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Napping regularly linked to high blood pressure and stroke, study finds

来源:中国日报    2022-07-29 08:00

        People who often nap have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and having a stroke, a large new study has found.一项最新的大规模研究发现,经常小憩的人患高血压和中风风险更高。
        Study participants who typically napped during the day were 12% more likely to develop high blood pressure over time and were 24% more likely to have a stroke compared with people who never napped.与从不小睡的人相比,白天经常小睡的人随着时间的推移患高血压的可能性增加12%,中风的可能性增加24%。
        The results held true even after researchers excluded people at high risk for hypertension, such as those with type 2 diabetes, existing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep disorders and who did night-shift work.即使研究人员排除了高血压高危人群,如患2型糖尿病、高血压、高胆固醇、睡眠障碍和夜班工作的人群,研究结论仍然成立。
        "From a clinical standpoint, I think it highlights the importance for health care providers to routinely ask patients about napping and excessive daytime sleepiness and evaluate for other contributing conditions to potentially modify the risk for cardiovascular disease," said Zee, who was not involved in the study.泽伊称:“从临床角度来看,我认为这说明医疗服务提供者有必要定期询问患者小憩和白天过度嗜睡的情况,并评估其他可能影响心血管疾病患病风险的因素。”
        People in the UK study provided blood, urine and saliva samples on a regular basis, and answered questions on napping four times over the four year study. However, the study only collected nap frequency, not duration, and relied on self-reports of napping, a limitation due to imperfect recall.在这项为期四年的研究中,研究对象定期提供血液、尿液和唾液样本,并回答了四次关于小憩的问题。然而,该研究只收集了小憩频率,而未关注睡眠持续时间,并仅凭研究对象自述,这种方式存在局限性,因为可能出现记忆偏差。
        "A refreshing power nap that's 15 to 20 minutes around noon to 2 pm is 100% the way to go if you're sleep deprived," said Dasgupta, who was not involved in the study. "If you have chronic insomnia we don't encourage napping because it takes away the drive to sleep at night."达斯古塔称:“如果你睡眠不足,那么在中午到下午2点左右小睡15到20分钟,提个神是完全可以的。如果你患有慢性失眠症,我们不鼓励你小睡,因为这么做会让你晚上失去入睡的动力。”达斯古塔没有参与这项研究。
        Many of these factors could impact a person's quality and quantity of slumber, Dasgupta said. Poor sleep causes "excessive daytime fatigue which can result in excessive napping during the day," he said.达斯古塔称,以上许多因素可能会影响睡眠质量和时间,睡眠不足会导致“白天过度疲劳,导致白天嗜睡”。

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