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The Pandemic Has Made Island Life Even More Appealing

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-19 03:13

        While there seems to be some light at the end of the Covid tunnel, most of us could still use a break. If you could escape and really get away, where would you go?        虽然似乎已能看到新冠疫情尽头的一线曙光,但多数人还是希望能透口气。如果你可以逃离,彻底隐居起来,你会去哪里?
        For a lucky — and generally wealthy — few, the answer is an island, where life moves more slowly, local community thrives, and natural beauty — in particular, sparkling ocean — surrounds you.        对于幸运——往往也富有——的少数人来说,答案就是一座岛。岛上的生活节奏更慢,当地社区蓬勃发展,周遭全是自然美景,尤其还有波光粼粼的大海。
        It’s the elusive dream of living in a resort in real life. Island developments combine varied living options (from vernacular-inspired bungalows to sleek contemporary villas) with world class golf (from seaside links to championship courses), along with myriad amenities (from beach bars to spas), allowing residents to get away, but not feel isolated or bored.        在度假胜地生活这种遥不可及的美梦就这样成为了现实。岛上的开发项目将各种住宿选择(无论是以民俗为灵感的小屋还是时髦的现代别墅)与世界级高尔夫设施(无论是海边球场还是锦标赛球场)、以及各种各样的娱乐设施(无论是海滩酒吧还是水疗中心)结合到一起,让居住者可以在远离喧嚣的同时也不会感到与世隔绝或无聊。
        While many associate island living with a sense of disconnection, plentiful air travel options, the rise of remote work and an increased demand for on-site amenities have changed that. And the pandemic has only accelerated this trend.        虽然在许多人看来,海岛生活总会有隔绝之感,但丰富的航线选择、远程工作的兴起、和对当地娱乐设施需求的增加已经改变了这种情况。而疫情只会加速这一趋势。
        What were once occasional getaways are in many cases morphing into part- or full-time homes, aided by upgraded technologies and reconfigured living and working spaces.        在技术升级、生活与工作空间被重塑的利好下,原本只是人们偶尔用来避世的地方,在很多情况下变成了他们部分或全部的家。
        “Two years ago, we had three full-time families living here,” said Chuck Cary, vice president of sales and marketing at Kohanaiki, a private community on Hawaii’s Big Island. “By the end of this year I bet we’ll have 30.”        “两年前,这里就生活着三户定居家庭,”夏威夷岛私人社区科哈奈基的营销副总裁查克·卡里说道。“到今年年底,我猜肯定能增加到30户。”
        The ability to spend more time on island has increased the appeal of this type of living. Each development below, for instance, is building more homes, and some are adding new golf courses as well.        能在岛上住得更久,也增加了这种生活方式的吸引力。就好比以下每个开发项目都在建造更多房屋,有些还在修建新的高尔夫球场。
        The Bahamas        巴哈马群岛
         The Abaco Club on Winding Bay        绕线湾的阿巴科俱乐部
        Perched on a ridge on Great Abaco Island, overlooking a crescent-shaped bay and white sand beaches, the 500-acre Abaco Club offers a range of homes, from studio cabanas and three-bedroom cottages to sprawling custom estates.        占地约200公顷的阿巴科俱乐部坐落于大阿巴科岛的一处山脊之中,俯瞰月牙形的海湾和白色的沙滩。从大开间小屋到三居室乡间别墅再到庞大的定制庄园,这里的住宅各色各样。
        Prices range from $700,000 to $12.5 million, according to Matt Deitch, managing principal for Southworth Development, Abaco’s developer. Inspired by traditional Bahamian architecture — with pitched metal roofs and colorful clapboard siding — all have expansive decks and large outdoor spaces.        阿巴科开放商索思沃思开发公司的经营负责人马特·戴奇表示,这些房子的价格在70万到1250万美元之间。倾斜金属屋顶和彩色护墙板的灵感来自传统的巴哈马式建筑,这些住宅都有宽敞的露台和户外活动空间。
        Tim McGuire, a Toronto resident, has been staying here with his wife, Sheila, for about four weeks a year since they bought their home in 2012. They initially won a trip in a charity auction, and were immediately hooked.        自2012年于此置业以来,多伦多居民蒂姆·麦奎尔和妻子希拉每年都会来这里住上四周左右的时间。他们最开始是在一次慈善拍卖中赢得了来此旅游的机会,但立刻迷上了这里。
        “Island life is more relaxed than anywhere else,” he said. There’s a real “community feeling,” he noted, and you can walk or take a golf cart to everything. His grown children also spend time here, and much of the year the McGuires are able to rent the house to visitors via the club’s rental program.        “岛上的生活比其他任何地方都要轻松,”他说。他觉得这里有一种真正的“归属感”,你可以步行或坐高尔夫球车去任何地方。他的成年子女也会来这里消磨时光,而在一年的大部分时间里,麦奎尔夫妇可以通过俱乐部的租赁项目,把房屋租给游客。
        Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain        西班牙加那利群岛,特内里费岛
         The Abama Resort        阿巴马度假区
        Rising up the foothills of Tenerife’s Mount Teide in Spain’s remote Canary Islands, the Abama Resort has a terraced landscape that allows almost every property to overlook the ocean, and in many cases other islands nearby.        在偏远的西班牙加那利群岛,特内里费岛的泰德山山麓阿巴马度假区的梯级地形让这里的几乎所有房屋都能够俯瞰海景和附近的其他岛屿。
        “If you have a resort on the sea and you don’t have views to the sea, it’s a pity,” said Francesc Pujol, real estate director for Arum Group, which developed and manages Abama. In addition to its 18-hole golf course, the resort offers a semiprivate beach, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, gym and spa, tennis academy, two Michelin star restaurants, and another restaurant, the Melvin, named after the hotel’s well-known architect, Melvin Villarroel.        “在海滨胜地有套房却看不到海景,那就太遗憾了,”负责开发和运营阿巴马度假区的阿鲁姆集团房地产负责人弗朗西斯·普约尔说道。除了拥有18洞高尔夫球场,该度假区内还有半私人海滩、丽思卡尔顿酒店、健身房和水疗中心、网球学院、两家米其林餐厅、和以著名建筑设计师梅尔文·维拉罗尔命名的梅尔文餐厅,他正是这里丽思卡尔顿酒店的设计者。
        “If you want to disconnect, this is the place to do it,” Mr. Pujol said. “You don’t need to leave the resort.”        “如果想体验隐居的感觉,这就是你最好的选择,”普约尔说。“你根本不会有离开度假区的必要。”
        Abama’s diverse modern-style homes — from 580,000 euros ($637,000) to about 2 million euros ($2.2 million) — were designed by several top Spanish architects and firms, including Mr. Villarroel, Coderch Arquitectura, and Virgilio Gutiérrez Herreros and Eustaquio Martínez.        阿巴马度假区的现代风格住宅是由包括维拉罗尔、寇德奇建筑公司、维吉里奥·古铁雷斯·埃雷罗斯和尤斯塔基奥·马丁内斯在内的许多西班牙顶级建筑设计师和公司打造的,售价从63.7万美元到220万美元不等。
        Smaller attached units offer the benefit of hotel service, while larger homes generally have their own pools, patios or yards. All have wide balconies, large windows, and overhanging rooflines, and combine minimalist profiles with local stone, hardwood, and ceramic tiles. Much of the resort is designed with sustainability in mind, including solar panels, recycled materials and its own desalination plant.        面积较小的附属单元也提供酒店服务,更大的住宅通常拥有独立泳池、露台或庭院。所有房屋都有大阳台、大窗户和悬挑的屋顶,并将极简主义外观与当地的石头、硬木和瓷砖融合到了一起。该度假区的大部分设计都考虑到了可持续性,包括使用太阳能板、回收材料以及自有的海水淡化设备。
        KONA, HAWAII        夏威夷,可娜
        Kohanaiki        科哈奈基
        Stretching along 450 acres of the Big Island’s Kona Coast, Kohanaiki is the most expensive community on this list.        沿着延绵约180公顷夏威夷岛可娜海岸,科哈奈基是这份清单里价格最昂贵的社区。
        Single-story, three-and-four-bedroom Ohi Kai homes start at $3 million, while custom estate homes, usually created by local builders, rise well past $30 million. Forty new homes are under construction, Chuck Cary, vice president of sales and marketing, said.        三四居室的单层“海边树屋”起价为300万美元,而通常由当地开发商建造的定制住宅价格可能远超3000万美元。担任社区营销副总裁的查克·卡里说,目前还有40套新屋正在建设中。
        “When you get off the plane, you decompress immediately,” said Brent Hallock, a founder of the window covering company Budget Blinds. “I’ve made so many friends so quickly and so easily.” Mr. Hallock and his wife, Holly, completed their house at Kohanaiki last year, and plan to spend six months there each year.        “一下飞机,你马上就会有减压的感觉,”布伦特·哈洛克说,他是美而廉窗帘公司的创始人之一。“很快我就毫不费力地交到了一大堆朋友。”哈洛克与妻子霍莉在科哈奈基的房子去年完工,他们计划每年都在这里住上六个月。
        “I think they really tried to design it so that when you get here you don’t have to leave,” Mr. Hallock said. “We don’t go out. We don’t go anywhere. Why leave?”        “我觉得他们在设计上真的很用心,让我们来到这里之后都没有离开的必要,”哈洛克说。“我们不外出。我们哪里都不去。为什么要离开呢?”

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