in nation

来源:中国日报    2022-08-31 15:10

        China's next wave of cloud migration is expected to be spearheaded by critical industrial and manufacturing sectors, and the country's public cloud market will more than double from $32 billion in 2021 to $90 billion by 2025, said global management consulting firm McKinsey& Company.        全球管理咨询公司麦肯锡近日发布的报告指出,中国的下一波云迁移浪潮可能会由工业和制造业等关键领域来引领。中国的公有云市场规模有望在未来几年再增长一倍以上,从2021年的320亿美元增长到2025年的900亿美元。
        According to the latest report from McKinsey, despite a relatively late start, China has made enormous progress in terms of cloud migration speed and has become the world's second-largest cloud market.        麦肯锡最新发布的报告称,虽然起步相对较晚,但中国在云计算的迁移速度上可谓突飞猛进,已然成为全球第二大市场。
        Over the next few years, the speed of cloud migration in China will be broadly in line with the rest of the world, with a 19-percentage-point increase expected in IT workloads shifting to the cloud between 2021 and 2025.        未来几年,中国的云迁移速度将与世界其他地区基本保持一致,2021年至2025年间,将有19%的IT工作负载转向云端。
        However, China differs from other countries in its high proportion of private cloud, which is expected to reach 42 percent by 2025, compared with 36 percent for the public cloud.        但中国与其他国家与地区的区别在于其私有云占比很高,到2025年有望达到42%,届时公有云占比约为36%。
        McKinsey's survey suggested that only 11 percent of the companies surveyed plan to be mostly on the public cloud. The remainder will continue to use a private cloud with traditional servers or use a hybrid cloud.        麦肯锡调研显示,只有11%的受访企业计划以使用公有云为主。其余受访企业将会继续搭配使用私有云与传统服务器,或者使用混合云。
        "Cloud adoption is strongly correlated with digital transformation. By 2025, 78 percent of all IT workloads will be on cloud in China," said Kai Shen, partner at McKinsey. "But when we look across the cloud adoption of business use cases with P&L impact, we find that adoption rates are much lower at between 0 percent to 25 percent."        麦肯锡全球董事合伙人沈愷介绍说,“数字化转型与云采用是高度相关的。到2025年,中国78%的IT工作负载将在云上部署。尽管如此,当我们仔细去看那些直接影响企业利润表的商业用例时,我们发现它们的云采用率是极低的,仅在0%到25%之间。”
        P&L is an indicator that can show a company's ability to increase its profit, either by reducing costs and expenses or increasing sales.        损益表(P&L)可以显示一个公司通过减少成本和费用,或增加销售来提升利润的能力。
        "It demonstrates that Chinese companies still have enormous opportunities to develop, adopt and scale use of cloud, for example in dynamic pricing and personalization, digital twins and three-dimensional simulations, sales forecasting and inventory optimization," he said.        “这说明在开发、采用和扩大云计算用例方面,中国企业仍有巨大的机会。例如,动态定价和个性化、数字孪生和3D模拟、销售预测和库存优化”。
        In terms of industries, the report also pointed out that sectors with numerous tech-savvy and digital-native companies, such as e-commerce and education, have already shifted a significant portion of their IT workloads to the cloud in China.        报告还指出,从行业上看,许多行业拥有众多精通科技以及数字原生企业,诸如电商和教育行业,这些行业已将绝大多数IT工作负载转移到云端。
        Labor-intensive industrial and manufacturing sectors, on the contrary, have not done that. But that could quickly change given the latest national policy guidance, it added.        但包括劳动力密集型的工业和制造业等其他领域还处于落后状态。在最新的国家政策引导下,这种情况很快就会改变。

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