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U.N. Report on Rights Abuses in Xinjiang May Be Delayed Again

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-26 01:00

        GENEVA — The United Nations top human rights official, Michelle Bachelet, has signaled that she might not release a long-awaited report about allegations of abuses in China’s far western region of Xinjiang before she leaves office next week, as she had promised. The delay of that report, which Beijing has worked to block, has already exposed her to fierce criticism from human rights groups.        日内瓦——联合国高级人权官员米歇尔·巴切莱特表示,她可能不会像承诺的那样,在下周卸任之前发布人们期待已久的关于中国偏远西部新疆地区的虐待指控的报告。北京一直在努力阻止该报告,报告的延迟使她受到人权组织的猛烈批评。
        Four years after academics, activists and independent U.N. experts first sounded the alarm over reports that China had arbitrarily detained more than a million Uyghurs and members of other predominately Muslim groups in Xinjiang, human rights groups have looked to the United Nations to provide an independent assessment that could help hold Beijing accountable and bring some relief to victims and their families.        在学者、活动人士和联合国独立专家首次对中国在新疆任意拘留超过100万维吾尔人和其他以穆斯林为主少数民族的报道发出警告四年后,人权组织寻求联合国提供独立评估,这可能有助于追究北京的责任,并为受害者及其家人带来一些安慰。
        Ms. Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, said at a news conference on Thursday that she was “trying very hard” to meet the end-of-August deadline, which she had imposed herself in June upon returning from an official visit to China in May.        联合国人权事务高级专员巴切莱特在周四的新闻发布会上表示,她正在“非常努力地”赶上8月底的最后期限,这是她5月访问中国并在6月结束正式访问回国后给自己提出的。
        She said a draft version of the report had been submitted to the Chinese government, a standard procedure for her office. They had received “substantial input” from China that had to be reviewed before publication.        她说,报告初稿已按办公室的标准程序提交给中国政府。他们收到了来自中国的“大量意见”,这些意见必须在发表前进行审查。
        Ms. Bachelet said the report her office had prepared would look in depth at the reports of human rights violations, and that her office would take on board only statements of fact in China’s response.        巴切莱特说,她的办公室准备的报告将深入研究侵犯人权行为的报道,对于中国的回应,她的办公室将只考虑其中的事实陈述。
        Still, the possibility of the report’s further delay has deepened the frustration of activists and added to their sense that U.N. human rights office has failed in its task of championing the rights of abuse victims.        尽管如此,该报告进一步延迟的可能性加深了活动人士的挫败感,并使他们感到更加失望,认为联合国人权办公室未能完成维护受虐受害者权利的任务。
        “This is precisely the press conference that China wanted. That’s a response that will do nothing but embolden Chinese authorities and other autocrats around the world,” said Sophie Richardson, the China director of Human Rights Watch. “This is a very worrying sign for the capacity of the U.N. human rights system to challenge powerful states.”        “这正是中国想要的新闻发布会。这种回应只会让中国当局和世界各地的其他独裁者更加胆大妄为,”人权观察中国部主任芮莎菲(Sophie Richardson)说。“这一迹象令人担忧联合国人权体系挑战强国的能力。”
        Ten months have passed since Ms. Bachelet’s office first signaled plans to publish the results of its investigation into China’s crackdown in Xinjiang. Ms. Bachelet has repeatedly postponed the report’s release with little explanation — baffling diplomats, rights advocates and even some of her own staff members.        自巴切莱特的办公室首次表示计划公布对中国在新疆镇压的调查结果以来,已经过去了10个月。巴切莱特一再推迟报告的发布,而且几乎没有做出任何解释,这让外交官、维权人士甚至她自己的一些工作人员都感到困惑不解。
        In December her spokesman announced plans to publish the report within weeks, but it failed to appear, reinforcing perceptions of a United Nations leadership reluctant to stand up to China.        去年12月,她的发言人宣布,计划在数周内公布该报告,但并未实现,这强化了人们对联合国领导层不愿与中国抗衡的看法。
