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Myanmar Executes Four Pro-Democracy Activists, Defying Foreign Leaders

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-26 06:00

        Myanmar’s military regime announced Monday that it had executed four pro-democracy activists, the first executions in the Southeast Asian nation in more than three decades and what was seen as the latest attempt to instill fear in a resistance movement that has continued to battle the junta since it seized power in a coup last year.        缅甸军政府周一宣布已处决四名民主活动人士,这是该东南亚国家三十多年来的首次处决,自军政府去年政变夺权以来,抵抗运动一直在持续,这次处决被视为军政府向抵抗运动灌输恐惧的最新行动。
        The four activists were sentenced to death earlier this year during closed-door trials in a military court without attorneys present. They were executed in secret on Saturday for what the regime called “brutal and inhumane terror acts,” charges that their defenders have said were unfounded.        今年早些时候,在没有律师在场的情况下,四名活动人士在军事法庭的闭门审判中被判处死刑。政府称他们存在“野蛮和不人道的恐怖行为”,并于周六将其秘密处决,他们的辩护者表示这些指控是没有根据的。
        The executions carried out by the notoriously insular Myanmar military signaled a rebuke to Western leaders, the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, who have all sought to persuade the junta to free political prisoner and halt the violence that has swept the nation since the coup.        执行处决的缅甸军方以独断专行著称,这次处决表达了他们对西方领导人、联合国和东南亚国家联盟的驳斥,这几方势力都寻求说服军政府释放政治犯并制止政变后席卷全国的暴力事件。
        Myanmar’s generals have rejected efforts by foreign officials to influence their actions, calling them “reckless and interfering.” And while the regime has mostly ignored attempts at diplomacy, the United Nations Security Council has been unable to introduce harsh sanctions, at least partly reflecting resistance from China and Russia, Myanmar’s allies.        缅甸将军反对外国官员影响军方的行动,称他们“鲁莽且干扰别国内政”。该政权大多时候无视外交尝试,联合国安理会一直未能实施严厉制裁,这至少部分反映了缅甸盟友中国和俄罗斯的抵制。
        United Nations representatives had urged the junta last month not to proceed with the executions, saying, “These death sentences, handed down by an illegitimate court of an illegitimate junta, are a vile attempt at instilling fear among the people of Myanmar.”        联合国代表上个月敦促军政府不要进行处决,称“这些死刑判决是由非法军政府的非法法庭做出的,是在向缅甸人民灌输恐惧的卑鄙企图”。
        “They do not value human lives and they show that they do not respect the international community,” said U Kyaw Zaw, a spokesman for the National Unity Government, a shadow government established by ousted civilian leaders after the coup. He said the executions were an affront to international efforts by United Nations officials and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, to bring peace.        民族团结政府的发言人吴觉佐说:“他们不重视人的生命,他们表明他们不尊重国际社会。”民族团结政府是政变后由被罢免的文职领导人建立的影子政府。他说,这些处决是对联合国官员和东南亚国家联盟(即东盟)为带来和平所做的国际努力的侮辱。
        “ASEAN leaders should see the true position of the military by now,” Mr. Kyaw Zaw said. “Killing the activists is outrageous and a sad day for the country.”        “东盟领导人现在应该看到军方的真实立场,”吴觉佐说。“对活动人士的杀戮令人发指,对这个国家来说,这是悲哀的一天。”
        All four men who were executed on Saturday — including the popular activist U Kyaw Min Yu, better known as Ko Jimmy, and U Phyo Zeya Thaw, a former hip-hop artist who was elected to Parliament — had been held at the notorious Insein Prison on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city.        周六被处决的四人——包括受欢迎的活动人士觉敏友,他有一个更为人熟知的名字哥吉米,以及曾为嘻哈艺术家的当选议员漂扎亚桑——都被关押在臭名昭著的永盛监狱,位于缅甸最大城市仰光的郊区。
        Members of the prison staff confirmed that the executions had taken place and that the four men were executed by hanging. The other two activists executed were U Hla Myo Aung and U Aung Thura Zaw.        监狱工作人员证实四人已被执行绞刑。另外两名被处决的活动人士是拉妙昂和昂图拉祖。
