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Dallas joins other Texas school districts in requiring clear or mesh backpacks after Uvalde massacre

来源:中国日报    2022-07-21 08:00

        The new rules apply to 6th-12th grade students at Dallas Independent School District -- the second-largest public school district in Texas -- and will take effect when the upcoming 2022-2023 school year begins in August. Other types of bags will no longer be allowed, according to the school district.新规定适用于得州第二大公立学区——达拉斯独立学区的6-12年级学生,并将在8月即将到来的2022-2023学年开始时生效。该学区称,将禁止学生携带其他类型的背包。
        The district has already purchased the clear bags, and is set to distribute them before the start of the school year, the statement said.声明称,达拉斯学区已经购买了透明书包,并计划在新学年开始前分发给学生。
        The backpack requirements in Dallas follow fresh scrutiny of safety measures after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers inside Robb Elementary in Uvalde on May 24, the second-deadliest shooting at a K-12 school in the US.5月24日,一名持枪歹徒在乌瓦尔德的罗布小学杀害了19名儿童和两名教师,这是美国基础教育学校发生的第二起大规模枪击案。此后,达拉斯学区加强安全审查措施,要求学生携带透明背包。
        Last week, a school district in Seguin, near San Antonio, said it would move to a clear backpack policy for middle and high school students in the new school year.上周,圣安东尼奥附近塞金学区表示,将在新学年实施初高中学生必须携带透明背包的规定。
        Clear backpack mandates aren't new to US campuses.透明背包的规定对美国校园来说并不新鲜。
        Several Parkland students criticized the policy as being an ineffective security measure and expressed privacy concerns over the rules. The requirement was scrapped a few months later.一些帕克兰的学生批评这项政策是一项无效的安全措施,并担心这些规则可能侵犯隐私。几个月后,该规定被取消。
        School shootings in the US reached a 20-year high in 2021, with 93 school shootings reported according to federal data cited in a report by the National Center for Education Statistics.美国国家教育统计中心在一份报告中引用联邦数据显示,2021年美国发生93起校园枪击案,为20年来的最高水平。
        And after the Parkland shooting, retailers reported a surge in sales of bulletproof backpacks.帕克兰枪击案发生后,零售商称,防弹背包的销售额激增。

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