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The Best Films of 2022, So Far

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-15 03:23

        A little over halfway through 2022, the year in movies has already been intriguing, with one of the best-reviewed releases so far topping the box office. That would be “Top Gun: Maverick.” But if you’ve already seen it and want to catch up on other strong films, I asked The Times’s co-chief critics, A.O. Scott and Manohla Dargis, for their favorites. Here they are, in no particular order. — Stephanie Goodman        2022年刚刚过半,电影世界的这一年已是妙趣横生,迄今为止最受好评的电影之一在票房榜上名列前茅。那就是《壮志凌云:独行侠》(Top Gun: Maverick)。但如果你已经看过它,并且想了解其他有影响力的电影,我向《纽约时报》的联合首席影评人A·O·斯科特和马诺拉·达吉斯询问了他们喜欢的电影。以下就是这些电影的介绍,排名不分先后。——斯蒂芬妮·古德曼
        ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’        《瞬息全宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All at Once)
        The story: A laundromat owner (Michelle Yeoh) is stressed out. Her husband is filing for divorce. Her daughter is depressed and angry at her. And to top it off, the I.R.S. is auditing her. When she goes in to fight the audit, her encounter with an unbending bureaucrat sets off a multiverse romp that showcases the lives she could have lived (and the hot-dog fingers she could have had) and, more important, different paths for her relationships.        故事:洗衣店老板(杨紫琼饰)压力很大。她的丈夫正在申请离婚。她的女儿很抑郁,对她很生气。不光如此,国税局还在查她的账。在为了审计之事抗争时,她遇到了一个顽固的官僚,引发了一场多重宇宙的欢乐之旅,展示了她本可以过的生活(以及她本可以拥有的热狗手指),更重要的是,她的各种关系都会有不同的发展。
        A.O. Scott’s take: “The antic cleverness serves a sincere and generous heart,” our critic wrote of the film directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, who work under the name the Daniels. “Yes, the movie is a metaphysical multiverse galaxy-brain head trip, but deep down — and also right on the surface — it’s a bittersweet domestic drama, a marital comedy, a story of immigrant striving and a hurt-filled ballad of mother-daughter love.”        A·O·斯科特的看法:“古灵精怪的巧妙服务于一颗真诚和慷慨的心,”我们的影评人写道。这部电影由关家永(Daniel Kwan)和丹尼尔·施恩奈特(Daniel Scheinert)执导,他们以“丹尼尔们”(Daniels)署名。“是的,这部电影是一场形而上学的多元宇宙星系-大脑之旅,但在内里——同时也在表面上——是一部苦乐参半的家庭剧,一部婚姻喜剧,一个移民奋斗的故事和一首满是伤痛的母女之爱的歌谣。”
        Read the review, and interviews with Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan, who plays her husband. You may remember Quan, who started off as a child actor, as Short Round in “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.”        点此阅读影评以及对杨紫琼和扮演丈夫的关继威的采访。你可能还记得关继威,童星出道的他在《夺宝奇兵2:魔域奇兵》(Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)中饰演豆丁。
        Watch: It’s still in some theaters, or you can buy it on major digital platforms. Also watch an Anatomy of a Scene with the directors.        如何观看:一些影院仍在上映,你也可以在主流数字平台上购买。你还可以在这里观看导演对场景的剖析。
        ‘Happening’        《正发生》(Happening)
        The story: In southwestern France in the early 1960s, Anne (Anamaria Vartolomei) is a 23-year-old student hoping to become a writer. But when she becomes pregnant, her efforts to obtain an abortion, newly criminalized at the time, turn desperate. The film is based on the memoir by the French writer Annie Ernaux.        故事:在1960年代初的法国西南部,23岁的学生安妮(安娜玛丽亚·沃特鲁梅饰)想要成为一名作家。但她怀孕了,试图堕胎,而堕胎刚被定为违法,她变得绝望。这部电影是根据法国作家安妮·埃尔诺的回忆录改编的。
        Manohla Dargis’s take: The director Audrey Diwan’s “gaze remains clear, direct, fearless,” our critic wrote. “She shows you a part of life that the movies rarely do. By which I mean: She shows you a woman who desires, desires to learn, have sex, bear children on her terms, be sovereign — a woman who, in choosing to live her life, risks becoming a criminal and dares to be free.”        马诺拉·达吉斯的看法:导演奥黛丽·迪万的“目光依然清晰、直接、无畏”,我们的影评人写道。“她向你展示了极少在电影里出现的那部分生活。我的意思是:她向你展示了一个充满渴望的女性,一个渴望学习、性爱、按照自己的意愿生孩子、拥有自主权的女性,她选择按自己的方式生活,冒着成为罪犯的危险并敢于自由地活着。”
        Read the review and an article on how the film has fed into a larger debate in France.        点此阅读影评,以及一篇关于这部电影如何在法国引发更大争论的文章。
        Rent or buy it on Amazon Prime and other major digital platforms.        这部电影可以在Amazon Prime和其他主流数字平台上租赁或购买。
        ‘Flux Gourmet’        《变通美食家》(Flux Gourmet)
        The story: In the world devised by the writer-directer Peter Strickland, culinary delights can also be musical, and groups perform by pressing purée on a blender or dropping food in hot oil. At a manor house where players and devotees have gathered, egos and strongly held principles bring the tension to a boil. (Who could resist?)        故事:在编剧兼导演彼得·斯特里克兰构想的世界中,美食也可以像音乐剧一样,演员们的表演包含用搅拌机打食物泥或将食物下入热油中。玩家和爱好者聚集在一个庄园里,自尊和坚定的原则使紧张局势沸腾。(谁能抗拒?)
