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Napping regularly linked to high blood pressure and stroke, study finds

来源:中国日报    2022-07-29 08:00

        "This may be because, although taking a nap itself is not harmful, many people who take naps may do so because of poor sleep at night. Poor sleep at night is associated with poorer health, and naps are not enough to make up for that," said clinical psychologist Michael Grandner in a statement. Grandner directs the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, and was not involved in the study.临床心理学家迈克尔·格兰德纳声称:“这可能是因为,尽管小憩本身并没有危害,但许多人小憩可能是因为夜间睡眠不佳。夜间睡眠不佳往往与健康状况较差有关,小憩不足以改善健康状况。”格兰德纳是亚利桑那州图森市班纳大学医学中心行为睡眠医学诊所主任,他没有参与这项研究。
        If the person was younger than age 60, napping most days raised the risk of developing high blood pressure by 20% compared with people who never or rarely nap, according to the study published Monday in Hypertension, an American Heart Association journal. The AHA recently added sleep duration as one of its eight essential metrics to optimal heart and brain health.7月25日发表在美国心脏协会杂志《高血压》上的一项研究称,在60岁以下人群中,经常小憩者患高血压的风险比从不小憩或很少小憩的人增加20%。美国心脏协会最近新增睡眠时间作为最佳心脑健康的八个基本指标之一。
        "The results demonstrate that napping increases the incidence of hypertension and stroke, after adjusting or considering many variables known to be associated with risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke," said Dr. Phyllis Zee, director of the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.位于芝加哥的西北大学范伯格医学院昼夜节律和睡眠医学中心主任菲利斯·泽伊博士称:“研究结果表明,在调整或考虑了许多已知与心血管疾病和中风风险相关的变量后,小睡会增加高血压和中风的发病率。”
        The study used data from 360,000 participants who had given information on their napping habits to the UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and research resource that followed UK residents from 2006 to 2010.该研究数据来自36万名研究对象,他们向英国生物银行提供了关于自己小憩习惯的信息。英国生物银行是一家大型生物医学数据库和研究资源库,从2006年到2010年对英国居民进行追踪研究。
        "They didn't define what a nap should be. If you're going to be sleeping for an hour, two hours, for example, that's not really a nap," said sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.南加州大学凯克医学中心临床医学副教授、睡眠专家拉吉·达斯古塔博士称:“他们没有定义什么是小憩。例如,如果你要睡一两个小时,那就不是真正的小憩。”
        Most of the people in the study who took regular naps smoked cigarettes, drank daily, snored, had insomnia and reported being an evening person.在研究中,经常小睡的大多数人吸烟、每天喝酒、打鼾、失眠,并且声称自己是夜猫子。
        "I do believe napping is a warning sign of an underlying sleep disorder in certain individuals," he added. "Sleep disorders are linked to an increase in stress and weight regulation hormones which can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes -- all risk factors for heart disease."达斯古塔还表示:“我确实认为,小睡是某些人可能存在睡眠障碍的警告信号。睡眠障碍与压力和体重调节激素的增加有关,这些激素可能导致肥胖、高血压、2型糖尿病——所有这些都是心脏病的风险因素。”

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