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Putin Finds a New Ally in Iran, a Fellow Outcast

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-20 05:16

        President Vladimir V. Putin left Russia for a rare international trip on Tuesday and received a handsome reward: a meeting with a prominent world leader who voiced a full-throated endorsement for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.        周二,普京总统离开俄罗斯进行了一次罕见的国际访问,并且收获颇丰:他得以与一位全力支持俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的世界知名领导人会面。
        Traveling to Iran, Mr. Putin worked to solidify an Iranian-Russian alliance that has been emerging as a significant counterweight to American-led efforts to contain Western adversaries. He met with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, who issued a declaration of support for Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine of the kind that even other countries close to Russia have so far stopped short of making.        普京前往伊朗,努力巩固伊朗-俄罗斯联盟,在美国牵头遏制与西方敌对的势力之际,该联盟已成为重要的制衡力量。他会见了阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊,这位伊朗最高领导人曾发表支持普京在乌克兰发动战争的声明,其它国家即使与俄罗斯关系密切,迄今为止也没有做出这样的声明。
        “War is a violent and difficult endeavor, and the Islamic Republic is not at all happy that people are caught up in war,” Mr. Khamenei told Mr. Putin, according to the supreme leader’s office. “But in the case of Ukraine, if you had not taken the helm, the other side would have done so and initiated a war.”        据最高领导人办公室称,哈梅内伊告诉普京:“战争充斥着暴力和艰难,伊斯兰共和国对人们卷入战争感到非常遗憾。但就乌克兰而言,如果你没有掌握主动,对方就会掌握主动并发动战争。”
        Mr. Putin also held a three-way summit meeting focusing on Syria with the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, and their Turkish counterpart, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was also in Tehran, the Iranian capital.        普京还与伊朗总统易卜拉欣·莱西和同在伊朗首都德黑兰的土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安举行了三方峰会,主要讨论叙利亚问题。
        The day’s choreography crystallized Mr. Putin’s determination to push back against attempts to punish and isolate Russia, engaging with fellow American adversaries like Iran and with other countries like Turkey — a NATO member — whose alliances are more tangled.        当天的会谈安排明确了普京决心反对惩罚和孤立俄罗斯的企图,他与伊朗等美国敌对者以及土耳其等国家进行了接触,土耳其是北约成员国,和其他国家的联盟关系更加错综复杂。
        Mr. Khamenei’s endorsement of the war went well beyond the much more cautious support offered by another key Russian ally, China, embracing Mr. Putin’s claim that the West had left the Kremlin no choice but to act.        哈梅内伊对战争的支持远远超出了俄罗斯另一个关键盟友中国,后者提供的支持更为谨慎。哈梅内伊赞同普京的说法,即西方让克里姆林宫别无选择,只能采取行动。
        It was a signal to the world that with Europe and the United States now hitting Russia with sanctions comparable to those that have suffocated Iran’s economy for years, the long-fraught relationship between Moscow and Tehran may be becoming a true partnership.        欧洲和美国现在对俄罗斯实施的制裁与多年来扼制伊朗经济的政策可等量齐观,这次会面向世界发出了一个信号,即莫斯科和德黑兰之间长期的艰难关系可能正在成为真正的伙伴关系。
        “Russia and Iran still don’t trust one another, but now need each other more than ever,” said Ali Vaez, the Iran director for the International Crisis Group. “This is no longer a partnership of choice, but an alliance out of necessity.”        “俄罗斯和伊朗仍然互不信任,但现在比以往任何时候都更需要彼此,”国际危机组织伊朗负责人阿里·瓦兹说。“这不再是出于选择的伙伴关系,而是出于必要的联盟。”
        For years, Russia was careful not to get too close to Iran, even as the two countries shared an adversarial relationship with the United States and cooperated militarily after Russia’s intervention in the civil war in Syria. For Mr. Putin, his attempts to build relations with Israel and Arab countries precluded a full-fledged alliance with Tehran.        多年来,俄罗斯一直小心翼翼地不与伊朗走得太近,尽管两国都与美国处于敌对关系,并在俄罗斯干预叙利亚内战后进行了军事合作。对普京来说,他与以色列和阿拉伯国家建立关系的尝试妨碍了与德黑兰建立全面联盟。
        But the Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the calculus.        但俄罗斯入侵乌克兰改变了思路。
        Increasingly cut off from Western markets, Russia is looking to Iran as an economic partner, as well as for expertise in skirting sanctions.        俄罗斯与西方市场越来越隔绝,正将伊朗视为经济伙伴,并寻求在规避制裁方面的经验。
        Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, has signed a nonbinding $40 billion deal to help develop gas and oil fields in Iran, according to Iranian reports. And, American officials say, Russia is looking to buy much-needed combat drones from Iran for use over Ukraine, a matter that was not addressed publicly in Tuesday’s meetings.        据伊朗报道,俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司已经签署了一项价值400亿美元的非约束性协议,以帮助开发伊朗的天然气和油田。而且,美国官员说,俄罗斯急需在乌克兰领空派出无人作战飞机,正在寻求从伊朗购买,周二的会议没有公开讨论这个问题。
        Ahead of Mr. Putin’s visit, Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, told an Iranian broadcaster that Iran and Russia could soon sign a treaty on strategic cooperation that would expand their collaboration in banking and finance. He evoked the 16th-century diplomacy between Russia and Persia to set the scene for what he promised would be a new era of friendship between Tehran and Moscow.        在普京访问前,克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·S·佩斯科夫对一家伊朗广播公司表示,伊朗和俄罗斯可能很快会签署一项战略合作条约,以扩大双方在银行和金融领域的合作。他援引了16世纪俄罗斯和波斯之间的外交,为他所承诺的德黑兰和莫斯科之间的友谊新时代奠定了基础。
        The courtship between the two countries started even before the war began on Feb. 24, as Russia’s tensions with the West were escalating. In January, Mr. Raisi, the Iranian president, went to Moscow. Then last month, the two men met again at a regional summit in Turkmenistan, where the Russian leader sought to cement support from countries on the Caspian Sea.        随着俄罗斯与西方的紧张局势升级,两国甚至在2月24日战争开始之前就开始示好。1月,伊朗总统莱西前往莫斯科。然后上个月,两人在土库曼斯坦举行的地区峰会上再次会面,在那次峰会上,俄罗斯领导人寻求巩固里海国家的支持。
        On Tuesday, as he and Mr. Raisi met for the third time this year, Mr. Putin said the two countries’ relations were “developing at a good pace” in economic, security and regional affairs. He said he and Mr. Raisi had agreed to strengthen cooperation in energy, industry and transportation, and to increasingly use national currencies — rather than the U.S. dollar — to denominate their trade.        这是他和莱西今年的第三次会面,普京周二表示,两国关系在经济、安全和地区事务方面“发展良好”。他说,他和莱西已同意加强在能源、工业和交通运输领域的合作,并更多地使用两国货币——而不是美元——来结算他们的贸易。
        Mr. Raisi sounded a similar note.        莱西也做出了类似的表示。
        “Everything is developing very quickly, including with regard to our bilateral relations,” he told Mr. Putin, according to a Kremlin transcript of his remarks.        根据克里姆林宫的讲话记录,他告诉普京:“一切都在迅速发展,包括我们的双边关系。”
        Mr. Khamenei said that “long-term cooperation between Iran and Russia is deeply beneficial for both countries” and called for the pending contracts between the countries, including in the gas and oil sector, to be carried out.        哈梅内伊说,“伊朗和俄罗斯之间的长期合作对两国都非常有利”,并呼吁签署两国之间在天然气和石油等领域的待定合同。
        In the statement put out by his office, the supreme leader called the NATO alliance a “dangerous entity” and repeated Mr. Putin’s claim that the West had been ready to start a war with Russia to help Ukraine recapture the peninsula of Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014.        在这位最高领导人的办公室发表的声明中,他称北约联盟是一个“危险的组织”,并重申了普京的说法,即西方已准备好与俄罗斯开战,以帮助乌克兰夺回俄罗斯在2014年占领的克里米亚半岛。
        “If the road is clear for NATO, they know no boundaries or limits,” Mr. Khamenei said. “And if Ukraine had not been stopped, they would have started the same war, with the excuse of Crimea.”        “如果没人阻止北约,他们就没有边界或限度,”哈梅内伊说。“如果乌克兰没有被阻止,他们就会以克里米亚为借口,照样会爆发同样的战争。”
        The war in Ukraine has forced other countries to take a fresh look at their alliances. Last week, with rising oil prices damaging him politically, President Biden — who had once vowed to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” nation after the murder of a dissident — traveled to Jeddah and bestowed a fist bump on the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.        乌克兰战争迫使其它国家重新审视自己的联盟。在一名持不同政见者被沙特阿拉伯谋杀后,拜登曾发誓要让该国成为一个“弃儿”国家,然而随着油价上涨对拜登造成了政治上的损害,上周,他前往吉达并和沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼碰拳问候。
        It is too soon to tell how much Iran can really help Russia keep its economy afloat amid the crush of Western sanctions — or whether competition on the global energy market or diverging political interests might yet derail their partnership.        在西方制裁的冲击下,判断伊朗真正能在多大程度上帮助俄罗斯维持其经济发展还为时过早,也很难说全球能源市场上的竞争或不同的政治利益是否可能会破坏他们的伙伴关系。
