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Another Trump Mystery: Why Did He Resist Returning the Government’s Documents?

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-19 12:21

        For four years, former President Donald J. Trump treated the federal government and the political apparatus operating in his name as an extension of his private real estate company.        四年来,前总统唐纳德·特朗普将以他的名义运作的联邦政府和政治机构视为其私人房地产公司的延伸。
        It all belonged to him, he felt, melded together into a Trump brand that he had been nurturing for decades.        他觉得这一切都属于他,与他培育了几十年的特朗普品牌融为一体。
        “My generals,” he repeatedly said of the active-duty and retired military leaders who filled his government. “My money,” he often called the cash he raised through his campaign or for the Republican National Committee. “My Kevin,” he said of Representative Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader.        他多次用“我的将军们”来称呼在政府中任职的现役和退役军事领导人。他通过竞选活动或为共和党全国委员会筹集的现金被他称为“我的钱”。谈到共和党领袖、众议员凯文·麦卡锡时,他会说“我的凯文”。
        And White House documents?        那么白宫文件呢?
        “They’re mine,” three of Mr. Trump’s advisers said that he stated repeatedly when he was urged to return boxes of documents, some of them highly classified, that the National Archives sought after Mr. Trump took them with him to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Fla., in January 2021. A nearly 18-month back-and-forth between the government and Mr. Trump ended in an extraordinary F.B.I. search for the documents at Mar-a-Lago last week.        特朗普的三名顾问说,当他被敦促归还数箱文件时,他一再表示:“它们是我的。”特朗普在2021年1月将这些文件带到了他在佛罗里达州棕榈滩的私人俱乐部马阿拉歌庄园,其中一些是国家档案馆在寻找的高度机密文件。政府与特朗普之间近18个月的拉锯战以非同寻常的行动告终——FBI上周进入马阿拉歌庄园搜查,寻找这批文件。
        The question, as with so much else around Mr. Trump, is why? Why did he insist on refusing to turn over government papers that by law did not belong to him, igniting another legal conflagration? As with so much else related to Mr. Trump, there is not one easy answer.        与围绕在特朗普周围的许多其他事情一样,问题是,为什么会这样?为什么他执意拒绝交出法律上不属于他的政府文件,引发又一场法律危机?这和许多与特朗普有关的事情一样,没有一个简单的答案。
        Here are the main possibilities.        以下是主要的可能性。
        Exciting documents        令人激动的文件
        Mr. Trump, a pack rat who for decades showed off knickknacks in his overstuffed Trump Tower office — including a giant shoe that once belonged to the basketball player Shaquille O’Neal — treated the nation’s secrets as similar trinkets to brandish. White House aides described how excited he was to show off all the material he had access to, including letters from the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which he routinely waved at visitors, alarming his advisers.        几十年来,特朗普为了炫耀,将收集来的小玩意儿都塞在他位于特朗普大厦的办公室里——包括曾经属于篮球运动员沙奎尔·奥尼尔的一只巨大的鞋子,这个收集癖把国家的秘密也当成了显摆的小纪念品。据白宫助手的说法,他喜欢兴奋地炫耀自己能接触到这些文件,包括朝鲜领导人金正恩的来信,他经常向来访者挥舞着这些信,让他的顾问们感到紧张。
        Some of those letters were among the trove that Mr. Trump had with him at Mar-a-Lago.        其中一些信件,被特朗普带到了马阿拉歌庄园。
        The former president’s thrills over the intelligence started early. In May 2017, Mr. Trump blurted out classified intelligence provided by Israel during a meeting with two high-level Russian government officials, horrifying his national security team.        很早开始,情报就让这位前总统感到痴迷。2017年5月,特朗普在与两名俄罗斯政府高级官员会面时,将以色列提供的机密情报随口说出,令他的国家安全团队震惊不已。
        Two years later, when his intelligence briefers showed him a sophisticated and sensitive photo of a failed Iranian rocket launch, Mr. Trump was gleeful. “I want to tweet this,” he told the C.I.A. director, the national security adviser and the director of national intelligence, according to a person with direct knowledge of the event.        两年后,当情报人员在给他做简报的时候,展示了一张伊朗火箭发射失败的高分辨率敏感照片,特朗普闻讯大喜。据一位对这件事有着一手了解的人士称,特朗普告诉中央情报局局长、国家安全顾问和国家情报总监:“我想发到推上。”
