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The Tumultuous Summer That Changed the World

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-15 02:08

        In Afghanistan, August 2021 began ominously.        在阿富汗,2021年8月的开始充满了不详的预兆。
        The Americans and their allies were leaving the country, finally ending their long war after striking an agreement with the Taliban, and leaving the country’s defense to the security forces they had trained and supplied for years. But the Afghan forces were already beginning to buckle. By the end of the summer, the insurgents had seized dozens of districts, rapidly sweeping across the countryside as outpost after outpost folded.        美国及其盟友正在离开这个国家,在与塔利班达成协议后,他们终于结束了漫长的战争,把该国的防务交给他们训练和供应了多年的安全部队。但是阿富汗军队已经开始屈服。到夏天结束时,叛乱分子已占领了数十个地区,随着一个又一个前哨沦陷,他们迅速席卷了整个乡村。
        But none of the 34 provincial capitals had fallen. Yet.        但在当时,34个省会城市没有一个沦陷。
        The United States was providing limited air support to the beleaguered Afghan forces below and there remained a small hope that the U.S.-sponsored firepower would continue after the United States withdrew completely. President Ashraf Ghani had reshuffled his military leadership, and militia units led by the powerful and notorious warlords of Afghanistan’s past had taken up arms to defend their economic fiefs.        美国为地面陷入困境的阿富汗部队提供有限的空中支援,而且在美国完全撤出后,人们对美国支持的火力能保持下去仍存一线希望。阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼改组了军事领导层,让昔日那些强大而臭名昭著的军阀领导的民兵部队拿起武器,捍卫自己的经济领地。
        Then, on Aug. 6, Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz Province on the border with Iran, suddenly fell to the Taliban. Like dominoes, other provincial capital cities began toppling as well, even in places like Kandahar where the Afghan forces had defended well for months.        然后,8月6日,与伊朗接壤的尼姆罗兹省首府扎兰吉突然落入塔利班之手。就像多米诺骨牌一样,其他省会城市也开始沦陷,甚至在坎大哈这种阿富汗军队已经驻守了好几个月的地方。
        By the morning of Aug. 15, the Taliban had practically encircled Kabul, the country’s capital, and thousands of U.S. troops had landed to evacuate the American Embassy.        到8月15日上午,塔利班实际上已经包围了该国首都喀布尔,数以千计的美国士兵抵达这里参与美国大使馆的撤离工作。
        By the end of the day, the Western-backed government, including Mr. Ghani, had fled, and the American flag over the embassy had been taken down. What would become crowds of tens of thousands of Afghans began forming at the gates of the international airport, fearful of what their new Taliban rulers would do.        当天入夜前,包括加尼在内的西方支持的政府已经逃离,大使馆的美国国旗也被撤下来。数以万计的阿富汗人开始聚集在国际机场的门口,担心新的塔利班统治者会采取什么行动。
        Others, though, were relieved, grateful that a violent siege of the city, much like what had happened during the civil war of the 1990s, had been avoided. When the insurgent group entered Kabul, some city neighborhoods celebrated their arrival.        不过,也有一些人松了一口气,他们庆幸避免了一场类似于1990年代内战期间发生的暴力围困。当叛乱分子进入喀布尔时,城市的一些社区庆祝他们的到来。
        Instead, the violence centered around the airport, as the crowds surged toward the gates, wedged between the rifle butts of the Taliban — desperate to establish security in the sprawling capital of around five million people — and the rifle barrels of the Americans defending the gates.        倒是在机场周围发生了一系列暴力事件,人群在塔利班的枪托和美国人的枪口之下涌向机场,前者急于在这个拥有500万人口的庞大首都确保安全,后者则在保卫机场入口。
        By the month’s end, tens of thousands of Afghans had been evacuated from Kabul to countries all over the world. The last American cargo jets had departed, leaving behind blowing trash and celebratory Taliban gunfire. Thirteen Americans and nearly 200 Afghans were killed in an Islamic State suicide bomb blast, and soon after the U.S. responded by errantly killing 10 civilians in an airstrike intended to punish ISIS.        截至月底,数以万计的阿富汗人从喀布尔撤离到世界各地。最后一架美国运输机已经离开,留下炸毁的废墟和庆祝胜利的塔利班的枪声。13名美国人和近200名阿富汗人在伊斯兰国的自杀式炸弹爆炸中丧生,不久后,美国在旨在惩罚ISIS的空袭行动中错误地杀死了10名平民。
