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Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill to Counter China

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-28 01:59

        WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday passed an expansive $280 billion bill aimed at building up America’s manufacturing and technological edge to counter China, embracing in an overwhelming bipartisan vote the most significant government intervention in industrial policy in decades.        华盛顿——周三,参议院通过了一项规模庞大的2800亿美元法案,旨在增进美国的制造业和技术优势以抗衡中国。该法案是几十年来政府对产业政策的最大干预,得到了两党压倒性的投票支持。
        The legislation reflected a remarkable and rare consensus in a polarized Congress in favor of forging a long-term strategy to address the nation’s intensifying geopolitical rivalry with Beijing. The plan is centered around investing federal money into cutting-edge technologies and innovations to bolster the nation’s industrial, technological and military strength.        在一个两极分化的国会,这项立法反映了两党取得罕见的重要共识,也就是说,他们支持制定长期战略来应对跟北京日益激烈的地缘政治竞争。该计划的核心内容是,将联邦资金投资于尖端技术和创新,以增强国家的工业、技术和军事实力。
        The measure passed 64 to 33, with 17 Republicans voting in favor. The bipartisan support illustrated how commercial and military competition with Beijing — as well as the promise of thousands of new American jobs — has dramatically shifted longstanding party orthodoxies, generating agreement among Republicans who once had eschewed government intervention in the markets and Democrats who had resisted showering big companies with federal largess.        法案以64票对33票通过,有17名共和党人投了赞成票。来自两党的支持表明,与北京的商业和军事竞争——以及在美国提供数千个新工作岗位的承诺——已经极大改变了两党长期以来的传统观念,使其达成了一致。在过去,共和党人反对政府干预市场,而民主党人拒绝向大公司提供联邦资金。
        “No country’s government — even a strong country like ours — can afford to sit on the sidelines,” Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader who helped to spearhead the measure, said in an interview. “I think it’s a sea change that will stay.”        “任何国家的政府——即使是像我们这样强大的国家——都不能袖手旁观,”帮助牵头推进该法案的多数党领袖、纽约民主党参议员查克·舒默在接受采访时说。“我认为这将是一场巨大的变革。”
        The legislation will next be considered by the House, where it is expected to pass with some Republican support. President Biden, who has backed the package for more than a year, could sign it into law as early as this week.        该法案接下来将在众议院审议,预计将在部分共和党人的支持下获得通过。一年多来一直支持该方案的拜登总统最早可能于本周签署该法案,使其成为法律。
        The bill, a convergence of economic and national security policy, would provide $52 billion in subsidies and additional tax credits to companies that manufacture chips in the United States. It also would add $200 billion for scientific research, especially into artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing and a variety of other technologies.        该法案融合了经济和国家安全政策,将为在美国制造芯片的企业提供520亿美元的补贴和额外的税收抵免。它还将增加2000亿美元用于科学研究,特别是人工智能、机器人技术、量子计算和各种其他技术。
        The bill calls for pouring $10 billion into the Department of Commerce — which would also dole out the chips subsidies to companies that apply — to create 20 “regional technology hubs” across the country. The brainchild of Senator Todd Young, Republican of Indiana, and Mr. Schumer, the hubs would aim to link together research universities with private industry in an effort to create Silicon Valley-like centers for technology innovation in areas hollowed out by globalization.        法案要求向商务部投入100亿美元,用于在全国建立20个“区域技术中心”(该部还负责向提出申请的公司发放芯片补贴)。由印第安纳州共和党参议员托德·杨与舒默提出的这个想法旨在将研究型大学与私营企业联系起来,努力在被全球化掏空的地区创建类似硅谷的科技创新中心。
