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Chinese Military Ship Docks in Sri Lanka Despite India’s Concerns

来源:纽约时报    2022-08-17 10:03

        COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — After weeks of uncertainty, a Chinese surveillance vessel docked at a port in Sri Lanka on Tuesday, raising tensions between neighboring India and China as Indian leaders grow increasingly alarmed by Beijing’s expanding influence in the region.        斯里兰卡科伦坡——经历了几周的不确定因素后,一艘中国测量船周二停靠斯里兰卡的一个港口,加剧了邻国印度与中国的紧张关系,印度领导人对中国政府在该地区不断扩大的影响力越来越感担忧。
        The vessel, from a line of Yuan Wang ships that China’s military uses to track satellite and ballistic missile launches, is scheduled to remain for several days of refueling at the southern Hambantota port. China holds a 99-year lease on the port after Sri Lanka failed to pay back Chinese loans to build it.        这艘考察船属于中国军方用于跟踪卫星和弹道导弹发射的“远望号”系列,按计划将在斯里兰卡南部的汉班托塔港停靠数日补给燃料。斯里兰卡未能偿还中国为修建港口提供的贷款后,中国拿到了该港口的99年租约。
        For Sri Lanka, where the government is already struggling to pull the country out of virtual bankruptcy, the Chinese docking request deepened the island nation’s longstanding bind navigating two giant rivals.        对斯里兰卡来说,中国的停靠请求加深了这个岛国夹在两个巨大竞争对手之间求生存的长期窘境,斯里兰卡政府正在艰难地让国家摆脱实际上的破产状态。
        China has been a long-term construction and development ally for Sri Lanka, granting large loans for projects extending well beyond the port. India has provided nearly $4 billion in assistance to Sri Lanka in recent months as the nation ran out of foreign reserves to pay for imports of basic goods.        中国一直是斯里兰卡建设和发展的长期盟友,为该国提供了远不止这个港口项目的大量贷款。随着斯里兰卡的外汇储备耗尽,无法支付基本生活用品的进口,印度已在最近几个月向斯里兰卡提供了近40亿美元的援助。
        In a sign of its difficult position, the Sri Lankan government had initially asked China to postpone the vessel’s arrival “until further consultations are made.” Then, late last week, it said it would allow the boat to dock.        斯里兰卡政府最初曾要求中国在“进行进一步磋商”前,推迟这艘船的抵达,由此可见它所处的困境。后来在上周晚些时候,斯里兰卡政府表示将允许这艘船停靠。
        Some analysts in India, where there were worries that the Chinese boat could be used to conduct surveillance of sites in the country’s south, saw Sri Lanka’s decision as a “diplomatic slap.”        印度的一些分析人士将斯里兰卡的决定视为“在外交上打(印度的)脸”,印度担心这艘中国船可能被用来监视该国南部的一些地点。
        Officials from India and the United States, two members of an alliance known as the Quad that is aimed at checking China’s rising influence in the region, had raised their concerns both in Colombo, the Sri Lankan capital, and in Cambodia during recent ministerial meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Sri Lankan officials told The New York Times.        印度和美国是旨在遏制中国在该地区不断上升的影响力的“四方联盟”成员国,斯里兰卡官员告诉《纽约时报》,来自这两个国家的官员在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡和柬埔寨最近举行的东南亚国家联盟部长级会议上都提出了他们的担忧。
        India’s concerns about the Chinese vessel added to tensions over Beijing’s encroachments on Indian land borders in the Himalayas, where the countries militaries have remained on a war footing for more than two years after deadly skirmishes. The two sides have failed to agree on disengagement of their troops in the Ladakh region despite 16 rounds of talks.        印度对这艘中国船只的担忧,加剧了因中国侵犯印度在喜马拉雅山脉陆地边界导致的紧张局势。两国军队曾在该地区发生过致命的小规模冲突,并在之后的两年多里一直处于备战状态。尽管双方已进行了16轮谈判,但仍未能在让两国军队在拉达克地区脱离接触达成一致。
        “The government carefully monitors any development having a bearing on India’s security and economic interests and takes all necessary measures to safeguard them,” Arindam Bagchi, the spokesman for India’s foreign ministry, said last month as questions surfaced about the Chinese ship.        在有关中国船只的问题浮出水面后,印度外交部发言人阿林达姆·巴格奇上个月说,“政府密切关注任何影响印度安全和经济利益的事态发展,并将采取一切必要措施保护本国安全和利益”。
        Without naming India, China’s foreign ministry fired back, saying it was “completely unjustified for certain countries to cite the so-called security concerns to pressure Sri Lanka.”        中国外交部给予了没有指名道姓的回击,称“某些国家以所谓的安全顾虑向斯里兰卡施压是完全没有道理的”。
        Over the weeks that followed, Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry said, it engaged in “extensive consultations” with all parties involved. After the government granted China permission to dock, it played down the significance, noting that it had allowed naval ships from many countries, including the United States and Japan, to do the same.        斯里兰卡外交部说,在随后的几周里,该国与有关各方进行了“广泛磋商”。政府在批准中国的停靠请求后,淡化了其重要性,指出该国曾允许包括美国和日本在内的许多国家的海军舰只停靠。
        In a sign of the Indian and Chinese dance for influence in the small island nation, India donated a Dornier maritime reconnaissance aircraft to Sri Lanka just a day before the ship’s arrival. Sri Lanka’s new president, Ranil Wickremesinghe, attended a ceremony marking the donation.        就在“远望5号”抵达斯里兰卡的前一天,印度向斯里兰卡捐赠了一架多尼尔海上侦察机,展示了印中两国试图影响这个小岛国家的努力。斯里兰卡新总统拉尼尔·维克拉马辛哈出席了捐赠仪式。
        “The benefits from the growth of India, the benefits from the strength of India, are for all our friends and neighbors to share,” Gopal Baglay, India’s high commissioner to Colombo, said at the ceremony.        “印度的发展、印度的强大带来的好处是与我们所有的朋友和邻国共享的,”印度驻科伦坡高级专员戈帕尔·巴格莱在仪式上说。
        The next day, Qi Zhenhong, China’s ambassador to Sri Lanka, called the Chinese vessel’s docking “nothing special.”        次日,中国船只在斯里兰卡停靠后,中国驻斯里兰卡大使戚振宏称那“不是什么特别的事情”。
        “The scientific and research vessel visiting Hambantota is very natural and normal,” he said. “This is not the first time that this kind of vessel visited Sri Lanka.”        “科考船访问汉班托塔是非常自然和正常的,”他说。“这不是这类船只第一次访问斯里兰卡。”
        Asked whether the delay was a result of India’s objections, he said: “I don’t know. Maybe this is life.”        在被问及推迟停靠是不是印度反对的结果时,他说:“我不知道。也许这就是生活。”

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