        The ending to the long American war in Afghanistan had been short and violent, and now a new chapter of Taliban rule was opening, as the group tried to suddenly shift from a guerrilla insurgency into a government for around 40 million Afghans.        美国在阿富汗的这场旷日持久的战争以一种迅速而暴力的方式收场,塔利班统治的新篇章正在开启,该组织试图突然从一个游击叛乱组织转变为一个为大约4000万阿富汗人服务的政府。
        Now, we have seen that the Taliban have, in fact, returned to many of the repressive and hard-line ways that characterized their regime in the 1990s. But as the summer ended last year, nothing was clear except that the world had changed, in just a blink.        现在,我们已经看到,塔利班实际上已经恢复了其政权在1990年代特有的许多压制性和强硬路线。但在去年夏天结束时,一切都是未知,唯一清楚的是世界在转瞬之间发生了变化。
        Above and below, Kabul in early July last year.        上图和下图,去年7月初的喀布尔。
        At a security checkpoint in Herat for vehicles and motorbikes arriving into the city from a nearby Taliban-controlled area in mid-July 2021.        2021年7月中旬,赫拉特的一个安全检查站,车辆和摩托车从附近的塔利班控制区进入该市。
        Afghan commandos in July in Kunduz, a provincial capital in northern Afghanistan that Taliban insurgents had cut off on all sides.        7月,阿富汗突击队员在昆都士进行突击,昆都士是阿富汗北部的一个省会,被塔利班武装分子从四面包围。
        A woman and children fleeing their house in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Aug. 4, 2021.        2021年8月4日,阿富汗坎大哈,一名女性和数名儿童逃离住所。
        A Taliban fighter trying to hit a woman who was waiting to enter the Kabul airport with her family on Aug. 18, 2021.        2021年8月18日,一名塔利班战士试图击打一名等待与家人进入喀布尔机场的女性。
        Khalil Haqqani, a prominent figure among the Taliban, at Friday prayer at the Pul-i-Khishti mosque in Kabul, on Aug. 20, 2021.        2021年8月20日,塔利班重要人物哈利勒·哈卡尼在喀布尔的普勒-希什蒂清真寺进行周五祈祷。
        A defaced beauty shop window display in Kabul on Aug. 22, 2021.        2021年8月22日,喀布尔一家美容店的橱窗被损毁。
        Passengers waiting to clear a security checkpoint for one of the last commercial flights from Kabul on Aug. 15 as Taliban forces closed in to take control of the city.        8月15日,塔利班武装力量逼近并控制这座城市,最后一批民航班机即将从该市起飞,乘客们等待通过安全检查站。
        Afghans waving their documents at U.S. Marines standing guard atop the blast walls at the Kabul airport on Aug. 22, 2021.        2021年8月22日,阿富汗人向在喀布尔机场防爆墙上站岗的美国海军陆战队员挥舞证件。
        Survivors of the devastating ISIS suicide bomb attack at Kabul airport arriving at Emergency Hospital on Aug. 26, 2021.        2021年8月26日,喀布尔机场毁灭性的ISIS自杀式炸弹袭击的幸存者抵达急救医院。
        Afghans flee from the Taliban police during a protest in Kabul on Sept. 7, 2021.        2021年9月7日,喀布尔,阿富汗人在抗议活动中躲避塔利班警察。
        Nematullah Naqdi, 28, left, and Taqi Daryabi, 22, journalists working for Etilaat Roz, show their wounds after being beaten by the Taliban while they covered a Kabul protest on Sept. 8.        9月8日,《每日信息》(Etilaat Roz)的记者——28岁的内马图拉·纳吉迪(左)和22岁的塔基·达亚比展示报道喀布尔抗议活动时被塔利班殴打的伤口。
        Both the father and fiancé of Samia Ahmadi, right, were killed on Sunday in a U.S. drone strike on a house in Kabul on Aug. 30, 2021.        2021年8月30日,萨米亚·艾哈迈迪(右)的父亲和未婚夫在美国无人机对喀布尔一所房屋的袭击中丧生。
        Hussain, 40, was one of as many as 170 civilians killed in the ISIS bombing at Kabul Airport on Aug. 26.        40岁的侯赛因是8月26日在喀布尔机场被ISIS炸死的170多名平民之一。
        Members of the Taliban’s Badri 313 Battalion performing evening prayers at the airport in Kabul on Aug. 28, 2021.        2021年8月28日,塔利班巴德里313营的成员在喀布尔机场做晚祷。

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