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How Frustration Over TikTok Has Mounted in Washington

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-15 05:38

        WASHINGTON — Early last year, Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, and Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, met to discuss China and industrial policy. During their conversation, Mr. Rubio raised his worries about Beijing’s influence over TikTok, the Chinese-owned viral video app.        华盛顿——去年早些时候,佛罗里达州共和党参议员马尔科·卢比奥与拜登总统的国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文碰头,讨论中国和产业政策。会面中,卢比奥对北京方面影响TikTok的能力表达担忧,这是中国拥有的一款热门视频应用。
        Under former President Donald J. Trump, TikTok had been embroiled in questions over whether it could compromise U.S. national security by sharing information about Americans with China. The issue, which was never resolved, was inherited by the Biden administration. Mr. Sullivan “shared our concerns,” Mr. Rubio said in an interview.        在前总统特朗普任内,TikTok曾被质疑是否会与中国分享美国人的信息,从而损害美国的国家安全。这个未解决的问题现在到了拜登政府的手里。卢比奥在接受采访的时候说,沙利文“和我们一样担心”。
        Their discussion was one of many that lawmakers have quietly had with government officials about TikTok since President Biden took office. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the Democratic chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said he had also been in “active conversations” with the administration about the app, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. And regulators and other government officials have been weighing what to do about it after scrutinizing other Chinese firms.        自从拜登总统执政以来,议员们就TikTok与政府官员进行了多次私下讨论,卢比奥和沙利文的讨论是其中之一。参议院情报委员会主席、弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·华纳表示,他也一直在与政府就这款为中国企业字节跳动所有的应用进行“积极对话”。监管机构和其他政府官员在审查了其他中国公司之后一直在权衡如何处理TikTok。
        These behind-the-scenes conversations signal how tensions over TikTok have simmered in Washington. While the app appeared to fade as a political flashpoint after Mr. Trump left office last year, lawmakers and government officials have privately grown frustrated over the Biden administration’s lack of progress in policing TikTok and other Chinese apps that could leak data to Beijing.        这些幕后谈话表明,华盛顿对TikTok问题正日趋紧张。虽然特朗普去年卸任后,该应用程序作为政治引爆点的热度似乎有所消退,但私下里,立法者和政府官员对拜登政府感到失望,认为其在监管TikTok和其他可能向北京泄露数据的中国应用程序方面缺乏进展。
        That dissatisfaction has boiled over into public view in recent months, after new revelations from BuzzFeed and other news outlets about TikTok’s data practices and ties to its Chinese parent. Mr. Rubio and Mr. Warner have recently called for a Federal Trade Commission investigation into the app, while a regulator at the Federal Communications Commission publicly said that TikTok should be booted from American app stores.        近几个月来,在BuzzFeed和其他新闻媒体对TikTok的数据操作及其与中国母公司的关系进行了新的披露后,发酵中的不满情绪进入了公众的视野。卢比奥和华纳最近呼吁联邦贸易委员会对这款应用进行调查,联邦通信委员会的一名监管人员则公开表示,TikTok应该从美国的应用商店下架。
        A group of Republican senators has also demanded answers from TikTok about who could access the app’s data. On Tuesday, officials in the House of Representatives told staff members that they did not recommend using or downloading the service, citing security concerns, according to an email obtained by The New York Times.        一群共和党参议员还要求TikTok澄清,究竟谁可以获取该应用程序的数据。《纽约时报》获得的一封电子邮件显示,周二,众议院官员告诉工作人员,出于安全考虑,他们不建议使用或下载该服务。
        “It’s just not been a priority over there, unfortunately, and I hope it will become one with the new revelations,” Mr. Rubio said of the Biden administration’s progress on TikTok.        “不幸的是,这并非他们的优先事项,我希望随着新的发现,它会成为一个优先事项,”卢比奥在谈到拜登政府关于TikTok一事的进展时说。