        As Russia pushes to find new buyers for its oil to get around the sanctions, for example, it is cutting into the market share of two of its allies — Iran and Venezuela — and setting off a price war that could hurt them all, market participants recently told The New York Times.        例如,能源市场参与者最近告诉《纽约时报》,俄罗斯努力为其石油寻找新买家以规避制裁,这样做正在削减其两个盟国——伊朗和委内瑞拉——的市场份额,并引发一场可能对各方都没好处的价格战。
        And even as the Ukraine war hung over Tuesday’s meetings, another conflict also loomed large: the war in Syria, where Turkey has been threatening to launch a fresh military offensive in two northern cities against Kurdish fighters, whom Turkey considers to be terrorists.        乌克兰战争的阴影笼罩在周二的会议上,但另一场冲突也迫在眉睫:叙利亚战争。土耳其一直威胁要在北部两个城市发动新的军事攻势,打击土耳其认为是恐怖分子的库尔德战士。
        Mr. Erdogan has described the possible operation as a way to keep the Turkish border secure from Kurdish militants and create a zone to which some of the millions of Syrian refugees who have poured across the border into Turkey during the war could return.        埃尔多安将可能采取的行动描述为保护土耳其边境不受库尔德武装分子袭击,并创建一个区域,让在战争期间涌入土耳其的数百万叙利亚难民中的一些人可以返回。
        On Tuesday, Mr. Khamenei warned Mr. Erdogan against carrying out such an operation. In a separate meeting, he told him that any military attack in northern Syria would be harmful for Turkey, Syria and the entire region.        周二,哈梅内伊警告埃尔多安不要有这样的军事行动。在另一场会面中,他对后者说,任何对叙利亚北部的军事攻击都将损害土耳其、叙利亚乃至整个地区。
        Over more than a decade of civil war in Syria, Iran and Russia have been the staunchest international allies of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad of Syria. But Turkey has backed armed groups fighting for the removal of Mr. al-Assad and has mounted incursions into northern Syria.        在十多年的叙利亚内战中,伊朗和俄罗斯一直是叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德最坚定的盟友。但土耳其支持的是试图推翻阿萨德的武装组织,并曾侵入叙利亚北部。
        “Terrorism must definitely be confronted, but a military attack on Syria will only benefit the terrorists,” said a message posted on Mr. Khamenei’s Twitter account on Tuesday alongside a photograph of him meeting with the Turkish leader.        “对抗恐怖主义无疑是必要的,但对叙利亚发起军事攻击只会让恐怖分子得益,”哈梅内伊周二发推说,推文随附一张他和土耳其领导人会面的照片。
        Mr. Erdogan did not back down, at least publicly.        埃尔多安没有让步,至少没有公开这样做。
        “Our fight against terrorist organizations will continue everywhere,” he said after the meeting. “We expect Russia and Iran to support Turkey in this struggle.”        “我们将继续与恐怖组织展开全方位的战斗,”他在会后说。“我们期待俄罗斯和伊朗能在这场斗争中支持土耳其。”
        Mr. Putin said the three countries had agreed on a joint declaration to work together for a “normalization of the situation” in Syria. He made it clear that to him, this meant eliminating any Western involvement in the country and assuring the rule of Mr. al-Assad.        普京说三国此前同意发表一份联合声明,共同努力实现叙利亚“局势的正常化”。他明确表示,在他看来,这意味着让西方停止插手该国事务,确保阿萨德的统治。
        The “destructive policy of Western countries led by the United States,” he said, is aimed at the “dismemberment of the Syrian state.”        他说“以美国为首的西方国家制定的毁灭性政策”目的是“将叙利亚这个国家肢解”。
        Despite their differences on Syria, the leaders took care to exude bonhomie.        尽管在叙利亚问题上存在分歧,几位领导人一直有意表现出其乐融融的样子。
        Mr. Putin, who took extraordinary social-distancing precautions for much of the pandemic, meeting with visiting leaders across a long table at the Kremlin, could be seen chatting up close with Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Raisi in a video shared by Russian state media. Mr. Erdogan stood with his hand on Mr. Putin’s back.        普京在大流行期间格外注重保持社交距离,与各国领导人在克里姆林宫隔着一张长桌对话,然而在俄罗斯国有媒体分享的一条视频中,他和埃尔多安、莱西凑在一起交谈。
        The three leaders read out statements to the press seated next to each other on a dais lined with white flowers. Mr. Putin said that their next three-way summit would happen in Russia, and that he had invited his “Iranian and Turkish friends” to visit the country.        在一个摆放着白色花朵的讲台上,三位领导人向并肩而坐的媒体宣读了声明。普京说下一次的三方会谈会在俄罗斯举行,他已经邀请他的“伊朗和土耳其朋友”来访。

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