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As Biden Reaches Out to Mideast Dictators, His Eyes Are on China and Russia

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-18 01:01

        JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia — During his painful encounters with a series of Arab strongmen here in Saudi Arabia this weekend, President Biden kept returning to a single reason for renewing his relationship with American allies who fall on the wrong side of the struggle he often describes as a battle between “democracy and autocracy.”        沙特阿拉伯吉达——在刚刚过去的这个周末,拜登总统在沙特阿拉伯与多位阿拉伯强人举行了艰难的会面。这些美国盟友在经常被他描述为“民主与专制”的较量中处于错误的一边,会晤期间,他不断重申,与这些美国盟友恢复关系只因为一个原因。
        “We will not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia or Iran,” Mr. Biden said at a session on Saturday with nine Arab leaders in a cavernous hotel ballroom in this ancient port on the Red Sea. “And we’ll seek to build on this moment with active, principled American leadership.”        周六,在红海这个古老港口的一个大型酒店的宴会厅,拜登在与九位阿拉伯领导人举行的会议上说:“我们不会离开,把真空留给中国、俄罗斯或伊朗来填补。我们将寻求在此刻的基础上,建立一个积极有原则的美国领导地位。”
        Mr. Biden’s framing of America’s mission as part of a renewed form of superpower competition was revealing. For decades, American presidents largely saw the Middle East as a hotbed of strife and instability, a place the United States needed a presence largely to keep oil flowing and eliminate terrorist havens. Now, more than 20 years after a group of Saudis left this country to stage terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and strike the Pentagon, Mr. Biden is driven by a new concern: That his forced dance with dictators, while distasteful, is the only choice if his larger goal is to contain Russia and outmaneuver China.        拜登将美国的使命归结为新形式的超级大国竞争的一部分,这很有说服力。几十年来,美国总统大多将中东视为冲突和不稳定的温床,美国需要存在于此,主要是为了保持石油供应和消除恐怖分子的避风港。20多年前,一群沙特人从这个国家出发,对世贸中心发动恐怖袭击并袭击五角大楼,现在,推动拜登的一个新原因是:被迫与独裁者共舞虽然令人反感,但如果他的更大目标是遏制俄罗斯并智胜中国,那么这是唯一的选择。
        “We’re getting results,’’ he insisted on Friday night as he emerged from a meeting with the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who clearly sees the opportunity to get diplomatic rehabilitation after Mr. Biden refused to see him for months, accusing him of complicity in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist.        周五晚上,他在与沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼会面时强调:“我们正在取得成果。”萨勒曼明显看到了恢复双边关系的机会,此前几个月,拜登拒绝与他会面,指控他是谋杀沙特持不同政见者、《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家贾迈勒·卡舒吉的同谋。
        Mr. Biden’s effort here to negotiate greater oil production — jarring enough for a president who came to office vowing to help wean the world from fossil fuels — is driven by the need to make Russia pay a steep price for invading Ukraine. So far, that price has been scant: Not only are the Russians continuing to collect substantial oil and gas revenues, they are even supplying Saudi Arabia, Reuters reported recently, with fuel for its power plants — at discounted prices.        拜登需要让俄罗斯为入侵乌克兰付出高昂的代价,他在此就提高石油产量进行了谈判,对于一位上台时曾誓言要帮助世界摆脱化石燃料的总统来说,这着实矛盾。到目前为止,俄罗斯付出的代价依旧不大:据路透社最近的报道,俄罗斯人不仅继续获得可观的石油和天然气收入,他们甚至还以折扣价向沙特阿拉伯的发电厂供应燃料。
        Perhaps the most notable of Mr. Biden’s flurry of announcements with the Saudis was an agreement signed Friday night to cooperate on a new technology to build next-generation 5G and 6G telecommunications networks in the country. The United States’ main competitor in that field is China — and Huawei, China’s state-favored competitor, which has made significant inroads in the region.        在拜登与沙特的一系列声明中,最引人注目的或许是周五晚间签署的一项协议,双方将在一项新技术上展开合作,在沙特建设下一代5G和6G电信网络。美国在该领域的主要竞争对手是中国以及中国政府支持的华为,该公司已在该地区取得重大进展。
        It is all part of a larger Biden administration effort to begin pushing back on Beijing in parts of the world where for years the Chinese government has made progress without feeling much competition.        这是拜登政府在世界部分地区开始反击北京的更广泛努力的一部分,多年来,中国政府在没有什么竞争对手的情况下在这些地区取得了进展。
        Three weeks ago, at the NATO summit meeting, Mr. Biden celebrated a new “strategic concept” for the Western alliance that, for the first time, recognized China as a systemic “challenge,” describing its policies as coercive and its cyberoperations around the world as malicious. The doctrine said that along with Russia, Beijing was trying to “subvert the rules-based international order,” words similar to those the Biden administration has used on this trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia.        三周前,在北约峰会上,拜登对这个西方联盟提出新的“战略概念”表示赞赏,该概念首次将中国视为一个系统性“挑战”,称其政策具有胁迫性,其遍布全球的网络行动具有恶意。根据这一说法,北京与俄罗斯一道试图“颠覆以规则为基础的国际秩序”,拜登政府在此次以色列和沙特阿拉伯之行中也使用了相似的措辞。
