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Facebook, Twitter and Others Remove Pro-U.S. Influence Campaign

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-25 01:30

        SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter have removed an influence operation from their networks that promoted U.S. foreign policy interests abroad, according to a report on Wednesday by researchers from the Stanford Internet Observatory and the research company Graphika.        旧金山——根据斯坦福互联网观察站和研究公司Graphika研究人员周三发布的报告,Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp和Twitter从其网络中清除了一项旨在促进美国海外外交政策利益的影响力行动。
        It was the first time that an influence campaign pushing U.S. interests abroad had been discovered and taken down from the social media platforms. The operation, which ran for almost five years on eight social networks and messaging apps, promoted the views, values and goals of the United States while attacking the interests of Russia, China, Iran and other countries, the researchers found.        这是这些社交媒体平台首次发现并清除向海外推动美国利益的影响力运动。研究人员发现,该行动在八个社交网络和消息应用程序上运行了近五年,在宣传美国的观点、价值观和目标的同时,攻击俄罗斯、中国、伊朗和其他国家的利益。
        The accounts behind the operation often posed as news outlets or took on the personas of people who didn’t exist, posting content in at least seven languages, including Russian, Arabic and Urdu. The posts criticized countries like Russia for engaging in “imperialist wars” in Syria and Africa, while praising American aid efforts in Central Asia and Iraq.        该行动背后的帐户经常冒充新闻媒体或扮演虚构角色,以至少七种语言发布内容,包括俄语、阿拉伯语和乌尔都语。这些帖子批评俄罗斯等国家在叙利亚和非洲进行“帝国主义战争”,同时赞扬美国在中亚和伊拉克作出的援助。
        Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, said the “country of origin” of the accounts was the United States, while Twitter said the “presumptive countries of origin” for the accounts were the United States and Britain, according to the report.        报告称,拥有Facebook、Instagram和WhatsApp的Meta表示,这些帐户的“来源国”是美国,而Twitter表示,这些帐户的“推定来源国”是美国和英国。
        “It’s the first time we’ve seen something like this,” said Renée DiResta, research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory. “It’s the first time we’ve seen a pro-U.S. foreign influence operation taken down by Twitter and Meta.”        “这是我们第一次看到这样的事情,”斯坦福互联网观察站的研究经理蕾妮·迪雷斯塔说。“这是我们第一次看到Twitter和Meta清除一项亲美的外国影响力行动。”
        Until Wednesday, influence operations backed by nation-states on social networks like Facebook and Twitter have been attributed mainly to Russia, China, Iran and other foreign adversaries of the United States. Russia pioneered many of these online disinformation tactics, using Facebook, Twitter and other social networks to spread divisive messaging among American voters in the 2016 presidential election. China has also used Facebook and Twitter to burnish its image and to undercut accusations of human rights abuses.        直到周三,在Facebook和Twitter等社交网络上由民族国家支持的影响力行动被认为主要来自俄罗斯、中国、伊朗和美国的其他外国对手。在2016年总统大选中,俄罗斯率先使用了许多此类网络虚假信息策略,利用Facebook、Twitter和其他社交网络在美国选民中传播分裂信息。中国也利用Facebook和Twitter来美化自己的形象,削弱对侵犯人权行为的指控。
        Researchers have long suspected that influence operations promoting U.S. interests abroad have been active, though no specific efforts had previously been documented and studied.        长期以来,研究人员怀疑促进美国海外利益的影响力行动始终活跃,尽管此前没有具体的记录和研究。
        The U.S. government does not comment on covert programs. Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said the agency “will look into and assess any information that Facebook or Twitter provides.”        美国政府不对秘密计划发表评论。五角大楼发言人帕特·莱德准将表示,该机构“将调查和评估Facebook或Twitter提供的信息”。
        Twitter and Meta, which do not permit accounts that covertly work together to promote certain narratives, removed the accounts in July and August, according to the report. The other platforms that were used in the operation were Telegram, Google’s YouTube, and the Russian social media networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.        Twitter和Meta不允许帐户暗中合作宣传某些言论,报告称,两家公司在7月和8月删除了这些帐户。该行动使用的其他平台包括Telegram、谷歌的YouTube以及俄罗斯社交媒体网络VKontakte和Odnoklassniki。
        Twitter said it had no comment on the Stanford and Graphika report. Meta did not respond to requests for comment. While the companies have regularly revealed influence operations they remove from their platforms, they have not published a report on the pro-U.S. campaign.        Twitter表示,它对斯坦福和Graphika的报告不予置评。Meta没有回应置评请求。虽然这些公司定期披露从其平台上删除的影响力行动,但尚未发布关于这次亲美行动的报告。
        The only U.S. operations that Meta has previously named were domestic efforts, such as when the company revealed in October 2020 that a marketing firm, Rally Forge, was working with the conservative organization Turning Point USA to target Americans.        Meta此前提到过的唯一一次宣传美国的行动源自国内,该公司在2020年10月透露,一家营销公司Rally Forge正在与保守组织Turning Point USA合作,以针对美国受众。