        A.O. Scott’s take: “The film isn’t so much an allegory or fantasy as a witty philosophical speculation on some elemental human issues,” Scott wrote. “We are animals driven by lust, hunger and aggression, but also delicate creatures in love with beauty and abstraction. Those two sides of our nature collide in unexpected, infinitely variable ways.”        A·O·斯科特的看法:“这部电影与其说是一部寓言或奇幻电影,不如说是对一些基本人类问题的诙谐哲学思考,”斯科特写道。“我们是被欲望、饥饿和侵略驱使的动物,但也是热爱美和抽象的精致生物。我们本性的这两个方面以意想不到的、无限多变的方式发生碰撞。”
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Rent or buy it on major digital platforms.        在主流数字平台上租赁或购买。
        ‘KIMI’        《基米》(KIMI)
        The story: The pandemic may be receding, but Angela Childs (Zoë Kravitz) continues to work from her loft, perhaps out of agoraphobia, at a job that involves resolving bugs in KIMI, a Siri-like digital assistant. While working on one of those bugs, she thinks she hears a violent crime. Her efforts to follow up put her in jeopardy.        故事:大流行可能正在退潮,但也许是出于广场恐惧症,安吉拉·柴尔兹(佐伊·克拉维茨饰)继续在她的阁楼工作。她的工作是解决类似Siri的数字助理KIMI中的错误。在处理其中一个错误时,她认为她听到了一起暴力犯罪。她的努力跟进使她处于危险之中。
        Manohla Dargis’s take: The thriller “self-consciously draws from an assortment of cinematic referents,” including “Rear Window,” our critic wrote. But the director Steven Soderbergh “pulls out all his tricks, clearly having a blast.” Even as the plot grows more ominous, “he maintains a lightness of touch and a visual playfulness that keeps the movie securely in the realm of pop pleasure.”        马诺拉·达吉斯的看法:我们的影评人写道,这部惊悚片“有意识地借鉴了各种各样的电影意象”,包括《后窗》。但导演史蒂文·索德伯格“把他所有的戏法都拿出来了,显然玩了个痛快”。即使情节变得越来越不祥,“他仍保持一种轻盈感和视觉上的俏皮感,使影片安全地停留在爆米花电影的愉悦中。”
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Stream it on HBO Max.        在HBOMax上在线观看。
        ‘Neptune Frost’        《海王星霜冻》(Neptune Frost)
        The story: In this Afrofuturist vision from the American multidisciplinary artist Saul Williams and the Rwandan filmmaker Anisia Uzeyman, a Burundi miner (Kaya Free) and an intersex runaway (Cheryl Isheja and Elvis Ngabo) meet up in an African community dedicated to imagination and solidarity.        故事:在美国跨领域艺术家索尔·威廉姆斯和卢旺达电影制片人阿尼西娅·乌泽曼的非洲未来主义愿景中,布隆迪矿工(卡亚·弗里饰)和双性人逃亡者(谢丽尔·伊舍亚和埃尔维斯·恩加布饰)相遇在一个充满想象力和团结的非洲社区。
        A.O. Scott’s take: The plot is “loose and suggestive,” he wrote, describing the film as “a collage of vivid images, sounds and words that punch the movie’s themes like hashtags. Williams and Uzeyman marry anarchist politics with anarchist aesthetics, making something that feels both handmade and high-tech, digital and analog, poetic and punk rock.”        A·O·斯科特的看法:情节“松散而富有启发性”,他写道,他将这部电影描述为“生动的图像、声音和文字的拼贴,它们像话题标签一样冲击着电影的主题。威廉姆斯和乌泽曼将无政府主义政治与无政府主义美学结合在一起,创造出一种感觉既像手工制作又像高科技、既是数字又是模拟、既有诗意又有朋克摇滚的东西”。
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Watch it in theaters.        在影院观看。
        ‘Lingui, the Sacred Bonds’        《纽带》(Lingui, the Sacred Bonds)
        The story: In N’Djamena, Chad, 15-year-old Maria (Rihane Khalil Alio) has been expelled from school because she’s pregnant. Her single mother, the enterprising Amina (Achouackh Abakar Souleymane), gets by selling coal stoves she concocts from salvaged tires. So both women have a stake in their quest for a safe abortion.        故事:在乍得的恩贾梅纳,15岁的玛丽亚(蕾哈妮·哈利勒·阿里奥饰)因为怀孕而被学校开除。她的单身母亲、富有进取心的阿米娜(阿乔克·阿巴卡尔·苏莱曼饰)靠出售用回收轮胎制造的煤炉谋生。因此,两位女性的命运都与寻求安全堕胎的任务休戚相关。
        Manohla Dargis’s take: The director Mahamat-Saleh Haroun “shows you women in motion and in revolt, fleeing and escaping and at times running sly, joyous circles around the men in their lives,” the critic wrote. “And, if you watch the final credits, you will hear the sounds of women’s laughter, too — a divine and triumphant coda.”        马诺拉·达吉斯的看法:导演马哈马特-萨利赫·哈伦“向你展示了行动中的女性和反抗中的女性,逃离和逃跑,有时狡猾而欢乐地围绕着他们生活中的男人团团转”,影评人写道。“而且,如果你观看最后的演职员表,你也会听到女性的笑声——神圣而胜利的尾声。”
