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China Evergrande C.E.O. Resigns After Loans Come Under Scrutiny

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-25 10:28

        China Evergrande, the embattled Chinese property developer, said late Friday that its chief executive had resigned, the latest setback for the company as it struggles to manage its crushing $300 billion in debt.        周五晚,陷入困境的中国房地产开发商中国恒大表示,其首席执行官已辞职,这是该公司在努力应对3000亿美元巨额债务之际遭遇的最新挫折。
        In an announcement, the company said the chief executive, Xia Haijun, had resigned over his involvement in a plan to funnel $2 billion into Evergrande’s coffers from one of its subsidiaries.        该公司在一份公告中表示,首席执行官夏海钧已辞职,原因是他参与了一项从恒大子公司向恒大资金库注入134亿元的计划。
        A preliminary investigation found that the funds, belonging to Evergrande Property Services, had been used as collateral to guarantee a series of loans, money that was then diverted to Evergrande through a third party, the company said.        该公司表示,初步调查发现,这些属于恒大物业的资金已被用作担保一系列贷款的抵押品,这些贷款随后通过第三方转移到恒大。
        When the loans were not repaid late last year, banks seized the $2 billion from the property management unit. In March, Evergrande delayed the filing of its annual results, saying that it needed to investigate why banks had claimed the funds from Evergrande Property Services.        去年年底贷款没有还清后,银行没收了物业管理部门的134亿元。3月,恒大推迟提交年度业绩,称需调查银行为何向恒大物业索取资金。
        Evergrande, which did not identify the third party that facilitated the loans, said the funds were used for “general operations,” but it did not elaborate.        恒大没有透露帮助转移贷款的第三方,称这些资金用于“一般业务”,但未做详细说明。
        China Evergrande said it had asked Mr. Xia and Pan Darong, its chief financial officer, to resign over their involvement in the plan, along with one other executive. Evergrande did not specify what role the executives had played, but it said that Mr. Xia and Mr. Pan had “no disagreement” with the board of directors over the resignations.        中国恒大表示,因夏海钧、首席财务官潘大荣以及另一名高管参与该计划,该公司已要求三人辞职。恒大没有具体说明这些高管在其中起到的作用,但表示夏海钧和潘大荣在辞职问题上与董事会“没有异议”。
        Evergrande has said that it will announce a restructuring plan later this month. Once China’s biggest property developer, the firm has struggled to pay down debts of more than $300 billion to creditors after the government forced debt-laden real estate firms to curb borrowing, hampering the company’s ability to pay suppliers and finish projects. The company went into default in December.        恒大表示,将在本月晚些时候公布一项重组计划。该公司曾经是中国最大的房地产开发商,但在政府迫使负债累累的房地产公司遏制借贷、导致这些公司无力向供应商付款和完工后,该公司一直难以向债权人偿还超过3000亿美元的债务。该公司于去年12月陷入违约。
        The debt problems facing Evergrande have spread to other overextended property developers in China, fueling concerns about a potential housing crisis that could threaten an already fragile economy. Evergrande said it had appointed Siu Shawn, an executive director at the company, to take over as chief executive. It named Qian Cheng as its new chief financial officer.        恒大面临的债务问题已经蔓延到中国其他过度扩张的房地产开发商,加剧了可能出现住房危机的担忧,这可能会威胁到本已脆弱的经济。恒大表示,已任命该公司执行董事肖恩接任首席执行官,任命钱程为新任首席财务官。
        An independent committee investigating the $2 billion from Evergrande Property Services is expected to complete its work and issue a report as soon as possible. Evergrande also said it was working out a repayment plan with the subsidiary, and that it was considering appointing a consultant to perform a review of its internal controls and risk management.        调查恒大物业134亿元资金的独立委员会预计将尽快完成工作并发布报告。恒大还表示,正在与子公司制定还款计划,并正在考虑任命一名顾问对其内部监管和风险管理进行审查。

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