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North Korea Says Its Covid Outbreak Is Over

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-12 11:08

        SEOUL — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said the country had brought its coronavirus outbreak to an end without vaccines, state media reported on Thursday, while Mr. Kim’s sister accused South Korea of sending the virus across the border and threatened​ “deadly”​ retaliation​.        首尔——据朝鲜官方媒体周四报道,朝鲜领导人金正恩表示,该国已经在没有疫苗的情况下结束了新冠疫情,金正恩的妹妹则指责韩国将病毒送过边境,并威胁要进行“致命”报复。
        After two years of claiming to have no Covid-19 cases, North Korea reported an outbreak in May, announcing a “maximum emergency” and locking down all of its cities and counties. On Wednesday, Mr. Kim ​“solemnly declared the victory​” in “exterminating the novel coronavirus that had made inroads into our territory​,” the state-run Korean Central News Agency reported. ​        朝鲜在5月报告了疫情,宣布进入“最高紧急状态”,并封锁了所有市县;此前两年,朝鲜一直声称没有病例出现。周三,官方的朝鲜中央通讯社报道,金正恩“庄严宣布在消灭侵入我国领土的新型冠状病毒方面取得了胜利”。
        Mr. Kim, speaking at a meeting with national health officials, said his government would downgrade its anti-disease vigilance to an “ordinary” level as of Friday, according to the report.        据报道,金正恩在与国家卫生官员的一次会议上说,他的政府将从周五开始将疾病警惕程度降低到“普通”。
        ​Outside experts have cast doubt on the North’s ​Covid-related claims, including its past assertions that it had no cases. The figures it has released since May have also been viewed with skepticism, in part because the isolated, impoverished country does not have enough testing kits or laboratories to accurately track a major outbreak.​        外部专家对朝鲜关于新冠的种种说法表示怀疑,包括其过去宣称的没有病例。它自5月以来发布的数据也遭到质疑,部分原因是这个孤立的贫困国家没有足够的检测试剂盒或实验室来准确追踪重大疫情。
        According to the Thursday report, Mr. Kim said all the Covid patients identified by his government had been diagnosed with ​the Omicron subvariant BA.2. Though North Korea has reported 4.7 million cases of people developing a high fever during the outbreak,​ it has never said how many were confirmed Covid-19 infections.        根据周四的报道,金正恩说,他的政府确定的所有新冠患者感染的都是奥密克戎子变体BA.2。在疫情暴发期间,虽然朝鲜报告了470万例高烧病例,但从未透露有多少新冠确诊病例。
        The North, which has a population of about 26 million, has reported just 74 deaths during the outbreak. Even those deaths were officially attributed to a “malignant pandemic disease​” or a “malignant virus,” not explicitly to Covid.        朝鲜人口约2600万,在疫情暴发期间仅报告了74例死亡。甚至这些死亡的官方归因是“恶性大流行病”或“恶性病毒”,而不是明确归因于新冠病毒。
        South Korean intelligence officials have told lawmakers that some of the North Koreans with fever symptoms may have had diseases like whooping cough, measles or typhoid.        韩国情报官员告诉立法者,一些有发烧症状的朝鲜人可能患的是百日咳、麻疹或伤寒等疾病。
        North Korea​ said its outbreak began in late April​. Its​ daily reported caseload of ​people with fevers peaked at 390,000, on May 16. In recent weeks, that figure fell below 100,000, and ​the government began saying that it had brought the outbreak under control.​ It has reported no new cases since July 29.        朝鲜表示疫情始于4月下旬。5月16日,朝鲜每日报告的发烧病例数达到39万人的峰值。最近几周,该数字降至10万以下,政府开始表示已控制住疫情。自7月29日起,朝鲜没有报告新病例。
        At the Wednesday meeting with Mr. Kim, North Korean officials said it was “a miracle unprecedented in the world’s public health history​” that the North had quashed the outbreak so quickly despite never having vaccinated its people, according to the state media report.        据官方媒体报道,在周三与金正恩的会议上,朝鲜官员表示,尽管从未为其人民接种疫苗,但朝鲜如此迅速地遏制了疫情,这是“世界公共卫生史上前所未有的奇迹”。
        Last month, the North suggested that the coronavirus had entered the country on foreign objects from South Korea, saying that its outbreak had begun in villages near the countries’ heavily militarized border.​ While not directly blaming the South​, its statement suggested that the objects had been brought in by balloons, which North Korean defectors living in the South often use to send anti-Kim propaganda leaflets, dollar bills and other items across the border.        上个月,朝鲜暗示来自韩国的外来物品将病毒带入该国,并称疫情始于两国高度军事化边界附近的村庄。虽然没有直接指责韩国,但平壤的声明称这些物品通过气球带入,生活在韩国的脱北者经常用气球向边境发送反金宣传单、美钞和其他物品。
        Kim Yo-jong, Mr. Kim’s sister, took a far more accusatory tone during the Wednesday meeting, blaming “disgusting ones in ​South Korea​” for causing the outbreak by scattering “leaflets, bank notes, awful booklets and things over our territory,” according to the state media report.        金正恩的妹妹金与正在周三的会议上采取了更加严厉的指责语气,据官方媒体报道,她责备“韩国令人作呕的人”通过在我们的领土上散布“传单、钞票、可怕的小册子和其他东西”导致了疫情的暴发。
        “​We have already considered various counteraction plans but our countermeasure must be a deadly retaliatory one​,” Ms. Kim, who acts as her brother’s spokeswoman on South Korean issues, was quoted as saying.        作为她哥哥在韩国问题上的发言人,金与正说:“我们已经考虑了各种反制计划,但我们的反制措施必须是致命的报复性计划。”
        She also suggested that Mr. Kim may have had Covid, saying that he had led the national campaign against the virus despite having a “high fever.”        她还暗示金正恩可能感染过新冠病毒,称尽管他“发高烧”,但还是领导了全国抗击病毒的运动。
        South Korea ​has ​said that it is impossible for the balloon launches to have brought Covid-19 into the North, saying it had consulted disease-control experts on the issue. O​n Thursday, the South Korean government called Ms. Kim’s accusation “far-fetched” and “very rude.”        韩国表示,不可能通过发送气球将新冠带入朝鲜,并表示已就此问题咨询了疾病控制专家。周四,韩国政府称金与正的指控“牵强”和“非常无礼”。

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