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U.S. aid chief criticizes China’s ‘absence’ in a food crisis stoked by Russia’s invasion.

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-19 10:52

        Nations that have refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine risk accelerating a global food crisis, the United States international aid agency’s chief said on Monday, singling out China for hoarding fertilizer and grain while millions of people in East Africa face starvation.        美国国际援助机构负责人周一表示,拒绝谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的国家有可能加速全球粮食危机,并特别指出中国在东非数百万人面临饥饿的情况下囤积化肥和粮食。
        Samantha Power, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, also criticized China for contributing only $3 million to the United Nations’ World Food Program in 2022 — compared with $2.7 billion donated by the United States — despite predictions of an “explosion of child deaths” in the Horn of Africa because of food shortages. The shortages started with a devastating drought and spiraled after Russia invaded Ukraine in February.        美国国际开发署署长萨曼莎·鲍尔还批评中国在2022年仅向联合国世界粮食计划署捐款300万美元——而美国则捐赠了27亿美元——尽管有预测称,非洲之角会因食物短缺而出现“儿童死亡人数激增”。粮食短缺始于一场严重干旱,并在俄罗斯于2月入侵乌克兰后变得越来越严重。
        Ms. Power’s comments highlighted the increasing anger of the United States and its allies over China’s tacit support for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and his war to control Ukraine.        鲍尔的言论凸显出美国及其盟国对中国暗中支持俄罗斯总统普京及其控制乌克兰的战争越来越愤怒。
        Beyond the battlefield devastation that is expected to continue for months, if not years, the war has severely interrupted wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine and fertilizer supplies around Eastern Europe, roiling global food markets and raising fears of a new African famine.        战争预计将造成持续数月甚至数年的破坏,除此之外,它还严重干扰了俄罗斯和乌克兰的小麦出口以及东欧各地的化肥供应,扰乱了全球粮食市场,并引发对新一轮非洲饥荒的担忧。
        “Countries that have sat out this war must not sit out this global food crisis,” Ms. Power said in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.        “对这场战争置身事外的国家绝不能对这场全球粮食危机袖手旁观,”鲍尔在华盛顿智库战略与国际研究中心的一次演讲中说。
        She called on China to join more than 100 other nations that have pledged to donate humanitarian aid, export more food and fertilizer, and share information about domestic stockpiles and production of agricultural products to soothe jittery markets.        她呼吁中国加入其他100多个国家的行列,这些国家已承诺提供人道主义援助,出口更多粮食和化肥,并分享有关国内库存和农产品生产的信息,以安抚紧张的市场。
        Doing so, she said, would “powerfully demonstrate the country’s desire to be a global leader and a friend to the world’s least-developed economies.”        她说,这样做将“有力地表明中国希望成为全球领导者,成为世界上最不发达经济体的朋友”。
        Instead, Ms. Power said that China “in particular stands out for its absence” in relief efforts in Africa, where Beijing is engaged in development projects worth billions of dollars — sometimes with Chinese labor instead of local workers.        然而,鲍尔表示,在非洲的救援工作中,中国的缺席“尤其醒目”,北京在非洲参与价值数十亿美元的发展项目——有时使用的是中国劳工而不是当地工人。
        The World Food Program estimates that as many as 20 million people could go hungry by the end of the year in the Horn of Africa. China donated $34 million to the U.N. food agency’s efforts in the region during another drought in 2017.        世界粮食计划署估计,到今年年底,非洲之角将有多达2000万人忍饥挨饿。在2017年的另一场干旱期间,中国捐赠了3400万美元用于联合国粮食署在该地区的工作。
        In a lengthy response on Monday evening, the spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, detailed Beijing’s work with the World Food Program, including setting up a global humanitarian response depot and hub in China and other assistance associated with its development projects in more than 140 countries and regions.        周一晚间,中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇在一份长篇幅的回应中详细介绍了北京与世界粮食计划署的合作,包括在中国设立一个全球人道主义应急仓库和枢纽,以及在140多个国家和地区提供了与该组织的发展项目相关的其他援助。
        Mr. Liu also accused the United States and a handful of its allies of manipulating the global food trade.        刘鹏宇还指责美国及其少数盟友操纵全球食品贸易。
        “The U.S. has done nothing to reduce its own food consumed for energy, and has even exploited the situation to inflate grains prices and seek selfish profits,” Mr. Liu said. He called it “extremely irresponsible.”        “美国没有采取任何措施减少自己的粮食能源化消耗,甚至借机助推粮价高企,谋取私利,”刘鹏宇说。他称之为“极其不负责任”。
        Ms. Power, a former ambassador to the United Nations, reserved her harshest remarks for Mr. Putin and the Russian invasion, which she called “the latest accelerant of human misery.”        曾经担任美国驻联合国大使的鲍尔对普京和俄罗斯的入侵给予了最严厉的谴责,称其为“人类苦难的最新加速剂”。
        “Through his actions, he is also waging a war on the world’s poor by spiking food, fertilizer and fuel prices, while taking Ukrainian grain off the market,” she said.        “通过他的所作所为,他推高了食品、化肥和燃料价格,同时让乌克兰粮食退出市场,对全世界的穷人发动了战争,”她说。

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