新特别提款权货币篮子生效 人民币权重升至12.28%_OK阅读网
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新特别提款权货币篮子生效 人民币权重升至12.28%
Renminbi gets global currency basket upgrade

来源:中国日报    2022-08-02 17:19

        The enhanced standing of the renminbi as a key global reserve asset will further boost the Chinese currency's accelerated march toward playing a more central role in the international financial governance system, officials and experts said.
        Nevertheless, more reform and opening-up of China's financial markets are still necessary for the renminbi to become a well-acknowledged global currency like the US dollar and the euro, they added.不过,他们认为,要使人民币成为美元和欧元那样获得广泛认可的全球货币,中国金融市场仍需深化改革开放。
        The IMF made the decision for the weighting hike based on developments in global trade and financial markets from 2017 to 2021. After the weighting increase, the Chinese currency continues to hold the third-largest overall share within the SDR basket, behind the dollar and the euro but ahead of the Japanese yen and the British pound.IMF根据2017年至2021年全球贸易和金融市场的发展情况作出了该决定。在权重上调后,人民币在SDR篮子中的总体份额保持在第三位,仅次于美元和欧元,但高于日元和英镑。
        Zhang Liqing, director of the Center for International Finance Studies, which is part of the Central University of Finance and Economics, said the upgrade marks the latest progress in the internationalization of the currency.中央财经大学国际金融研究中心主任张礼卿表示,此次权重上调是人民币国际化的最新进展。
        The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in June, with a share of 2.17 percent, up from 2.15 percent a month earlier, according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT.环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)数据显示,6月人民币在全球支付货币排名中保持全球第五大最活跃货币的位置,占比2.17%,高于一个月前的2.15%。
        Moreover, the Chinese currency has also played a bigger role in safeguarding global financial stability as the Bank for International Settlements said in June that it will develop a Renminbi Liquidity Arrangement. The arrangement will act as a yuan reserve pool, from which participating central banks can obtain renminbi liquidity when needed to deal with market volatility.此外,人民币在维护全球金融稳定方面也发挥了更大作用。国际清算银行6月份表示,将制定人民币流动性安排,通过储备资金池计划,在金融市场波动时为参加该安排的央行提供流动性支持。
        "More importantly, whether China can seize these opportunities depends on whether the country can make more positive progress in deepening reform and opening-up, especially in terms of financial opening-up," Zhang said.张礼卿认为:“更重要的是,中国能否抓住这些机遇取决于能否继续深化改革开放,特别是扩大金融开放。”
        The administration will improve the management of overseas investors' funds in the domestic bond market and expand pilot programs to facilitate cross-border financing, said a statement released after the meeting.会后发布的声明称,将完善境外投资者投资境内债券市场资金管理,扩大跨境融资便利化试点。

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