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India’s Partition: A History in Photos

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-17 08:36

        Polarized by religion, friends and neighbors turned on each other. Hundreds of thousands were killed and millions displaced. The atrocities were horrific — pregnant women and infants were not spared.        由于宗教信仰的分歧,朋友和邻居互相攻击。数十万人死亡,数百万人流离失所。暴行骇人听闻,孕妇和婴儿也未能幸免。
        That was the unexpected result of Britain’s haphazard plan to leave the subcontinent in 1947 after nearly three centuries and split it into Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan, itself carved into two regions more than 1,000 miles apart. The partition, as the division came to be known, triggered one of the biggest migrations in history.        这就是英国草率计划所带来的意外结果。在统治近三个世纪后,英国于1947年匆忙离开印度次大陆,并将其分割成印度教徒占多数的印度和穆斯林占多数的巴基斯坦两部分,巴基斯坦本身又被分割成两个相距1600公里以上的地区。这次分裂后来被称为“分治”,引发了历史上最大的迁移潮之一。
        It would forever change the face and geopolitics of South Asia; almost 25 years later, for instance, Bangladesh was born from East Pakistan.        它永远改变了南亚的面貌和地缘政治;例如,近25年后,东巴基斯坦产生了孟加拉国。
        Some historians argue that partition would have been unnecessary had Britain granted self-rule earlier to India, where Hindus and Muslims had lived side by side for centuries. But the idea of a separate state for British India’s Muslims had gained traction by the 1930s even though it was opposed by Mahatma Gandhi. A decade later, Britain was reeling from World War II and prepared to hand over power.        一些历史学家认为,如果英国更早地将自治权给予印度,那么分治就没有必要了,此前印度教徒和穆斯林已经在印度共同生活了几个世纪。但是,尽管受到圣雄甘地的反对,为英属印度的穆斯林建立一个独立国家的想法在1930年代获得了支持。十年后,当时正从第二次世界大战中恢复过来的英国准备好了移交权力。
        The demand for Pakistan, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the All-India Muslim League, contributed to one of the biggest Hindu-Muslim riots in India in August 1946, when at least 2,000 people were killed over five days in Calcutta (now Kolkata), then the capital of the province of Bengal. Over the next few months more communal fighting followed, especially in Bengal and Punjab, another area with a large mixed population that also included Sikhs.        以全印穆斯林联盟的穆罕默德·阿里·真纳为首的一方就巴基斯坦提出的主张促成了1946年8月印度最大的印度教-穆斯林骚乱之一,在当时的孟加拉省首府加尔各答,五天内至少有2000人被杀。在接下来的几个月里又发生了一系列社区间的冲突,尤其是在孟加拉和旁遮普,后者是另一个有大量混居人口的地区,其中还包括锡克教徒。
        As India and Pakistan prepared for independence, Jinnah, set to be president of the Muslim-majority state, proclaimed a liberal Pakistan. And on Aug. 15, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, famously celebrated his nation’s independence and “tryst with destiny.” But trouble was already afoot.        就在印度和巴基斯坦准备独立之际,即将在这个穆斯林占多数国家里担任总督的真纳宣布要建立一个自由主义的巴基斯坦。8月15日,印度首任总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁庆祝了印度的独立以及“与命运的幽会”。但麻烦已经在酝酿中。
        Lord Louis Mountbatten, the recently appointed last viceroy of British India, had not yet revealed where the new borders, which created East and West Pakistan with India wedged between the two, would be. That would come two days later, on Aug. 17.        就在当时前不久刚被任命为英属印度最后一任总督的路易斯·蒙巴顿勋爵还没有透露新边界的位置。这条将在两天后的8月17日公布的边界形成了东巴基斯坦和西巴基斯坦,印度夹在两者之间。
        Muslims left India for Pakistan, mostly heading west, while Hindus and Sikhs made the opposite journey. As many as 20 million people fled. Both sides left devastation in their wake. Documentation is scarce, but hundreds of thousands, and as many as two million people, were killed. There are no tallies for how many were raped.        穆斯林离开印度前往巴基斯坦,大部分人向西,而印度教徒和锡克教徒则走了相反的路线。多达2000万人逃离。双方都留下了破坏性的后果。相关记载很少,但有数十万人、甚至多达200万人丧生。至于有多少人被强奸,则没有统计数字。
        “It’s a really, really massive part of world history,” said Guneeta Singh Bhalla, the founder of the 1947 Partition Archive, a decade-old oral history project. “It has really defined where we are culturally, sociologically, politically,’’ she said of South Asia.        “这是世界历史中非常非常重要的一部分,”古内塔·辛格·巴拉说,她是“1947年分治档案”的创始人,这个口述历史项目已经进行了十年。“它真正定义了我们在文化、社会和政治上的位置,”她在谈到南亚时说。
        Most Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis today were born a generation after partition. But its repercussions endure. India and Pakistan have fought three wars, skirmishing often over claims to Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority state. The liberal ideals espoused by the founders of both countries now appear to be forgotten to history.        今天,大多数印度人、巴基斯坦人和孟加拉人都是在分治后出生的一代人。但它的影响仍在持续。印度和巴基斯坦已经打了三场战争,经常因为克什米尔(印度唯一一个穆斯林占多数的邦)的主权问题而发生冲突。两国国父所信奉的自由主义理想如今似乎已被历史遗忘。
