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Coca-Cola launches limited-edition 'dream-flavored' soda

来源:中国日报    2022-08-12 08:00

        If you've ever wondered what dreams taste like, you're in for a treat, because Coca-Cola is releasing another new limited-edition flavor to its Creations lineup. Called Dreamworld, the latest Coke is supposed to taste like dreams.如果你想知道梦是什么“味道”,那你有口福了,因为可口可乐公司在其“乐创无界”系列产品中推出了一款限量版新口味。这款被称为“梦境”的新品可乐有“像梦一样的味道”。
        The release of the new flavor is a part of the company's effort to attract new Gen Z consumers through Coca-Cola Creations, which will introduce a series of unexpected beverages and experiences across physical and digital worlds.为迎合Z世代消费者,可口可乐公司通过可口可乐“乐创无界”平台推出这款新品,该平台将推出一系列意想不到的饮品和现实及数码世界的体验。
        "Coca-Cola Dreamworld taps into Gen Z’s passion for the infinite potential of the mind by exploring what a dream tastes like," Alessandra Cascino, Coca-Cola North America Operating Unit’s creative and shopper program director, said in a statement. "Like the Coca-Cola Creations that came before it, Dreamworld plays with the unexpected and will no doubt provoke discovery and debate among consumers … which we welcome."可口可乐北美运营部创意和消费者项目总监亚历桑德拉·卡斯基诺在一份声明中称:“可口可乐‘梦境’通过探索梦的味道,展现了Z世代对无限想象力的热情。就像之前的可口可乐产品一样,‘梦境’也不走寻常路,这无疑会在消费者中引发关注和讨论……我们对此表示欢迎。”

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