        The legislation would steer billions to the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation to promote both basic research and research and development into advanced semiconductor manufacturing, as well as work force development programs, in an effort to build a labor pipeline for a slew of emerging industries.        该法案将向能源部和国家科学基金会提供数十亿美元,用于促进基础研究和先进半导体制造研发,以及推动劳动力发展项目,努力为一系列新兴行业建立劳动力输送管道。
        The effort has marked a foray into industrial policy that has had little precedent in recent American history, raising myriad questions about how the Biden administration and Congress would implement and oversee a major initiative involving hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars.        这一努力标志着在美国近期历史上对产业政策所做的一次鲜有先例的尝试,作为一项重大举措,它涉及数千亿纳税人资金,也引发了人们对拜登政府和国会在实施和监管方面的无数疑问。
        The passage of the legislation was the culmination of years of effort that in Mr. Schumer’s telling began in the Senate gym in 2019, when he approached Senator Todd Young with the idea. Mr. Young, a fellow China hawk, had previously collaborated with Democrats on foreign policy.        法案的通过是数年努力的结果,据舒默称,这一努力最初始于2019年,当时他在参议院健身房向托德·杨提出了这个想法。杨属于对华鹰派人物,此前曾在外交政策上与民主党合作。
        In the end, the Senate support was made possible only by an unlikely collision of factors: a pandemic that laid bare the costs of a global semiconductor shortage, heavy lobbying from the chip industry, Mr. Young’s persistence in urging his colleagues to break with party orthodoxy and support the bill, and Mr. Schumer’s ascension to the top job in the Senate.        参议院的支持之所以最终成为可能,是各种因素不可思议地交汇在一起:新冠疫情暴露了全球半导体短缺的代价;来自芯片行业的大力游说;杨坚持敦促党内同仁放弃传统观念、支持该法案;以及舒默升任参议院最高职位。
        Many senators, including Republicans, saw the legislation as a critical step to strengthen America’s semiconductor manufacturing abilities as the nation has become perilously reliant on foreign countries — especially an increasingly vulnerable Taiwan — for advanced chips.        包括共和党人在内的许多参议员将这项立法视为加强美国半导体制造能力的关键一步,因为美国在先进芯片方面已经严重依赖外国,尤其是越来越容易受到攻击的台湾。
        Mr. Schumer said it had been not too difficult to rally votes from Democrats, who tend to be less averse to government spending. But he also nodded to support from Republicans, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader: “To their credit, 17 Republicans, including McConnell, came in and said, ‘This is one expenditure we should make.’”        舒默说,争取民主党人的选票并不难,他们往往并不太反对政府支出。但他也对共和党人的支持表示感谢,包括少数党领袖、肯塔基州参议员米奇·麦康奈尔:“值得称赞的是,包括麦康奈尔在内的17名共和党人也加入进来,表示‘这是我们应该做的一项支出’。”
        The legislation, which was known in Washington by an ever-changing carousel of lofty-sounding names, has defied easy definition. At more than 1,000 pages long, it is at once a research and development bill, a near-term and long-term jobs bill, a manufacturing bill and a semiconductors bill.        这项在华府以变来变去的高大上名字而闻名的法案无法被简单定义。它长达1000多页,同时是研发法案、近期和长期就业法案、制造业法案和半导体法案。
        Its initial version, written by Mr. Schumer and Mr. Young, was known as the Endless Frontier Act, a reference to the 1945 landmark report commissioned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking how the federal government could promote scientific progress and manpower.        其最初版本由舒默和杨撰写,被称为《无尽前沿法案》(Endless Frontier Act),名字参照了富兰克林·罗斯福总统1945年委托撰写的具有里程碑意义的报告,该报告试图厘清联邦政府要如何促进科学进步和人才资源。
        “New frontiers of the mind are before us, and if they are pioneered with the same vision, boldness, and drive with which we have waged this war,” Mr. Roosevelt wrote at the time, “we can create a fuller and more fruitful employment and a fuller and more fruitful life.”        罗斯福当时写道:“我们的面前是各类思想的新前沿,如果我们以应对这场战争所用的同样眼光、勇气和干劲去开拓,我们就能创造更为充分更加丰富的就业机会和生活。”