        After that summit, European officials said they would focus on pushing back on China’s influence inside Europe, and on reducing dependency on its electronics, software and other products.        在北约峰会之后,欧洲官员表示,他们将重点回击中国在欧洲的影响力,并减少对它的电子产品、软件和其他产品的依赖。
        The effort here in Jeddah is similar — to show that the United States will help push back on Chinese and Russian influence. Mr. Biden outlined a five-part “new framework for the Middle East” that included supporting economic development, military security and democratic freedoms. “Let me conclude by summing all this up in one sentence,” he said. “The United States is invested in building a positive future in the region in partnership with all of you, and the United States is not going anywhere.”        拜登在吉达做出了相似的努力——表明美国将帮助抵制中国和俄罗斯的影响力。拜登概述了一个由五部分组成的“中东新框架”,其中包括支持经济发展、军事安全和民主自由。他说:“让我用一句话来总结,美国致力于跟你们所有人合作,在该地区建立一个积极的未来,而且美国不会离开。”
        In a room full of unelected autocrats and absolute monarchs, he made a point of nudging them on human rights a day after his meeting with Prince Mohammed, who according to the C.I.A. ordered the 2018 operation that killed Mr. Khashoggi. Freedom of dissent, he said, would make them stronger, not weaker.        据中情局称,2018年,穆罕默德王储下令执行杀害卡舒吉的行动。拜登在与穆罕默德会面的第二天,在一间满是非民选的独裁者和专制君主的会议室里,他特意在人权问题上敦促他们。他说,发表不同政见的自由将使他们更强大,而不是更弱。
        He made no mention of the fact that looms over the Middle East countries’ commercial dealings with Beijing: They know that China’s investments come without lectures, much less sanctions, for human rights violations. But Mr. Biden tried to make the case that freedom and innovation go hand in hand.        他没有提到一个笼罩着中东国家与北京商业往来的事实:他们知道,中国的投资没有关于侵犯人权的说教,更不用说制裁了。但拜登试图证明,自由与创新是相辅相成的。
        “I’ve gotten plenty of criticism over the years. It’s not fun,” he said. “But the ability to speak openly and exchange ideas freely is what unlocks innovation.”        “这些年来,我受到了很多批评。这并不轻松,”他说。“但公开发言和自由交流思想的能力,是开启创新的关键。”
        Mr. Biden also sought to reassure the Sunni Arab leaders around the table that his efforts to negotiate a renewed nuclear agreement with their Shiite nemesis in Iran would not put them in jeopardy. “As we continue to work closely with many of you to counter the threats posed to the region by Iran, we’re also pursuing diplomacy to return constraints on Iran’s nuclear program,” Mr. Biden said. “But no matter what, the United States is committed to ensuring that Iran never gets a nuclear weapon.”        拜登还试图向坐在谈判桌旁的逊尼派阿拉伯领导人保证,他与他们的什叶派死敌——伊朗通过谈判达成新的核协议的努力不会将他们置于危险的境地。“在我们继续与你们中的许多人密切合作,应对伊朗对该地区构成的威胁同时,我们也在寻求外交手段,恢复对伊朗核计划的限制,”拜登说。“但无论如何,美国致力于确保伊朗永远不会拥有核武器。”
        The session with the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, along with the leaders of three other Arab states, came after Mr. Biden met separately with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, where tens of thousands of political prisoners are locked up and Mr. Sisi has been waging a relentless crackdown on dissent. Mr. Biden made no comment on that when reporters were in the room for the first few minutes, but instead thanked Mr. Sisi for “the incredible assistance” in Gaza, where Egypt has promised to help rebuild following last year’s brief war between Hamas and Israel. Aides said he would raise human rights in private.        在与海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会的六个成员国以及其他三个阿拉伯国家的领导人举行会谈之前,拜登单独会晤了埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西。埃及关押着数万名政治犯,塞西一直在对异见人士进行残酷镇压。当记者们在房间里的头几分钟里,拜登没有对此发表评论,而是感谢塞西在加沙提供的“难以置信的援助”。去年哈马斯和以色列之间的短暂战争后,埃及承诺帮助加沙重建。助手们表示,他将在私下提出人权问题。
        In the contest with China, the United States still has close ties throughout the Middle East, with business interests that flowed in for decades after the discovery of oil.        在与中国的竞争中,美国始终与整个中东地区保持着密切的联系,在这里发现石油后的几十年里,商业利益纷至沓来。
        Yet pushing back on China’s influence in the region will be an uphill struggle, as many of the president’s advisers acknowledge. China has made sweeping progress in recent years.        然而,正如总统的许多顾问承认的那样,反击中国在该地区的影响力将是一场艰苦的斗争。近年来,中国已取得了全面的进展。
