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More Than Fjords: A New Museum to Put Oslo on the Map

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-19 03:13

        OSLO, Norway — For decades, Oslo lived in the shadow of Scandinavia’s two other capitals, Stockholm and Copenhagen, Denmark. The Norwegian city, alongside a picturesque fjord dotted with rugged islands, has often been derided as sleepy and overpriced, or as a mere stopping-off point for tourists heading into the Norwegian mountains or boarding a cruise along the coast.        挪威奥斯陆——数十年来,奥斯陆一直处在斯堪的纳维亚半岛另外两个首都——斯德哥尔摩和丹麦哥本哈根的阴影之下。与散落于风景如画的峡湾中那些崎岖多石的海岛一道,这座挪威城市往往被嘲笑寂静冷清、过于昂贵,或者只是一个游客前往挪威山脉或在海岸边登上游轮的中转点。
        In recent years, Norwegian and municipal authorities have spent hundreds of millions trying to change that view. As part of a redevelopment project known as “Fjord City,” leaders have transformed the Oslo waterfront into a glossy district of high-rises and pedestrian plazas dotted with swimming spots and cultural amenities, including its now-famous opera house and the towering new home of the Munch Museum, dedicated to Norwegian painter Edvard Munch.        近年来,挪威和奥斯陆市当局已经在试图改变这一观点方面花费了数亿资金。作为一个名为“峡湾城市”的改建项目的一部分,领导人们已经将奥斯陆的水滨改造为了一片光彩夺目的地区,其中有高楼大厦、点缀着游泳池和文娱设施的步行广场,设施包括如今享有盛名的歌剧院,以及雄伟的新蒙克美术馆,专门展出挪威画家爱德华·蒙克的作品。
        On Saturday, after years of delay and dispute, the most ambitious of these projects finally opened its doors: the country’s new National Museum, a gargantuan building covered in gray slate that holds the collections of four now-combined arts institutions chronicling the country’s artistic heritage. It is the Nordic region’s largest museum.        周六,经过多年的延期和争端,其中最具雄心的项目终于敞开了大门:该国的新国家博物馆,一座铺满灰色岩板的巨型建筑,里面有着四座如今已被合并的艺术机构馆藏,藏品记录了这个国家的艺术传承。这是北欧地区最大的博物馆。
        Officials hope it heralds Oslo’s transformation into a global cultural capital. “Norway is so much more than fjords and mountains, and I think that will actually be a surprise for people when they visit,” said the museum’s director, Karin Hindsbo. “I’m bragging, but it’s true.”        官员们希望它能引领奥斯陆向着一个全球文化之都转变。“挪威远不只是峡湾和山脉,并且我觉得当人们来参观的时候,这一点会成为一个惊喜,”博物馆馆长卡琳·海因兹博说。“我是在炫耀,但这也是事实。”
        The 6,500 items on show in the National Museum include perhaps the best-known Norwegian artwork, Munch’s “The Scream,” as well as stylish exhibitions of Viking drinking horns, medieval tapestries and modern Norwegian furniture design. The museum also includes what Ingvild Krogvig, a curator focused on contemporary art, described as the first permanent overview exhibition of postwar Norwegian art in an Oslo museum. Krogvig said that organizers had assembled the collection with the goal of spurring a discussion around the country’s artistic canon. “Maybe there is now more confidence that we are part of the international discourse,” she said.        在国家博物馆展出的6500件藏品中,包括了可能是挪威最为著名的艺术品——蒙克的《呐喊》,此外还以富有现代气息的方式展出着维京人饮酒号角、中世纪挂毯和现代挪威家具。国家博物馆还有一个战后挪威艺术展,专注于当代艺术的策展人英格维德·克罗维格称这是首次有奥斯陆的博物馆就该主题制作常设展。克罗维格说,通过整理出这样一个收藏,主办方希望能促进围绕该国艺术精品的讨论。“也许对于我们是国际话语的一部分这一点,现在有了更多信心,”她说。
        At times, the project has been overshadowed by public disputes. The opening was delayed from 2020 by problems with subcontractors, drawing anger from many residents who had already spent many years without access to the museum’s collections; Klaus Schuwerk, the building’s architect, has publicly bristled at the museum staff’s interior design and choice of signage. In an interview with NRK, Norway’s public broadcaster, he derisively described the setup of the inaugural contemporary art show as resembling a “flea market.”        这个项目屡次因公开纠纷而被蒙上阴影。由于项目承包问题,开幕从2020年一直向后推迟,令许多迟迟无法看到博物馆藏品的居民感到愤怒。大楼的建筑师克劳斯·舒维克曾公开对博物馆员工的室内设计和标志选择表示愤怒。在一次接受挪威公共广播公司NRK的采访时,他语带嘲弄地称开幕首场当代艺术展的布置像“跳蚤市场”。
        Raymond Johansen, Oslo’s governing mayor, said that he was optimistic that the criticism of the Munch project would abate. “The Munch Museum will become a landmark, but it will and must take time,” he said, adding that the opening of the National Museum and the other Fjord City cultural projects were “a lift for the municipality because it’s important to be a visible cultural capital.”        奥斯陆市长雷蒙德·约翰森说他很乐观,认为外界对蒙克项目的批评会减轻。“蒙克美术馆会成为一个地标,但这需要时间,也必须需要时间,”他接着说,国家博物馆的开幕和其他峡湾城市文化项目“对我市是一种提振,因为这对于成为一个具有可见度的文化之都很重要”。
        “We are doing our utmost,” he said, “to put Oslo on the international map.”        “我们在竭尽全力,”他说,“在将奥斯陆放在国际地图上。”

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