        Enactment of the legislation is considered a critical step to strengthening America’s semiconductor abilities when the share of modern manufacturing capacity in the United States has plummeted to 12 percent. That has left the nation increasingly reliant on foreign countries amid a chip shortage that has sent shock waves through the global supply chain.        在美国现代制造能力的份额下降到12%的情况下,该法案的通过被视为加强美国半导体能力的关键一步。在芯片短缺给全球供应链带来冲击的情况下,制造能力的下降令美国越来越依赖外国。
        The subsidies for chip companies were expected to produce, in the short term, tens of thousands of jobs, with manufacturers pledging to build new factories or expand existing plants in Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Idaho and New York. While chip companies will not immediately receive the federal money, several of them had said they would make business decisions in the coming weeks based on whether they received assurances that the money would soon be coming.        芯片公司获得的补贴预计将在短期内创造数万个工作岗位,制造商承诺在俄亥俄州、得克萨斯州、亚利桑那州、爱达荷州和纽约州新建工厂或扩建现有工厂。虽然芯片企业不会立即收到联邦资金,但其中几家已经表态,它们将在未来几周内根据是否收到资金会很快到位的保证做出商业决定。
        The bill also seeks to create research and development and manufacturing jobs in the long run. It includes provisions aimed at building up pipelines of workers — through work force development grants and other programs — concentrated in once-booming industrial hubs hollowed out by corporate offshoring.        该法案还寻求在长期内创造研发和制造业就业机会。它包括旨在通过劳动力发展补助金和其他项目建立劳动力输送管道的条款,这些工人集中在曾经繁荣的工业中心,后来由于企业的离岸外包,这些地方出现空心化。
        In an interview, Mr. Young described the legislation as an effort to equip American workers hurt by globalization with jobs in cutting-edge fields that would also help reduce the nation’s dependence on China.        在接受采访时,杨称该法案是为了让受到全球化伤害的美国工人获得尖端领域的工作机会,这也将有助于减少美国对中国的依赖。
        “These technologies are key to our national security,” Mr. Young said. “We’re actually giving rank-and-file Americans an opportunity, as it relates to chip manufacturing, for example, to play a meaningful role, not only in supporting their families, but also harnessing our creativity, talents, and hard work, to win the 21st century.”        “这些技术对我们的国家安全至关重要,”杨说。“我们实际上是在给普通美国人一个机会,比如在芯片制造方面,让他们发挥有意义的作用,不仅是支持他们的家庭,而且利用我们的创造力、才能和辛勤工作,赢得21世纪。”
        The bill is expected to pave the way for the construction of factories across the country and, along with that, an estimated tens of thousands of jobs.        该法案预计将为全国各地的工厂建设铺平道路,估计随之将创造数万个就业机会。
        Chip manufacturers lobbied heavily, and often shamelessly, for the subsidies, in recent months threatening to plunge their resources into building plants in foreign countries such as Germany or Singapore if Congress didn’t quickly agree to shower them with federal money to stay in the United States.        芯片制造商为获得补贴进行了大量游说,而且不少胡搅蛮缠之举。最近几个月,它们发出威胁,如果国会不尽快同意提供大量联邦资金,将它们留在美国,它们就会投入资源在德国或新加坡等国外建厂。
        The legislation also stipulates that chip manufacturers that take the federal funds and tax subsidies provided by the legislation cannot expand existing factories or build new ones in countries including China and Russia, in an effort to curtail advanced chip manufacturing in nations that present a national security concern.        该法案还规定,接受联邦资金和税收补贴的芯片制造商不能在中国和俄罗斯等国扩大现有工厂或建造新工厂,从而限制在构成国家安全担忧的国家生产先进芯片。
