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What We Know About Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Former Prime Minister

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-23 03:31

        Pakistan faces a political flash point after the police filed terrorism charges this weekend against Imran Khan, the former prime minister who has staged an improbable comeback after his ouster earlier this year.        巴基斯坦前总理伊姆兰·汗今年早些时候被赶下台后出人意料地东山再起。上周末,警方对他提出恐怖主义指控,成为巴基斯坦的政治引爆点。
        The conditions that precipitated Mr. Khan’s fall — rising prices of food, the country’s heavy debt and the loss of the military’s support — have only worsened under the current government. In July, residents of Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous state, showed their displeasure by handing Mr. Khan’s party, Tehreek-e-Insaf, a sweeping victory in local elections.        粮食价格上涨,国家债务沉重,失去军方支持,这些促使汗下台的因素在现任政府的领导下只是变得更糟。今年7月,巴基斯坦人口最多的旁遮普邦的居民在地方选举中让汗的政党正义运动获得大胜,以此表达他们的不满。
        Buoyed by that success, Mr. Khan has renewed his call to hold general elections earlier than planned. But the government, Mr. Khan and his allies say, has responded with a crackdown on him and his party in a bid to prevent him from returning to power. Mr. Khan on Sunday blamed Pakistan’s powerful military, which once backed him.        受到这一成功的鼓舞,汗再次呼吁提前举行大选。但汗和他的盟友表示,政府对他和他的政党进行了镇压,以阻止他重新掌权。汗周日指责了掌握重权且曾经支持他的巴基斯坦军方。
        Authorities have yet to arrest Mr. Khan. He was granted a form of bail on Monday, which is allowed in Pakistan before an arrest is made.        当局尚未逮捕汗。周一,他获得了某种形式的保释,这是巴基斯坦在逮捕前允许的。
        Here’s what you need to know about the situation in Pakistan:        以下是你需要了解的巴基斯坦的情况:
        Mr. Khan is accused of intimidating government officials.        汗被指控恐吓政府官员。
        In a speech on Saturday, the former prime minister threatened to sue police officers and a judge involved in the case of a senior aide, Shahbaz Gill, who Mr. Khan said was tortured while in police custody. Officials have denied those claims.        在周六的演讲中,这位前总理威胁要起诉与高级助手沙赫巴兹·吉尔一案有关的警官和一名法官。汗说,吉尔在被警方拘留期间遭受了酷刑。官员们否认了这些说法。
        After Mr. Khan’s speech, a complaint was filed with the police, accusing him of trying to intimidate the country’s judiciary and police force, local news media reported. A case was registered against Mr. Khan under Pakistan’s terrorism law, but it is not clear whether there is an arrest warrant or what the exact charges are.        据当地新闻媒体报道,汗发表演讲后,警方收到举报,称他试图恐吓该国的司法和警察部队。根据巴基斯坦的恐怖主义法,汗被立案,但目前还不清楚是否有逮捕令或具体的指控。
        Mr. Khan has not yet responded publicly to the charges. Leaders of his party have vowed to take to the streets if he is arrested.        汗尚未对这些指控作出公开回应。他所在政党的领导人誓言,如果他被捕,将会上街游行。
        Mr. Khan’s aide, Mr. Gill, was detained after he called for military officers to defy orders from the top brass. The popular cable television channel on which Mr. Gill made those comments, ARY News, was forced off the air. Over the weekend, Pakistan’s media regulator ordered television channels to stop carrying Mr. Khan’s speeches live, saying he was “spreading hate speech.”        汗的助手吉尔在呼吁军官违抗上级命令后被捕。播出吉尔这番言论的著名有线电视频道ARY新闻被迫停播。上周末,巴基斯坦媒体监管机构下令电视频道停止直播汗的演讲,称他在“传播仇恨言论”。
        Mr. Khan had an atypical rise to political leader.        汗以一种非典型的方式崛起成为政治领袖。
        Born to an affluent family in Lahore and educated at Oxford University, Mr. Khan rose to international prominence in the late 1970s on the cricket pitch. By the time he led Pakistan in 1992 to its only World Cup triumph, he had become a regular in London’s fashionable crowd. In 1995, he married a British heiress, Jemima Goldsmith.        汗出生在拉合尔的一个富裕家庭,曾在牛津大学接受教育。上世纪70年代末,他在板球场上声名鹊起。1992年,他带领巴基斯坦获得了唯一一次世界杯冠军,当时他已成为伦敦时尚界的常客。1995年,他与英国女继承人杰迈玛·戈德史密斯结婚。
        A year later, Mr. Khan tried to parlay his cricket popularity into a political career, establishing his own party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or the Movement for Justice. As a politician, he painted a picture of himself as a reformer offering an alternative to the entrenched political dynasties.        一年后,汗试图利用自己在板球运动中建立起来的声望开始政治生涯,他创立了自己的政党巴基斯坦正义运动。作为一名政治人士,他把自己描绘成一名改革者,是根深蒂固的政治王朝之外的另一种选择。
        For over a decade, Mr. Khan struggled to make political inroads and was mocked for his political ambitions. But by 2011, he began drawing hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis to his rallies. Many were energized by a populist message against corruption and American influence.        十多年来,汗一直难以取得政治上的进展,并因其政治野心而受到嘲笑。但到了2011年,他开始吸引数十万巴基斯坦人参加他的集会。许多人被他反对腐败和美国影响的民粹主义信息所鼓舞。