        While America was fighting wars in the region, China’s “Belt and Road” development initiative was advancing across the Gulf, even building a major port in the United Arab Emirates — until work stopped following American warnings to the U.A.E. that Beijing’s real purpose was to create a stealth military base.        当美国在该地区参与战争时,中国的“一带一路”发展计划正在海湾地区推进,它甚至在阿联酋建造了一个主要港口——直到美国向阿联酋发出警告,称北京的真正目的是建立一个秘密军事基地,该计划才被叫停。
        In January, Chinese officials held a virtual meeting with Saudi officials about selling military gear to the kingdom, a recognition that Chinese arms are now significantly higher-tech than they were even just a few years ago. (Decades ago, Saudi Arabia bought some giant intercontinental ballistic missiles from China, triggering fears it might be exploring building nuclear weapons, but that concern has not come to fruition.)        今年1月,中国官员与沙特官员举行了一次虚拟会议,讨论向沙特出售军事装备的问题,这是对中国的认可,表明中国现在的武器技术水平与几年前相比显著提高。(几十年前,沙特阿拉伯从中国购买了一些巨型洲际弹道导弹,引发了人们对它可能在探索制造核武器的担忧,但这种担忧没有成为现实。)
        Huawei has been wiring up the region, quietly installing its networks on the theory that the country that controls the flow of electrons across national networks will hold extraordinary control over the region’s infrastructure.        华为一直在该地区布线,不声不响地安装自己的网络,其背后的想法是,控制一个国家网络电子流的国家将对该地区的基础设施拥有非凡的控制权。
        During the Trump administration, the United States warned allies that if they signed up with Huawei and other major Chinese suppliers, Washington would cut off their access to intelligence reports and limit their participation in military alliances. But it was all stick and no carrot, since there was no alternative American product to offer them.        特朗普政府时期,美国曾警告盟友,如果他们与华为等中国主要供应商签约,华盛顿将切断他们获取情报报告的渠道,并限制他们参与军事同盟。但这是大棒而不是胡萝卜,因为没有替代的美国产品可以提供给他们。
        What Mr. Biden was holding out this weekend is a new technology, called “Open-RAN’’ for Open Radio Access Networks, which runs largely on software and access to information in the cloud — all areas where the United States holds advantages. Over months of negotiation, American officials worked out a “Memorandum of Understanding” in which Saudi Arabia will essentially turn itself into a test bed for using the system on a large scale — even though Huawei has already deployed its networks throughout country.        拜登这个周末提供的是一项名为“Open-RAN”的新技术,即开放无线电接入网络,它主要在软件上运行,并可在云端获取信息,而这些都是美国拥有优势的领域。经过数月谈判,美国官员制定了一份“谅解备忘录”,沙特阿拉伯将把自己变成大规模使用该系统的试验台——尽管华为已经在该国各地部署了网络。
        “That is the thinking of the project,” said Anne Neuberger, the deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technologies. “Quickly build up a prototype here in Saudi Arabia, prove that it works at scale, and become a model for the region.” She called it a “pragmatic, reality-based project.”        “这就是这个项目的思路,”负责网络和新兴技术的副国家安全顾问安妮·纽伯格说。“在沙特阿拉伯迅速建立一个原型,证明它在规模上有效,并成为该地区的典范。”她称这是一个“务实的、基于现实的项目”。
        Asked about the American strategy, Saudi officials went to some lengths to say they were not trying to edge China out of anything — and that they could accommodate both Western and Chinese telecommunications systems. The Saudi ambassador to the United States, Princess Reema bint Bandar al-Saud, compared having coexisting technologies to having “a Starbucks, and a Coffee Bean,” or “a McDonalds and a Burger King.” But networks are far more complex, because they need to operate with each other.        当被问及美国的战略时,沙特官员不遗余力地表示,他们并不是要把中国挤出去——而且他们可以同时容纳西方和中国的电信系统。沙特驻美国大使丽玛·宾特·班达尔公主将同时存在的技术比作同时拥有“星巴克和香啡缤”或“麦当劳和汉堡王”。但是网络要复杂得多,因为它们需要协同运行。
        Skeptics wonder about whether the Cold War framing of the need to rekindle alliances in the Middle East is more of an excuse for oil deals than a real interest in deep engagement.        怀疑论者认为,基于冷战框架重新在中东建立同盟关系的必要性更多是石油交易的借口,而不是对深入接触的真正兴趣。
        “It’s true that China’s making some inroads,’’ said Kori Schake, the director of foreign and defense studies at the American Enterprise Institute. “But those are the natural result of China’s energy needs and oil producers experiencing a bonanza because of Russia’s invasion, and the U.S. under the last three presidents declining to retaliate for Iranian attacks on Gulf States.”        “中国确实取得了一些进展,”美国企业研究所外交和国防研究主任科里·舍克说。“但这些都是中国能源需求,石油生产国因为俄罗斯的入侵而大赚特赚,以及美国在过去三任总统的领导下拒绝报复伊朗对海湾国家攻击这些因素带来的自然结果。”
        “But it’s also the result of Biden administration policy setting up the China challenge as democracy vs autocracy,’’ she added, “which puts Saudi on the Chinese side of the ledger.”        “但这也是拜登政府将对中国的挑战设定为‘民主对抗专制’这一政策的结果,”她还说,“这让沙特站在了中国一边。”

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