        The bipartisan scrutiny of TikTok, effectively at its most intense since Mr. Trump tried to force the app’s sale to an American buyer in 2020, is mounting as the platform grows ever more popular. With more than one billion users, TikTok has become a prime engine for cultural phenomena, like the scores of young people who posted last month about dressing in suits to see the latest “Minions” movie. Today, 67 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds in the United States use the app, according to a report last week from the Pew Research Center.        随着该平台越来越受欢迎,两党对TikTok的审视——实际上这是自特朗普试图在2020年迫使该应用程序卖给美国买家以来最激烈的一次——会越来越多。TikTok拥有逾10亿用户,已经成为文化现象的一个主要引擎,上月年轻人纷纷发布穿西装去看最新的《小黄人》电影的视频就是这样一个例子。根据皮尤研究中心上周的一份报告,眼下13到17岁的美国人中有67%在使用该应用程序。
        TikTok has fought back against the new scrutiny. Shou Zi Chew, its chief executive, wrote directly to senators in July to “set the record straight” about the app’s data practices. Michael Beckerman, a TikTok executive who runs its multimillion-dollar lobbying apparatus, also went on CNN last month to defend the company.        TikTok对新的审查予以了反击。该公司首席执行官周受资今年7月直接致信参议员,就该应用的数据做法“澄清事实”。TikTok投入重金进行游说,负责公司游说活动的迈克尔·贝克曼上个月也在CNN的节目中为公司辩护。
        In an interview, Mr. Beckerman called TikTok’s data collection “all very minor” compared with other social apps. To reduce security concerns, the app has said that it plans to store all its American data solely on Oracle servers in the United States, deleting its backups in Singapore and Virginia, and managing access from the United States. The process, Mr. Beckerman said, would probably be finished this year. He did not offer a specific date.        在接受采访时,贝克曼称TikTok的数据收集与其他社交应用相比“非常少”。为了减少安全方面的担忧,该应用表示计划将所有美国数据完全存储在甲骨文公司的美国服务器上,删除其在新加坡和弗吉尼亚州的备份,并管理来自美国的访问。贝克曼说,这个过程可能会在今年完成。他没有提供具体的日期。
        The White House may be preparing to act soon on broader policy around apps that could expose data to foreign adversaries. Earlier this year, it circulated a draft of an executive order that would give the government more power to intercede in cases where data is at risk of being exposed to an adversary. The Biden administration is also expected to issue guidance soon for a committee that vets transactions involving foreign companies, telling it to be especially sensitive to cases that could expose Americans’ data to other governments. It is also considering ways to review whole classes of potentially risky deals, rather than approaching them on an individual basis.        白宫可能在准备尽快就围绕可能将数据暴露给外国对手的应用程序实施更广泛的政策。今年早些时候,政府发布了一份行政命令草案,将赋予政府更多的权力,在数据有可能暴露给对手的情况下进行干预。预计拜登政府还将很快为一个审查涉及外国公司交易的委员会发布指导意见,要求该委员会格外留意可能将美国人的数据泄露给其他政府的交易。它还在考虑如何如何审查一整个有潜在风险的交易门类,而不是针对单个交易进行评估。
        “The Biden administration is focused on the challenge of certain countries, including China, seeking to leverage digital technologies and Americans’ data in ways that present unacceptable national security risks while advancing authoritarian control and interests,” said Saloni Sharma, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council. “The administration is also reviewing additional potential actions to address this challenge.”        “拜登政府关注包括中国在内的某些国家的挑战,这些国家试图利用数字技术和美国人的数据,带来不可接受的国家安全风险,同时推进威权控制和利益,”国家安全委员会发言人萨洛尼·夏尔马说。“政府还在审查其他潜在行动,以应对这一挑战。”
        TikTok has faced security questions for years, especially in 2020 when Mr. Trump issued an executive order to block it from the Apple and Google app stores unless ByteDance sold the app to an American firm. He later announced a deal to sell part of the app to Oracle, the American cloud computing giant, but it never came to pass. Federal courts eventually ruled that Mr. Trump’s order blocking TikTok was illegal, along with another blocking the Chinese-owned app WeChat, and last summer, Mr. Biden rolled both back.        TikTok多年来一直面临安全问题,尤其是在2020年,特朗普发布了一项行政命令,禁止它进入苹果和谷歌应用商店,除非字节跳动将该应用出售给一家美国公司。后来,他宣布了一项交易,将该应用的一部分出售给美国云计算巨头甲骨文,但这一交易从未实现。联邦法院最终裁定,特朗普屏蔽TikTok的命令以及另一项屏蔽中国应用微信的命令是非法的,去年夏天,拜登撤销了这两项命令。
        But the government has continued trying to reduce risks associated with TikTok. The app and the committee on foreign investment in the United States, which vets international involvement in deals, have been quietly negotiating a resolution to the government’s concerns, according to people tracking the discussions.        但政府一直在努力降低与TikTok相关的风险。据跟踪讨论的人士透露,这款应用和负责审查涉国际投资者交易的美国外国投资委员会一直在悄悄谈判,以解决政府的担忧。
