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Five State-Run Chinese Giants to Delist From U.S. Stock Exchanges

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-15 12:46

        Five of China’s biggest state-owned companies, representing hundreds of billions of dollars in market value, will delist from the New York Stock Exchange in coming weeks, the firms said in a flurry of filings on Friday.        中国最大的五家国有企业在周五发布的一系列文件中表示,它们将在未来几周从纽约证券交易所退市,这几家公司的市值高达数千亿美元。
        Three of the world’s biggest energy firms, PetroChina, Sinopec and Shanghai Petrochemical, said in separate statements that they would apply for a voluntary delisting of their American depositary shares. Two other state-owned giants, the insurer China Life and the aluminum producer Chalco, also said they would stop offering their shares in the United States, citing the administrative burden and costs related to maintaining the shares.        世界上最大能源公司当中的三家——中石油、中石化和上海石化在各自的声明中表示,它们将申请自愿将美国存托股退市。另外两家国有巨头——保险公司中国人寿和铝生产商中国铝业也表示将停止在美国发行股票,理由是维持股票的行政负担和成本。
        The companies’ share prices fell in trading in New York on Friday, most by around 1 percent. Together, the companies have a combined market valuation of more than $300 billion.        周五,这些公司的股价在纽约股市下跌,大部分跌幅在1%左右。这些公司的市值加起来超过3000亿美元。
        They made their announcements amid rising tensions between Beijing and Washington, and greater scrutiny of Chinese companies listed in the United States since Congress passed legislation introducing stricter oversight of these firms in 2020.        它们发表上述声明之际,北京和华盛顿之间的紧张关系正在加剧,而且国会于2020年通过立法,对赴美上市的中国公司实施更严格的监管。
        American lawmakers have long complained that Chinese companies do not play by the same rules as other companies on U.S. stock exchanges. Despite years of discussions, Beijing and Washington have failed to strike an agreement that would give American regulators access to fully inspect the audit papers of U.S.-listed Chinese businesses.        美国国会议员长期以来一直抱怨中国公司在美国股票交易中不遵守与其他公司相同的规则。尽管经过数年讨论,北京和华盛顿仍未就美国监管机构获取中概股的审计文件进行全审查达成一致。
        A listing on Wall Street, with its deep investor base and liquid market, was once seen as a coveted position for China’s biggest companies and an important step for those aspiring to go global.        在拥有深厚投资者基础和流动性市场的华尔街上市一度被视为中国大型企业梦寐以求的事,也是那些渴望走向全球的企业迈出的重要一步。
        But tensions between China and the United States have spilled over into nearly every aspect of the relationship between the two countries, from defense to climate and finance. A contentious trip last week by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, which China has claimed as its own, has further inflamed the relationship. Hours after her visit, Beijing halted talks on military coordination, climate change and other issues.        然而,中美之间的紧张关系已经蔓延到两国关系的几乎每个方面,从国防到气候和金融。美国众议院议长佩洛西上周对台湾的争议性访问令两国关系进一步恶化。中国宣称台湾是自己的领土。在她访问数小时后,北京停止了关于军事协调、气候变化和其他问题的谈判。
        China’s market regulator said the moves would not “jeopardize” fund-raising activities by the five firms, adding that they can choose from multiple markets. The companies will keep their listings in Hong Kong and mainland China.        中国市场监管机构表示,这些举措不会“影响”这五家公司的融资活动,并补充说,它们可以在多个市场中选择。这些公司将继续在香港和中国大陆上市。
        “These companies have strictly complied with the rules and regulatory requirements of the U.S. capital market since their listing in the U.S. and made the delisting choice for their own business considerations,” the China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a statement on Friday.        中国证监会上周五在声明中表示:“这些企业在美国上市以来严格遵守美国资本市场规则和监管要求,作出退市选择是出于自身商业考虑。”
        All five companies were added to a list of Chinese firms that did not meet the auditing standards of U.S. regulators, outlined in the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act that was passed in 2020.        这五家公司都被列入了一份不符合美国监管机构审计标准的中国公司名单,该名单是2020年通过的《外国公司问责法》提出的措施。
        Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant listed in New York, is another firm that was recently added to the list of more than 270 companies. When news of its addition emerged this month, its U.S.-listed shares dropped 11 percent. The company said last month that it would soon seek a primary listing in Hong Kong, a move that would allow more investors from mainland China to invest in it.        在纽约上市的中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴最近也被列入这份包括270多家公司的名单。本月,当该公司被列入名单的消息传出后,其在美上市的股票下跌了11%。该公司上月表示,它将很快寻求把香港作为主要上市地点,此举将允许更多来自中国大陆的投资者对其进行投资。
        Didi Chuxing, China’s answer to Uber, was among the first Chinese companies to announce plans to delist from the New York Stock Exchange late last year, signaling the end of a multiyear, trillion-dollar love affair between China and Wall Street.        去年年底,滴滴出行(中国版的优步)成为计划从纽约证券交易所退市的首批中国公司之一,标志着中国与华尔街长达数年、价值数万亿美元的热恋告终。

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