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Chinese officials apologize for breaking into homes to search for Covid cases.

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-21 09:34

        Local officials in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou have issued a rare apology after community workers broke into dozens of homes to look for people who had tested positive for the coronavirus and others deemed close contacts, triggering harsh criticism on social media.        中国广州的地方官员罕见地发布致歉通告,此前,社区工作人员对数十套公寓开锁入户,排查新冠检测呈阳性者以及其他被认定的密接者,在社交媒体上引发了严厉的批评。
        The government of the city’s Liwan district said in a statement that the workers picked locks to enter 84 units in an apartment complex. They had been searching for residents they believed were hiding to avoid being sent to quarantine centers. Under China’s zero-tolerance approach to Covid, all positive cases and close contacts must be sent to centralized quarantine facilities for a number of days.        广州市荔湾区政府在一份情况通报中表示,工作人员通过开锁进入了一栋公寓大楼的84户单元房,搜寻那些他们认为是为了避免被送往隔离地点而藏匿在家的居民。在中国的新冠“清零”政策下,所有阳性病例和密接者必须送往集中隔离设施进行数天的隔离。
        Photos on social media showed broken locks in front of apartment doors, and the government said the locks were later replaced. It added that the head of the neighborhood had apologized to the residents individually and had promised unspecified compensation.        社交媒体上的照片显示,公寓的门锁遭到破坏,政府称事后已安装新锁。通报称,街道负责人已经向住户逐一道歉,并承诺补偿,但未提及赔偿数额。
        The government also said the incident was “deeply distressing” and that it was investigating the incident and would punish whoever was deemed responsible.        政府还表示对该事件“深感痛心”,并且正在全面深入调查,将对相关人员进行严肃处理。
        Guangzhou has reported fewer than 10 locally transmitted cases over the past week. On Wednesday, China reported 906 new locally transmitted cases, mostly in the northwestern province of Gansu and the southern region of Guangxi.        广州在过去一周内报告了不到10例本地感染病例。周三,中国报告了906例本地感染病例,主要发生在西北省份甘肃和南方省份广西。
        The pandemic has enabled the Communist Party to deepen its reach into the lives of the China’s citizens, tracking and limiting their movements and confining them to their homes and businesses. Would-be protesters have said the health codes on their phones were changed to keep them from moving freely, and in many cities across China, residents’ doors have been sealed shut to prevent them from leaving during lockdowns.        这场疫情使共产党得以深入普通民众的生活,跟踪和限制他们的行动,并将他们限制在家和公司里。本应前往参加抗议活动的人表示,他们手机上的健康码被更改,以防止他们自由行动。在许多城市,居民的家门被贴上封条,以防止他们在封锁期间离开。
        In some cases, officials have backtracked on measures in response to public outcry. In Shanghai, people complained after health workers beat to death a corgi that they thought might have been infected with Covid, and community workers acknowledged that the killing had been excessive.        在某些情况下,官员们为了应对公众的强烈抗议而放弃了一些措施。在上海,卫生工作者认为一只柯基犬可能感染了新冠病毒将其打死,人们表达了不满后,社区工作者承认没有将其扑杀的必要。
        Anger over the Guangzhou case continued simmering on Chinese social media after the apology. Some people criticized what they called an abuse of power. Several Weibo users said that abuses related to Covid prevention had become widespread since Covid first emerged in the country.        广州官员道歉后,愤怒情绪在中国的社交媒体上继续发酵。一些人批评说这是滥用权力。几名微博用户表示,自从新冠首次在该国出现以来,与新冠防疫相关的权力滥用行为已经泛滥。

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