        What follows is a photographic record of the period around the partition of British India.        以下是英属印度分治时期的图片记录。
        Above, a demonstration in London calling for the creation of Pakistan, in 1946. Below, the police in Calcutta using tear gas to break up mobs. Hindu-Muslim communal riots lasted five days, with more than 2,000 people killed and 4,000 injured.        上图为1946年在伦敦举行的要求建立巴基斯坦的示威活动。下图是加尔各答警方使用催泪瓦斯驱散暴徒的画面。印度教徒和穆斯林社区之间的骚乱持续了五天,造成2000多人死亡,4000人受伤。
        Destruction in Amritsar, a city in Punjab, after communal riots in March 1947. Amritsar’s Muslims, who made up about half its population, left en masse during partition, which placed the city in India. The other residents were mostly Sikh and Hindu.        1947年3月,旁遮普阿姆利则的社区骚乱造成的破坏。根据分治方案,阿姆利则被置于印度境内,占人口约一半的穆斯林成群结队地离开。其他居民大多是锡克教徒和印度教徒。
        Two child victims of the riots in Amritsar with a nurse in March 1947. They were rescued by British soldiers after their mother was stabbed to death.        1947年3月阿姆利则暴动中,两名受害儿童与一名护士在一起。他们的母亲被刺死后,他们被英国士兵救了出来。
        Picking up the bodies of victims of communal fighting in Delhi.        在德里社区抬走冲突遇难者的尸体。
        Negotiating the terms of partition in June 1947. In the foreground from left to right were Jawaharlal Nehru, then the vice president of the interim government of India; Lord Louis Mountbatten, the viceroy; and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League.        1947年6月的分治谈判。前方从左到右依次是时任印度临时政府总督执行理事会副主席的贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁;总督路易斯·蒙巴顿勋爵;穆斯林联盟领袖穆罕默德·阿里·真纳。
        Lord Mountbatten, in a photo from the Indian military, saluting the Indian flag hoisted at India Gate with his wife, Lady Edwina, and Nehru, by then India’s first prime minister, by his side during independence celebrations in New Delhi on Aug. 15, 1947.        在印度军方提供的一张照片中,1947年8月15日在新德里举行的印度独立庆典上,蒙巴顿勋爵与妻子埃德温娜夫人和印度首任总理尼赫鲁一起,向悬挂在印度门上的印度国旗致敬。
        A throng of people gathered at the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in Karachi to celebrate the creation of the new country.        卡拉奇的巴基斯坦制宪会议上,人们庆祝这个新国家的成立。
        Jinnah addressing the Constituent Assembly, with Lord Mountbatten in attendance, in August 1947.        1947年8月,真纳在制宪会议上发表讲话,蒙巴顿勋爵出席。
        Lining up for water at the only tap at a camp for about 20,000 Muslim refugees in New Delhi, in September 1947. Refugees had to wait as long as three hours to get water.        1947年9月,在新德里一个容纳约两万名穆斯林难民的难民营里,人们在唯一的水龙头前排队取水。难民们要等上三个小时才能拿到水。
        Sikh migrants on their way from Pakistan to their new homeland, India, in October 1947.        1947年10月,锡克教移民从巴基斯坦前往印度的新家园。
        People crowding onto trains as the partition of British India triggered one of the largest migrations in history. Muslims fled from India to Pakistan, and Hindus and Sikhs went in the opposite direction.        英属印度的分治引发了历史上最大规模的迁移潮之一,人们涌上火车。穆斯林从印度逃到巴基斯坦,印度教徒和锡克教徒则往相反的方向逃离。
        A convoy of Muslims passed by the remains of an earlier caravan, both human and cattle.        结队前行的穆斯林经过之前的队伍留下的人和牛的遗骸。
        A married couple who had been separated for 10 months were reunited at a women’s camp in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1948.        1948年,一对分离10个月的夫妇在巴基斯坦拉合尔的一个妇女营地团聚。
        A refugee camp in Kurukshetra, in Indian Punjab, where 300,000 people sought shelter, in late 1947.        1947年底,印度旁遮普的古鲁格舍德拉难民营,30万人在此避难。
        Gandhi observing the aftermath of partition riots in India.        甘地视察分治骚乱后的情况。
        Indian Sikh troops positioned near Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, in November 1947. India and Pakistan fought a yearlong war over Kashmir that ended with a cease-fire brokered by the United Nations. The region has continued to bedevil the two countries to this day.        1947年11月,印度锡克教军队驻扎在克什米尔首府斯利那加附近。印度和巴基斯坦为克什米尔地区进行了一年的战争,最终在联合国的斡旋下达成停火协议。直到今天,该地区仍然困扰着两国。
        Reading the news in London of Gandhi’s assassination by a Hindu extremist on Jan. 30, 1948.        1948年1月30日,人们在伦敦阅读甘地被一名印度教极端分子暗杀的新闻。
        Muslim women praying on the slopes of Hari Parbat, a hill in Srinagar that is also known as Koh-i-Maran and has Hindu and Sikh shrines nearby, in 1948.        1948年,穆斯林女子在斯利那加的哈里帕尔巴特山上祈祷。哈里帕尔巴特山也被称为科希马拉,附近有印度教和锡克教圣地。

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