        Family members, who said they were not notified of the executions, went to the prison Monday morning to confirm that the hangings took place and to try to recover the remains. Relatives had been allowed to speak to the men by video as recently as Friday.        亲属表示他们没有收到处决通知,周一早上才去监狱确认已执行绞刑并试图领回遗体。就在周五,亲属还被允许通过视频与他们交谈。
        The military, which previously ruled the country for nearly half a century, has faced massive protests and a growing armed rebellion. Since ousting elected officials in the Feb. 1, 2021, coup, the regime has tried to crush dissent by arresting opposition leaders, gunning down unarmed protesters, bombing resistance encampments and burning thousands of homes.        曾经统治该国近半个世纪的军方面临着大规模抗议和日益增加的武装叛乱。自从在2021年2月1日的政变中推翻民选官员以来,该政权一直试图通过逮捕反对派领导人、枪杀手无寸铁的抗议者、轰炸抵抗组织营地和烧毁数以千计的房屋来镇压异议。
        But the regime has been unable to subdue resistance forces, who, along with armed ethnic groups that have been battling the military for years, claim to control about half of the country’s territory.        但他们一直无法制服抵抗力量,加上多年来一直与军方作战的民族武装团体,这些力量声称总共控制了该国大约一半的领土。
        Among the nearly 12,000 political prisoners being detained by the junta is the ousted civilian leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, 77. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has already been convicted on half a dozen charges and sentenced to 11 years in prison. She faces 13 more counts that carry a maximum cumulative sentence of more than 180 years.        军政府关押了近1.2万名政治犯,其中包括77岁的被罢免文职领导人昂山素季。这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者已经因六项罪名被定罪,判处11年监禁。她面临另外13项罪名,最高累计刑期超过180年。
        Last month, she was transferred from house arrest to Naypyidaw Prison, where she is being tried in a prison courtroom.        上个月,软禁中的昂山素季被转移到内比都监狱,在那里接受监狱法庭审判。
        The announcement of the executions drew harsh condemnation from Myanmar opposition leaders, human rights groups and the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, Thomas Andrews, who urged foreign leaders to take tougher action against the regime.        处决宣布后,缅甸反对派领导人、人权组织以及联合国缅甸人权问题特别报告员托马斯·安德鲁斯作出严厉谴责,后者敦促外国领导人对该政权采取更严厉的行动。
        “My heart goes out to their families, friends and loved ones and indeed all the people in Myanmar who are victims of the junta’s escalating atrocities,” Mr. Andrews said. “These depraved acts must be a turning point for the international community.”        “我的心与他们的家人、朋友和亲人,以及缅甸所有在军政府不断升级的暴行中受害的人同在,”安德鲁斯说。“这些卑鄙的行为理应让国际社会的态度出现转折。”
        The four men who were executed had a history of opposing Myanmar’s vicious army, known as the Tatmadaw.        被处决的四人对缅甸国防军的反对由来已久,这支凶恶的军队也被称为塔玛都。
        Mr. Kyaw Min Yu, 53, was a widely respected democracy activist who rose to prominence during nationwide protests in 1988 as a leader of the 88 Generation Students Group. He spent 15 years in prison for his role in the uprising and another five years in prison for protesting fuel price hikes in 2007.        53岁的觉敏友是一位广受尊敬的民主活动人士,他在1988年的全国抗议活动中作为“88世代学生组织”的领导人而声名鹊起。他因参与起义而入狱15年,并因2007年抗议燃油价格上涨而入狱五年。
        Mr. Phyo Zeya Thaw, 41, who was known by his stage name, Zayar Thaw, was a member of Generation Wave, a hip-hop collective that challenged the former ruling junta through its lyrics. After spending five years in prison for his activism, he joined the National League for Democracy, the party of Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, and was elected to Parliament in 2012.        41岁的漂扎亚桑以其艺名扎亚桑为人所知,他所在的团体Generation Wave是一个通过歌词挑战前执政军政府的嘻哈乐队。在因活动主义而入狱五年后,他加入了昂山素季的政党全国民主联盟,并于2012年当选议员。
