通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民_OK阅读网
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通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民

来源:中国日报    2022-08-02 08:00

        At Duane Reade’s store in the Port Authority bus depot, the shelf-stable product — only $3.99 a can — is now being stocked in plastic, anti-theft cases.在位于港务局公交站的杜安里德便利店里,这种售价为3.99美元(约合人民币27元)的耐储藏午餐肉罐头被存放在塑料防盗盒里售卖。
        The cashier was among the employees, tourists and store regulars stunned that the iconic blue-and-yellow cans are now being kept under lock-and-key.收银员、店员、游客和店里的常客对此场景都感到震惊。
        “Some of these things are pretty ridiculous,” she said.她说:“有些事情相当离谱。”
        Employees at the store said thefts have been surging over the past two-plus years, with one estimating a minimum of four shoplifters every evening shift.该店员工表示,在过去两年多的时间里,盗窃案持续激增,有员工估计,每个夜班至少会出现四个小偷。
        Petit larceny complaints for the NYPD Midtown South Precinct, which includes the Port Authority bus terminal, have shot up 52 percent — to 1,771, through July 24 — compared to the same period last year.截至7月24日,港务局公交总站所在辖区的纽约警局中城南分局处理的小型盗窃案同比增加了52%,达到1771起。

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