        By then, he had embraced a pious form of Islam and sought to transform his personal image.        那时,他已经皈依了一种虔诚的伊斯兰教形式,并试图改变自己的个人形象。
        After winning the backing of military leaders, Mr. Khan was elected Pakistan’s prime minister in 2018. Many of his rivals accused the military of manipulating the election in his favor — an accusation Mr. Khan and the military have denied. He ushered in a new foreign policy, moving away from the United States and closer to Russia and China.        在赢得军方领导人的支持后,汗于2018年当选巴基斯坦总理。他的许多竞争对手指责军方操纵选举,使其对他有利。汗和军方否认了这一指控。他开启了一项新的外交政策,远离美国,向俄罗斯和中国靠拢。
        Mr. Khan’s tenure as prime minister had a premature end.        汗的总理任期提前结束了。
        The global wave of inflation that followed the coronavirus pandemic dealt a severe blow to Pakistan, a country of 220 million people that was already struggling with erratic growth and heavy government debt. The rising cost of food and imports like fuel led to dissatisfaction with Mr. Khan’s handling of the economy.        新冠大流行之后的全球通胀浪潮对巴基斯坦造成了严重打击,这个拥有2.2亿人口的国家本就已经在艰难面对不稳定的经济增长和沉重的政府债务。食品和燃料等进口商品价格的上涨导致人们对汗处理经济的方式感到不满。
        A dispute with military leaders compounded Mr. Khan’s struggles, and by late last year, his tenure began to unwind. He had sought to place a loyal aide and former spy chief in charge of the army over the objections of the military leadership.        与军方领导人的争执加剧了汗的困境,到去年年底,他的地位已经摇摇欲坠。他曾不顾军方领导层的反对,试图让一名忠诚的助手和前间谍头子掌管军队。
        With Mr. Khan appearing to lose the military’s backing, his political rivals became emboldened. They pushed for a vote of no confidence to oust him after he rejected calls to resign. Mr. Khan remained defiant and dismissed the plan for the vote as part of an American conspiracy, without providing any evidence. In a bid to sidestep the vote, he dissolved Parliament and called for new elections.        随着汗似乎失去了军方的支持,他的政治对手变得大胆起来。在他拒绝辞职后,他们推动对他进行不信任投票,把他赶下台。汗仍然对此不屑一顾,称投票计划是美国阴谋的一部分,但没有提供任何证据。为了避免投票,他解散了议会,并要求举行新的选举。
        Mr. Khan’s scorched-earth politics had left him with few friends and little negotiating room. Most of the major opposition leaders had been jailed during his tenure.        汗的焦土政治让他几乎没有朋友,谈判空间也很小。在他任职期间,大多数主要反对派领导人都遭到监禁。
        Mr. Khan’s opponents said his call to dissolve Parliament amounted to a coup and petitioned the Supreme Court, which overturned his move to dissolve Parliament. In April, Mr. Khan became the first prime minister of Pakistan to be removed in a no-confidence vote. His ouster extended a dubious distinction for the country: Not one of its prime ministers has completed a full term in office.        汗的反对者称,他解散议会的呼吁相当于政变,并向最高法院提出上诉,后者推翻了他解散议会的决定。今年4月,汗成为巴基斯坦首位在不信任投票中被免职的总理。他的下台延续了该国一项不太好的特点:没有一位总理完成了任期。
        Mr. Khan staged an improbable comeback.        汗出人意料地东山再起。
        Even though Mr. Khan was removed from office, he continued to have a significant following in Pakistan. He staged political rallies in which he accused the United States, the military and Shehbaz Sharif, the opposition leader who succeeded him as next prime minister, of conspiring to topple his government. American officials, the military and Mr. Sharif have denied those accusations.        尽管被赶下台,汗在巴基斯坦仍有大量追随者。他举行政治集会,指责美国、军方以及接替他出任总理的反对派领袖夏巴兹·谢里夫阴谋推翻他的政府。美国官员、军方和谢里夫都否认了这些指控。
        This summer, Mr. Khan proved that he remained a powerful force in Pakistani politics. In July, his party won a sweeping victory in elections in Punjab, a bellwether for national politics. The economic issues that helped lead to Mr. Khan’s fall have also become a problem for the new government.        今年夏天,汗证明自己在巴基斯坦政坛仍然是一股强大的力量。7月,他的政党在全国政治的风向标旁遮普邦的选举中大获全胜。导致汗下台的经济问题也成了新政府的问题。
        Mr. Sharif has raised electricity and fuel prices as he tries to get the economy back on track. He has also ended some government subsidies to revive a $6 billion bailout plan from the International Monetary Fund that was suspended after Mr. Khan’s administration failed to meet some conditions of the loan.        为了让经济重回正轨,谢里夫提高了电力和燃料价格。他还终止了一些政府补贴,以恢复国际货币基金组织一项60亿美元的救助计划,该计划在汗的政府未能满足一些贷款条件后被暂停。
        Buoyed by the victory in Punjab, Mr. Khan renewed his call for the government to hold general elections earlier than 2023, the scheduled date.        在旁遮普邦的胜利鼓舞下,汗再次呼吁政府在原定日期2023年之前举行大选。
        Mr. Khan added to his momentum this month when his party also fared well in elections in Karachi, Pakistan’s economic hub.        本月,汗的政党在巴基斯坦经济中心卡拉奇的选举中也取得了不错的成绩,这进一步增强了他的势头。

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