        In an email, YouTube said it had terminated several channels posting in Arabic, Farsi and Russian to promote U.S. foreign affairs, including channels linked to a U.S. consulting firm, as part of an investigation into coordinated influence operations. It said its findings were similar to those in the Stanford and Graphika report.        YouTube在一封电子邮件中表示,作为对协调影响力行动调查的一部分,已经终止了几个以阿拉伯语、波斯语和俄语发布的宣传美国外交事务的频道,其中一些频道与一家美国咨询公司有关。它表示,其发现与斯坦福和Graphika报告中的发现相似。
        Ms. DiResta said the tactics used in the pro-U.S. influence campaign resembled those used by China. While Russia often seeks to sow divisions in its online campaigns, China is more focused on promoting a rosy picture of life in the country, she said. With the pro-U.S. campaign, the goal was also “to show how awesome the U.S. was in comparison to the other countries,” she said.        迪雷斯塔说,宣传美国影响力运动所使用的策略和中国使用的策略类似。她说,俄罗斯经常试图在其网络活动中制造分歧,而中国更专注于宣传该国美好的生活图景。在宣传美国运动中,其目标也是“展示美国与其他国家相比有多么了不起”。
        The researchers were notified of the pro-U.S. online campaign by Meta and Twitter so they could analyze and study the activity, according to the report. The researchers found that the operation largely focused on messaging that favored the United States and the West through memes and false news stories, while criticizing Russia, China and Iran.        报告称,Meta和Twitter就宣传美国网络活动通知了研究人员,以便他们分析和研究这些活动。研究人员发现,该行动主要集中在通过米姆和虚假新闻报道有利于美国和西方的信息,同时批评俄罗斯、中国和伊朗。
        The accounts tailored their language and messaging to different regions, the researchers said. In one effort, a group of 12 Twitter accounts, 10 Facebook pages, 15 Facebook profiles and 10 Instagram accounts were created between June 2020 and March 2022 to focus on Central Asia. Some pretended to be media outlets with names like Vostochnaya Pravda. At least one account posed as an individual using a doctored profile photo based on an image of the Puerto Rican actress Valeria Menendez.        研究人员说,这些帐户针对不同地区定制其语言和信息。一项运动在2020年6月至2022年3月期间创建了12个Twitter帐户、10个Facebook页面、15个Facebook个人资料和10个Instagram帐户,专注中亚用户。一些帐户使用诸如“东方真理报”这样的名字冒充媒体。至少有一个帐户将波多黎各女演员瓦莱里娅·梅嫩德斯的照片进行修改后用作个人资料照片冒充虚构身份。
        Those accounts then posted about the food shortages caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in Central Asian countries and cheered on pro-Ukrainian protests in those places.        这些帐户随后发布了俄罗斯入侵乌克兰在中亚国家造成粮食短缺的消息,并为这些地方的亲乌克兰抗议活动欢呼。
        Another set of 21 Twitter accounts, six Instagram accounts, five Facebook profiles and two Facebook pages targeted Iranian audiences between November 2020 and June 2022, according to the report. Some of the personas used profile pictures that were likely created using artificial intelligence. Many tried to present themselves as real people by interspersing Iranian poetry and photos of Persian food between political messages.        报告称,在2020年11月至2022年6月期间,另一个活动由21个Twitter帐户、六个Instagram帐户、五个Facebook个人资料和两个Facebook页面组成,针对伊朗观众。一些帐户使用的个人资料照片可能是用人工智能创建的。许多帐户在政治信息之间穿插伊朗诗歌和波斯食物照片,试图通过这种方法展示自己是真实的人。
        Posts from the effort claimed that the Iranian government took food from its citizens to give to the Hezbollah militant group, or highlighted embarrassing moments for the country, such as a power outage that reportedly caused the Iranian chess team to lose an international online tournament.        该行动的帖子声称,伊朗政府从其公民那里拿走食物送给真主党武装组织,或者着重介绍该国的尴尬事件,例如一次停电导致伊朗国际象棋队输掉国际网络锦标赛的传闻。
        On Facebook and Instagram, dozens of posts also negatively compared opportunities for Iranian women with those for women abroad. Other messages criticized Iran’s support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and claimed that the stance would invite economic repercussions for Iranians.        在Facebook和Instagram上,数十篇帖子还将伊朗女性的机遇与国外女性的机遇进行负面比较。其他消息批评伊朗支持俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,并声称这种立场会给伊朗人带来经济影响。
        Another group of accounts focused on the Middle East, applauded efforts by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Iraq and discussed positive interactions between American troops and Syrian children.        另一组针对中东受众的帐户赞扬美国国际开发署在伊拉克所做的工作,并讨论美军与叙利亚儿童之间的积极互动。
        The group of accounts that focused on Central Asian countries also mentioned U.S.A.I.D. 94 times on Twitter and 384 times on Facebook, while hailing Washington as a reliable economic partner that could help reduce the region’s dependence on Russia.        专注于中亚国家的帐户组也提到了美国国际开发署,Twitter上94次,Facebook上384次,同时称赞华盛顿是一个可靠的经济伙伴,可以帮助减少该地区对俄罗斯的依赖。
        None of the campaigns reached a large audience. Most of the posts and tweets received a “handful” of likes or retweets, researchers noted, and only 19 percent of the covert accounts that were identified had over 1,000 followers.        这些运动都没有吸引大量受众。研究人员指出,大多数帖子和推文只收到了“少量”的点赞或转发,在已查明的秘密行动帐户中,只有19%拥有超过1000名关注者。

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