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An An, World’s Oldest Giant Male Panda in Captivity, Dies at 35

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-22 11:04

        An An, a bamboo-eating resident of Hong Kong’s Ocean Park who was known for his feisty, playful nature and who had the distinction of being the world’s oldest giant male panda in captivity, died on Thursday after experiencing health problems. He was 35 — or 105 in human years.        世界上最年长的圈养雄性大熊猫安安因健康问题于周四去世,享年35岁(相当于人类的105岁)。安安住在香港海洋公园,以竹子为食,因活泼好动而著称。
        The death, by euthanasia, was announced by the park on its Facebook page, which mourned the loss of its “centenarian panda.”        公园在其Facebook页面上宣布已为安安施行了安乐死,并为失去“百岁熊瑞”哀悼。
        The panda had struggled for weeks with food intake and physical activity, leading park officials, veterinarians and the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda to put him down.        安安几周来食欲不振,活动量大减,公园的官员、兽医和中国大熊猫保护研究中心决定让它安乐死。
        In the last few days of his life, An An was refusing solid foods and becoming more sedentary, officials said. He consumed only water and electrolytes, and his diet swayed far from the daily intake of 30 pounds of bamboo that giant pandas normally eat.        官员们说,在安安生命的最后几天,它拒绝固体食物,越来越不爱动。它只摄入水和电解质,饮食和大熊猫通常每日14公斤竹子的食量相差甚远。
        Dr. Paolo Martelli, director of veterinary services at Ocean Park, performed the procedure at An An’s park residence, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures.        海洋公园兽医服务总监马伯乐(Paolo Martelli)在安安的公园住所——香港赛马会四川奇珍馆进行了安乐死手术。
        An An arrived in Hong Kong in 1999 with a female companion, Jia Jia. The Guinness World Records listed her in 2015 as the oldest giant panda in captivity. She died in 2016 at the age of 38.        1999年,安安和雌性伴侣佳佳来到香港。2015年,吉尼斯世界纪录将佳佳列为最年长的圈养大熊猫。她于2016年去世,享年38岁。
        The life spans of pandas in the wild typically fall between 14 and 20 years. Pandas in captivity rarely make it beyond 30. But there are exceptions. In 2020, Xin Xing, a giant panda who resided at Chongqing Zoo in southwestern China and was famous for scarfing down up to 70 pounds of food daily, died at 38. One year for pandas is equivalent to roughly three for humans, according to an Ocean Park conversion.        野生大熊猫的寿命通常在14到20年之间。圈养的熊猫很少能活到30岁以上。但也有例外。2020年,居住在中国西南部重庆动物园、以每天吃掉30公斤食物而闻名的大熊猫新星去世,享年38岁。据海洋公园的换算,大熊猫的一年大约相当于人类的三年。
        While giant pandas were listed as an endangered species in 1990 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the organization reclassified the bears as “vulnerable” in 2016. As of last year, there were about 1,800 giant pandas in the wild in China and 500 in captivity worldwide.        国际自然保护联盟在1999年将大熊猫列为濒危物种,但在2016年将它重新分类为“易危”。截至去年,中国约有1800只野生大熊猫,全世界有500只圈养大熊猫。
        There are concerns about the conservation of the animals because of the destruction of their natural habitats, including the Yangtze Basin region in China, from infrastructure development, forest lost and climate change.        由于基础设施建设、森林消失和气候变化等原因,大熊猫的自然栖息地遭到破坏,包括中国长江流域地区,人们对于保护这种动物感到担忧。
        While the Chinese government has made restoration efforts to preserve the pandas’ natural habitats and has dozens of panda reserves across the country, protection covers only half of their ecosystems, according to the World Wildlife Fund.        根据世界自然基金会的数据,虽然中国政府为保护大熊猫的自然栖息地做出了恢复努力,并且在全国拥有数十个大熊猫保护区,但保护范围仅覆盖了大熊猫生态系统的一半。
        As the news of An An’s death spread, an outpouring of condolences flowed online from the public. The chairman of the Ocean Park Corporation, Paulo Pong, also mourned the loss, saying in a news release on Thursday that An An had “brought us fond memories with numerous heartwarming moments. His cleverness and playfulness will be dearly missed.”        随着安安逝世的消息传开,民众在网上纷纷表达哀悼。海洋公园公司主席庞建贻也对失去安安表示哀悼,他在周四的新闻发布会上表示,安安“为大家带来无数欢乐回忆,我们将永远怀念它聪敏和调皮的身影”。
        In 2020, Hong Kong’s Ocean Park drew global attention when two of its other pandas, Ying Ying and Le Le, both 14 at the time, succeeded at mating naturally after multiple unsuccessful attempts since 2010. The park had shut down as part of Hong Kong’s attempts to fight the coronavirus, leaving it free of the usual throngs of gawkers and, perhaps, granting the animals some privacy to mate.        2020年,香港海洋公园引起了全球关注,时年14岁的另外两只大熊猫盈盈和乐乐自然交配成功,自2010年以来,它们进行了多次尝试。作为香港抗击新冠病毒努力的部分举措,海洋公园已经关闭,公园里没有围观的游客,也许还给了它们一些交配的隐私。

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