        While a larger team is working on how to cordon off U.S. user data, only around 10 TikTok employees have seen the draft agreement between the company and the government, TikTok said, reflecting the closely held nature of the negotiations.        TikTok表示,虽然一个更大的团队正在研究如何隔离美国用户数据,但只有大约10名TikTok员工看到了该公司和政府之间的协议草案,这也体现了谈判的保密性质。
        A spokesman for the Treasury Department, which oversees the committee on foreign investment, declined to comment on TikTok, and said the group is committed to safeguarding national security.        负责监督外国投资委员会的财政部的一名发言人拒绝就TikTok置评,并表示委员会致力于维护国家安全。
        The Commerce Department has the power to review risks from other foreign-owned apps and services. But those reviews have since moved slowly as the agency staffed up for the Biden administration.        商务部有权审查其他外资应用和服务的风险。但是随着该部门在拜登政府时期进行人员扩充,这些审查的进展很慢。
        “There’s a lot of frustration within certain parts of the administration with the lack of progress,” said Paul Triolo, a senior vice president for China at Albright Stonebridge Group, a consulting firm.        “政府某些部门对缺乏进展感到非常失望,”咨询公司奥尔布赖特石桥集团负责中国事务的高级副总裁保罗·特里奥罗说。
        Ms. Sharma noted that Mr. Biden’s 2021 executive order rolling back Mr. Trump’s TikTok ban had measures to “protect Americans’ sensitive data from collection and utilization by foreign adversaries.”        夏尔马指出,拜登在2021年撤销特朗普的TikTok禁令的行政命令中,采取了“保护美国人的敏感数据不被外国对手收集和利用”的措施。
        Conversations have also continued behind the scenes between lawmakers and the administration about its plans for TikTok. Mr. Warner said he had experienced “some outreach” from TikTok leadership about their plans for handling data security.        在幕后,议员和政府之间也在继续进行对话,讨论关于TikTok的计划。沃纳说,关于处理数据安全的计划,TikTok的领导层“同他进行了一些接触”。
        Lawmakers said they remained concerned. Senator Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, said in an interview that she believed TikTok’s Mr. Beckerman “danced around the relationship with ByteDance” when he testified at a 2021 congressional hearing about children’s online safety. Mr. Beckerman denied misleading anyone.        议员们说他们仍然感到担忧。田纳西州共和党参议员玛莎·布莱克本在接受采访时表示,她认为TikTok的贝克曼在2021年国会关于儿童网络安全的听证会上作证时,“绕过了与字节跳动公司的关系。”贝克曼否认误导任何人。
        The worries exploded into public view again in June when BuzzFeed reported that the app’s employees in China had recently been able to access Americans’ data. Gizmodo later reported that the company had tried downplaying its Chinese ownership.        今年6月,当BuzzFeed报道该应用在中国的员工近期依然能够访问美国人的数据时,这种担忧再次进入公众视野。Gizmodo后来报道称,该公司曾试图淡化其中国所有权。
        Brendan Carr, a Republican member of the F.C.C., said he saw the BuzzFeed story and publicly asked Apple and Google to remove TikTok from their app stores in June. Last October, he had also called for the F.C.C. to reviews the risks associated with drones made by DJI, a Chinese company.        联邦通信委员会的共和党成员布伦丹·卡尔表示,他看到了BuzzFeed的报道,并在6月公开要求苹果和谷歌从其应用商店中下架TikTok。去年10月,他还呼吁委员会审查与中国公司大疆制造的无人机相关的风险。
        “I thought it was totally appropriate to speak up,” Mr. Carr said. The F.C.C. does not regulate mobile apps.        “我认为完全应当说出来,”卡尔说。联邦通信委员会不监管移动设备上的应用程序。
        Google declined to comment on the letter. Apple did not respond to a request for comment about the message. A Google executive wrote back to Mr. Carr that the company was monitoring the situation “pending congressional and potentially Federal Trade Commission reviews regarding” TikTok.        谷歌拒绝对该信置评。苹果没有回应对该消息的置评请求。一位谷歌高管回信给卡尔,称该公司正在监测这方面的情况,“等待国会和联邦贸易委员会对TikTok的审查结果。”
        The unease over TikTok appears unlikely to dissipate in Washington. The memo on Tuesday to House staff members advising against using the app read: “TikTok is a Chinese-owned company, and any use of this platform should be done with that in mind.”        对TikTok的担忧似乎不太可能在华盛顿消散。周二的备忘录建议众议院工作人员不要使用该应用程序:“TikTok是一家中资公司,任何时候在使用该平台时都应牢记这一点。”

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