        Officials tried to stop him, but Mr. Trump went ahead and shared the photo with what were then his 63 million Twitter followers.        官员们极力阻止他,但特朗普还是与他当时的6300万Twitter关注者分享了这张照片。
        ‘L’état, c’est moi’        “朕即国家”
        Efforts intended in previous administrations to prevent conflicts of interest in the presidency were viewed derisively by Mr. Trump, who never divested from his company and kept an eye on his properties, even as he said publicly he had turned over all management to his sons.        对于前几届政府为了防止总统任期内的利益冲突所做的努力,特朗普根本不放在眼里。即使他公开表示已将所有管理权交给了儿子,但他从未与自己的公司脱离干系,并且密切关注着他的财产状况。
        Mr. Trump embodied Louis XIV’s phrase “L’état, c’est moi,” or “I am the state,” his own advisers and several outside observers said.        据他的顾问和几位外部观察人士说,特朗普践行了路易十四的“朕即国家”这句话。
        “From my own experiences with him, which is bolstered by those around him who are speaking in his defense, his actions seem to fit the pattern that as ‘king,’ he and the state are one and the same,” said Mark S. Zaid, a lawyer who frequently handles cases related to national security and security clearances, including during the Trump presidency. “He seems to honestly believe that everything he touches belongs to him, and that includes government documents that might be classified.”        “根据我与他打交道的经验——这些经验得到了他周围为他辩护者的印证,他的行为似乎符合作为‘国王’的模式,他和国家是一体的,”律师马克·扎伊德说道,他经常处理与国家安全和安全许可有关的案件,包括在特朗普担任总统期间。“他似乎真诚地相信,自己接触的所有东西都属于他,包括可能属于机密的政府文件。”
        Mr. Trump rarely used a Twitter handle that was assigned to the president, @POTUS, and instead preferred to have his digital director, Dan Scavino, promote the one in Mr. Trump’s own name.        特朗普很少使用分配给总统的Twitter账号@POTUS,而是更愿意让他的社交媒体主管丹·斯卡维诺推广特朗普个人名下的账号。
        The former president also regularly rejected any attempts to try to enforce outside rules, regulations or norms on the White House, and maintained that his close advisers had absolute immunity from some congressional subpoenas.        这位前总统还经常拒绝在白宫执行外部规则、法规或规范的尝试,并坚持认为他的亲密顾问对一些国会传票有绝对豁免权。
        “Presidents are not kings,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote as a federal court judge in Washington in 2019, when over White House objections she ordered Donald F. McGahn II, Mr. Trump’s former White House counsel, to testify about what House Democrats said was a pattern of presidential obstruction of justice. She added, “They do not have subjects, bound by loyalty or blood, whose destiny they are entitled to control.”        “总统不是国王,”2019年,当时在华盛顿担任联邦法院法官的基坦吉·布朗·杰克逊大法官写道,当时她不顾白宫的反对,命令特朗普的前白宫法律顾问唐纳德·麦格恩二世就众议院民主党人所称的总统妨碍司法模式作证。她还说:“他们面对的不是受忠诚或血缘约束的臣民,他们无权控制他人的命运。”
        Ripping up paper        撕纸的习惯
        Although Trump White House officials were warned about the proper handling of sensitive material, aides said Mr. Trump had little interest in the security of government documents or protocols to keep them protected.        尽管特朗普的白宫官员被警告要妥善处理敏感材料,但助手们表示,特朗普对政府文件的安全或保护措施持几乎无所谓的态度。
        Early on, Mr. Trump became known among his staff as a hoarder who threw all manner of paper — sensitive material, news clips and various other items — into cardboard boxes that a valet or other personal aide would cart around with him wherever he went.        老早幕僚们就说特朗普有囤积癖,他会把各种纸张——敏感材料、新闻剪报和其他各种物品——扔进纸板箱,无论走到哪里,贴身侍从或其他私人助理会带着这些纸箱跟着他。
        Mr. Trump repeatedly had material sent up to the White House residence, and it was not always clear what happened to it. He sometimes asked to keep material after his intelligence briefings, but aides said he was so uninterested in the paperwork during the briefings themselves that they never understood what he wanted it for.        特朗普多次让人把材料送到白宫官邸,但人们并不总是清楚这些材料的最后去向。他有时会要求在情报简报会后将材料留下,但助手们表示,他对简报会上的文件本身兴趣不大,他们想不明白他要这些材料做什么。
