通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民_OK阅读网
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通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民

来源:中国日报    2022-08-02 08:00

        Inflation and crime have gotten so bad in New York City that even cheap meat like Spam has to be locked up.纽约市的通货膨胀和犯罪率达到空前水平,商家不得不把午餐肉罐头等廉价肉制品都锁起来。
        “I’ve never seen that before!” one cashier laughed while using a magnet to remove a can of Spam from its cage.一位收银员笑着用磁铁从盒子里取出一罐午餐肉说,“我从没见过这种情况!”
        Jenny Kenny, 43, who was visiting from Louisville, KY, was aware of the ongoing crime waves hitting cities like New York and San Francisco, but still couldn’t believe the sight of “so many things in boxes.”43岁的顾客珍妮·肯尼来自肯塔基州路易斯维尔市,她表示,自己知道犯罪浪潮正在席卷纽约和旧金山等地,但仍然不敢相信店家“把这么多食物锁在盒子里”。
        As prices and crime skyrocket, New York City stores have taken to locking up staples like toothpaste and soap to prevent crooks from stealing and then hawking the products on the sidewalk or online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.随着物价上涨、犯罪率飙升,纽约的商店已经开始给牙膏和肥皂等日常用品上锁,以防小偷偷窃这些产品,并在路边或亚马逊和易趣等网站兜售兜赃物。
        With inflation out of control — the consumer price index spiked 9.1 percent in June compared to a year ago, even as President Biden last week refused to acknowledge the nation is in a recession despite the economy contracting two quarters in a row — emboldened thieves have found a ready market for discounted stolen goods among recession-weary consumers.6月消费者价格指数同比上涨9.1%,尽管美国经济连续两个季度出现萎缩,但美国总统拜登上周仍拒绝承认经济处于衰退之中。由于通货膨胀失控,胆大包天的小偷在深受经济衰退影响的消费者中找到了“销赃的市场”。

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