        The Department of Commerce would claw back the funds provided by the bill if companies do not abide by those restrictions, senators said.        参议员们表示,企业若不遵守这些规定,商务部将收回资金。
        Most senators, especially those representing states eyed by chip companies, saw those efforts as reason to quickly pass the legislation. But they particularly infuriated Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, who has bluntly and frequently accused the prosperous executives of such companies of shaking down Congress.        大多数参议员,尤其是那些来自被芯片公司盯上的州的参议员,将这些努力视为迅速通过该法案的理由。不过,这也让佛蒙特州的无党派参议员伯尼·桑德斯尤其愤怒,他经常直率地指责这些公司的富有高管在勒索国会。
        “To make more profits, these companies took government money and used it to ship good-paying jobs abroad,” Mr. Sanders said. “Now, as a reward for that bad behavior, these same companies are in line to receive a massive taxpayer handout to undo the damage that they did.”        “为赚取更多利润,这些公司拿着政府的钱,把高薪的工作机会输送到国外,”桑德斯说。“现在,作为对这种不良行为的奖励,这些公司正排队接受纳税人的大量施舍,以弥补他们造成的损害。”
        Several times in the bill’s life span, it appeared doomed to either collapse or be drastically slimmed down. In its narrower form, it could have eschewed the long-term strategic policy provisions, leaving only the most commercially and politically urgent measure, the $52 billion in subsidies for chip companies.        在该法案通过期间,它数次看来注定要么失败,要么内容会遭到大幅缩减。在精简形式下,它可以拿走长期战略政策条款,仅保留最具商业和政治紧迫性的措施,即为芯片企业提供520亿美元的补贴。
        The bill seemed imperiled late last month after Mr. McConnell announced that he would not let it proceed if Senate Democrats continued to advance their social policy and tax plan, the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s domestic agenda.        上个月底,麦康奈尔宣布,如果参议院民主党人继续推进他们的社会政策和税收计划(这是拜登国内议程的核心内容),他就不会让该法案通过。
        In a private conversation, Mr. Young asked Mr. McConnell to reconsider.        在一次私人谈话中,杨要求麦康奈尔重新考虑。
        Mr. McConnell “saw the near-term value proposition, and frankly, the criticality of getting the chips legislation funded,” Mr. Young recalled.        麦康奈尔“看到了近期的重要问题,坦率地说,他看到了为芯片立法提供资金的重要性”,杨回忆说。
        Still, with Mr. McConnell’s position uncertain and other Republicans refusing to commit to supporting the measure, Mr. Schumer moved last week to force a quick vote on the semiconductor subsidies, leaving open the possibility that the broader bill would be sidelined.        尽管如此,由于麦康奈尔的立场不确定,以及其他共和党人拒绝做出支持该法案的承诺,舒默上周采取行动,迫使各方就半导体补贴问题迅速进行投票,使得全面版法案存在遭到搁置的可能性。
        That spurred a last-minute effort by Mr. Young to secure the support of enough Republicans — at least 15, Mr. Schumer had told him — to restore the critical investments in manufacturing and technology. For days, Mr. Young and his allies worked the phones to try to win over Republicans, emphasizing the national security importance of the bill and the opportunities it could bring to their states.        这促使杨在最后时刻努力争取足够多的共和党人的支持——舒默告诉他至少应有15人——以恢复对制造业和科技领域的关键投资。几天来,杨和盟友们一直通过电话努力争取共和党人的支持,强调该法案对国家安全的重要性,以及它可能给他们所在的州带来的机遇。
        At a private party lunch on Tuesday, Mr. Schumer gave his members a pitch of his own.        在周二的一次私人聚会午餐上,舒默向出席者介绍了自己的观点。
        “This bill is going to have one of the greatest and most far-reaching effects on America that we’ve ever done,” Mr. Schumer said he told Democratic senators. “A lot of your grandchildren will be in good-paying jobs because of the vote you’re taking.”        “这项法案将对美国产生有史以来最重大、最深远的影响之一,”舒默表示,他当时就是这么跟民主党参议员说的。“因为你所投的票,你的很多孙辈都会做着高薪的工作。”

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