        He also had a habit of ripping up paper, from routine documents to classified material, and leaving the pieces strewn around the floor or in a trash can. Officials would have to rummage through the shreds and tape them back together to recreate the documents in order to store them as required under the Presidential Records Act.        他还有撕纸的习惯,从日常文件到机密材料都有,然后把碎纸片随手扔到地上或垃圾桶里。官员们只得把碎片整理好粘在一起,重新制成文件,以便按照《总统记录法》的要求,将它们保存起来。
        On some occasions, Mr. Trump would rip up documents — some with his handwriting on them — and throw the pieces in a toilet, which occasionally clogged the pipes in the White House. He did the same thing on at least two foreign trips, former officials said.        在某些情况下,特朗普不仅撕掉文件——有些文件上有他的笔迹——还把碎片扔进马桶,这偶尔会堵塞白宫的下水道。前官员说,他至少有两次在出国访问期间也干过这种事。
        Outside the White House, secure rooms where Mr. Trump could review sensitive documents were set up at both Mar-a-Lago and the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., although he did not always use them.        在白宫之外的地方,马阿拉歌庄园和位于新泽西州贝德明斯特的特朗普国家高尔夫俱乐部都设立了可以让特朗普查看敏感文件的安全屋,不过他很少用这些房间。
        Mr. Trump was meeting with the Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago in early 2017, for example, when North Korea launched a missile test. Rather than retreating to a secure room, Mr. Trump and his advisers reviewed security documents in the open air on the patio, using the flashlight from an iPhone. Paying members and their guests looked on at the show, taking photos and posting them on social media.        例如,2017年初,朝鲜进行导弹试验时,特朗普正在马阿拉歌庄园与日本首相安倍晋三会面。特朗普和他的顾问们没有回到安全屋,而是在露台上打开苹果手机的手电筒查看安全文件。阿拉歌庄园的付费会员和他们的客人在一旁看到这一幕,拍照并发到了社交媒体上。
        “No other president has lived in a hotel,” said John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s third national security adviser.        “没有其他哪位总统总住酒店,”特朗普的第三任国家安全顾问约翰·博尔顿说。
        Over time, Mr. Trump bristled against the guardrails people tried placing on him, particularly his second White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, who tried to impose a more rigid system for classified information.        随着时间的推移,特朗普对人们试图给他设置的护栏感到愤怒,尤其是他的第二任白宫幕僚长约翰·凯利,后者试图对机密信息实施更严格的制度。
        Personal information        个人信息
        Mr. Trump, Mr. Bolton said, never told him he planned to take a document and use it for something beyond its value as a memento.        博尔顿说,关于拿走文件,并用于留作纪念之外事情的打算,特朗普从来没有告知过他。
        It was “sort of whatever he wants to grab for whatever reason,” Mr. Bolton said. “He may not even fully appreciate” precisely why he did certain things.        博尔顿说,这 “有点像是出于某种原因想要攫取某个东西”。“他甚至可能不完全理解”自己为什么要做某些事。
        But officials worried, particularly about the documents falling into the wrong hands.        但官员们担心——特别是担心这些文件落入不恰当的人手中。
        Other advisers wondered if Mr. Trump kept some documents because they contained details about people he knew.        其他顾问想知道,特朗普之所以保留一些文件,是不是因为其中包含了他所认识的人的细节。
        Among the items that presidents are given on overseas trips are biographies of foreign leaders, a former administration official said. One version is unclassified and fairly routine. But the other is classified and can contain numerous personal details.        一位前政府官员说,在总统出国访问时收到的物品中包括外国领导人的传记。一种版本是不保密的,相当常规。但另一种版本是保密的,可能包含许多个人细节。
        One of the files the F.B.I. seized at Mar-a-Lago was marked “info re: President of France,” about Emmanuel Macron.        联邦调查局在马阿拉歌庄园缴获的文件中,有一份是关于埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的,上面写着“相关信息:法国总统”。

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