        “Hip-hop artists already have a culture of revolution, so in our generation we protested through songs,” he told The New York Times in the weeks after the coup. “Now all kinds of artists are involved because they don’t want to lose the value of democracy.”        “嘻哈艺人本来就有一种革命文化,所以在我们这一代,我们通过歌曲进行抗议,”政变几周后,他告诉《纽约时报》。“现在各种艺术家都参与进来,因为他们不想失去民主的价值。”
        Mr. Kyaw Min Yu was arrested in October and Mr. Phyo Zeya Thaw in November. Charged with acts of terror for supporting the armed resistance, they were tried together during a brief trial before a military court without legal representation. They were found guilty in January and sentenced to death. After their appeal was rejected last month, the military’s spokesman, Gen. Zaw Min Tun, defended plans to execute both men.        觉敏友于10月被捕,漂扎亚桑于11月被捕。他们因支持武装抵抗而被指控存在恐怖行为,在没有律师代表的情况下,他们一起接受了军事法庭的短暂审判。他们在1月被判有罪并被判处死刑。上个月他们的上诉被驳回后,军方发言人佐敏吞将军为处决两人的决定进行了辩护。
        “At least 50 innocent civilians, excluding security forces, died because of them,” he told a televised news conference. “How can you say this is not justice?”        “除安全部队外,至少有50名无辜平民因他们而丧生,”他在电视转播的新闻发布会上说。“你怎么能说这不公平?”
        Zachary Abuza, a professor at the National War College in Washington, said the executions were a desperate move by the junta to show strength, but that it was likely to backfire by turning the men into revolutionary heroes.        华盛顿国家战争学院教授扎卡里·阿布扎表示,处决是军政府不顾一切展示镇压力量的举动,但可能会适得其反,将这些人变成革命英雄。
        “These types of protracted conflicts really need martyrs,” he said. “And in Ko Jimmy and Phyo Zeya Thaw, the junta has created two tailor-made and beloved martyrs that both the international community and domestic population can rally behind.”        “这类旷日持久的冲突确实需要烈士,”他说。“军政府创造了人们所需要的受爱戴的烈士,觉敏友和漂扎亚桑,国际社会和国内民众都可以团结起来支持他们。”
        Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, the current chairman of ASEAN, appealed last month in a letter to the junta leader, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, not to execute Mr. Kyaw Min Yu and Mr. Phyo Zeya Thaw.        柬埔寨首相、东盟现任主席洪森上个月在致军政府领导人敏昂莱大将的一封信中呼吁不要处决觉敏友和漂扎亚桑。
        The other two democracy activists who were executed on Saturday, Mr. Hla Myo Aung and Mr. Aung Thura Zaw, were arrested in March on charges of killing a woman who had been accused of being an informer. They also were denied attorneys during their brief, closed trial and were found guilty by a military court in April.        周六被处决的另外两名民主活动人士拉妙昂和昂图拉祖于3月被捕,罪名是杀害一名被指为告密者的女性。他们在简短的非公开审判中也被拒绝聘请律师,并于4月被军事法庭判决有罪。
        Many Facebook users in Myanmar changed their profiles to solid red or black to mourn the executions, including Mr. Phyo Zeya Thaw’s widow, Daw Thazin Nyunt Aung, who wrote “Must pay back” on her profile page.        缅甸的许多Facebook用户将他们的个人页面更改为纯红色或黑色,以哀悼漂扎亚桑,其中包括他的遗孀塔津纽昂,她在个人资料页面上写下了“必须偿还”几个字。
        Mr. Phyo Zeya Thaw’s mother, Daw Khin Win May, said that when she spoke to her son on Friday, neither had been told he would be executed the next day. On Monday, she said, prison officials refused her request to give his body or ashes to the family.        漂扎亚桑的母亲金温迈说,周五与儿子交谈时,两人都没有被告知他将在第二天被处决。她说,周一,监狱官员拒绝将遗体或骨灰交给家人的请求。
        “I didn’t think my son would be killed so quickly,” she said in an interview. “As a mother, I am proud of my son for giving his life. If possible, I would like to take the ashes and create a monument to the martyrs.”        “我没想到我儿子会这么快就被杀了,”她在接受采访时说。“作为一名母亲,我为儿子献出他的生命感到自豪。如果可能的话,我想把骨灰拿走,为烈士建一座纪念碑。”

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