        Secretary General António Guterres, facing an acute U.N. budget squeeze and a Security Council often paralyzed by division, has avoided public criticism of China, which is the second-biggest contributor to the U.N. budget, a major troop contributor to U.N. peacekeeping, and a crucial partner in his efforts to advance the U.N.’s Social Development Goals.        联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯在面临联合国预算严重紧缩和安理会经常因分歧而失灵的情况下,一直避免公开批评中国。中国是联合国预算的第二大捐助国,联合国维和部队的重要部队派遣国,而且是他推进联合国社会发展目标的重要合作伙伴。
        Ms. Bachelet has mostly confined her comments on Xinjiang to mild expressions of concern over allegations of abuse. On Thursday, she justified delaying the report’s publication, saying she had wanted to prioritize her visit to China, the first by a U.N. rights chief in 17 years.        巴切莱特对新疆的评论大多只停留在温和地表达对虐待指控的关切。周四,她为推迟发布该报告辩护,称她当时希望优先访问中国,这是联合国人权事务负责人17年来的首次访问。
        But early in her tenure as high commissioner, she spoke of her wish for unfettered access to China and Xinjiang to allow an independent assessment of abuse allegations. In the end, she acquiesced to a state-run tour and adopted China’s terminology to describe Xinjiang’s internment camps as educational and vocational training centers.        但在担任高级专员的早期,她曾表示希望不受限制地进入中国和新疆,以便对虐待指控进行独立评估。最终,她默许接受政府安排的参观,并采用中国的说法,将新疆的拘禁营描述为教育和职业培训中心。
        Former detainees in Xinjiang have described physical abuse, mistreatment and hours of indoctrination in official Communist Party ideology.        曾经的新疆被拘留者描述了遭到人身虐待并被长时间灌输共产党的官方意识形态。
        Speaking in her last news conference as the U.N. human rights chief, Ms. Bachelet gave a glimpse of the pressure she has faced in preparing the report when she spoke of receiving “huge numbers” of letters daily over the last year. They included a letter from China, signed by around 40 countries, urging her not to publish the report, Ms Bachelet said.        巴切莱特在作为联合国人权事务负责人的最后一次新闻发布会上发表讲话时,谈到过去一年中每天都会收到“大量”信件,反映了她在准备报告时所面临的压力。巴切莱特说,其中一封信来自中国,由大约40个国家签署,敦促她不要发表该报告。
        The text of the letter prepared by China that circulated among diplomatic missions in Geneva in recent weeks warned that the report’s release would “intensify politicization and bloc confrontation in the area of human rights,” undermine the credibility of her office and harm its relations with member states.        最近几周,中国准备了一封信函,分发到日内瓦的外交使团,内容警告称,该报告的发布将“加剧人权领域的政治化和集团对抗”,损害她办公室的信誉并损害其与成员国的关系。
        Ms. Bachelet acknowledged on Thursday that she had come under intense pressure both from parties that wanted the report to come out and others that wanted it buried. She rejected the notion this had influenced her actions.        巴切莱特周四承认,她受到了巨大压力,既有来自希望报告发表的一方,也有来自希望将其掩埋的另一方。她否认这会影响她的行动。
        “I have been under tremendous pressure to publish or not publish, but I will not publish or withhold publication due to any such pressure,” she said.        “我一直承受着发表或不发表的巨大压力,但无论发表或是不发表,我都不会被这些压力左右,”她说。
        China rejects allegations of atrocities in Xinjiang as “lies” and its response to the U.N. investigation reflects Beijing’s concerns about defending its Xinjiang policy from criticism abroad and its determination to deter governments from taking action in the Human Rights Council.        中国将新疆暴行的指控称为“谎言”,它对联合国调查的回应,反映出北京担忧外国对其捍卫新疆政策的批评,以及决心阻止各国政府在人权理事会采取行动。
        “China sees the United Nations as a body that can legitimize its stances on world politics, and therefore if it goes against what they argue they have been doing in Xinjiang, that is concerning for Beijing,” said Rosemary Foot, a senior research fellow in politics and international relations at Oxford University.        牛津大学政治和国际关系的高级研究员傅若诗(Rosemary Foot)说:“中国将联合国视为一个可以使其在世界政治上的立场合法化的机构,因此,如果联合国对于中国在新疆的做法与中国的意见不一致,这对北京来说是令人担忧的。”

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