        Read the review and an interview with the director and a star of the film.        点此阅读影评以及对导演和一位演员的采访。
        Watch: Stream it on Mubi; rent or buy it on major digital platforms.        如何观看:在Mubi上在线观看;在主流数字平台上租赁或购买。
        ‘Futura’        《未来》(Futura)
        The story: In a project begun before the pandemic and completed during it, the directors Pietro Marcello (“Martin Eden”), Francesco Munzi (“Black Souls”) and Alice Rohrwacher (“Happy as Lazzaro”) traveled Italy interviewing young people about everything from their career hopes to the meaning of happiness.        故事:该电影项目始于大流行之前,并在大流行期间完成,皮耶特罗·马切罗(《马丁·伊登》[Martin Eden])、弗兰西斯科·穆尼兹(《教父启示录》[Black Souls])和阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔(《幸福的拉扎罗》[Happy as Lazzaro])三位导演前往意大利采访年轻人对从职业希望到幸福的意义等各种话题的看法。
        A.O. Scott’s take: “It would be a mistake to impose too much coherence on such a kaleidoscopic, open-ended collective portrait,” he wrote. Still, the movie is “an affirmation of the durability of an approach to moviemaking predicated on curiosity, democratic principles and the idea that people can speak for themselves.”        A·O·斯科特的看法:“这是一幅万花筒般的开放式集体肖像,施加过多的连贯性是错误的,”他写道。尽管如此,“这部电影仍然证明,基于好奇心、民主原则和人们可以为自己说话的理念来制作电影的方法,是经久不衰的。”
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Stream it on Mubi.        在Mubi上在线观看。
        ‘Petite Maman’        《小妈妈》(Petite Maman)
        The story: Young Nelly has gone with her mother and father to the French countryside to clear out the home of her grandmother, who has recently died. In the woods, Nelly befriends another girl building a hut just as Nelly’s mother once did. As the two children, who resemble each other, grow close (they’re played by the twins Joséphine and Gabrielle Sanz), their enigmatic connection hints at deeper bonds.        故事:小奈莉和她的父母一起去法国乡村清理最近去世的祖母的家。在树林里,奈莉和另一个正在搭建棚屋的女孩成为了朋友,奈莉的母亲也曾经做过那样的棚屋。两个孩子长得很像,随着她们越来越亲近(由双胞胎约瑟芬·桑兹和加布里埃尔·桑兹扮演),她们神秘的联系暗示着更深层的纽带。
        Manohla Dargis’s take: “Part of the mystery is that it’s unclear what kind of story this is and where — with its charming child and restrained melancholy — it could be headed,” our critic wrote. By withholding information, the director Céline Sciamma is “encouraging you to look at this place and story with the open eyes of a child, which means putting aside your expectations of how movies work.”        马诺拉·达吉斯的看法:“有一部分谜团在于,不清楚这是一个什么样的故事——故事里的孩子迷人可爱、内敛忧郁——以及故事会走向何方,”我们的影评人写道。一些信息未被给出,导演瑟琳·席安玛通过这样的方式“鼓励你以孩子的眼光看待这个地方和故事,这意味着放下你对电影该如何运转的一些假设”。
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Rent or buy it on major digital platforms.        在主流数字平台上租赁或购买
        ‘Mr. Bachmann and His Class’        《巴赫曼先生和他的学生》(Mr. Bachmann and His Class)
        The story: In her fly-on-the-wall documentary filmed during the 2016-17 academic year, Maria Speth follows the title character, a charismatic sixth-grade teacher with a counterculture bent, and his mostly immigrant students in a German village north of Frankfurt.        故事:玛利亚·施佩特于2016至17学年拍摄了这部旁观式纪录片,在德国法兰克福北部的一个村庄,她记录了主角——一位具有反主流文化倾向的富有感召力的六年级老师,和他几乎全是移民的学生的故事。
        A.O. Scott’s take: Though we don’t learn a lot about the subjects’ lives outside school, a few students “come into special focus, nearly upstaging their teacher and contributing to the emotional richness of the film,” our critic wrote. “This isn’t a heroic-teacher drama about idealism in the face of adversity. It’s an acknowledgment of the hard work of learning, and the magic of simple decency.”        A·O·斯科特的看法:虽然我们对这些人物在校外的生活知之甚少,但一些学生引起了“特别关注,几乎超越了他们的老师,并为电影贡献了丰富的情感”,我们的影评人写道。“这不是一部关于逆境中理想主义的英雄教师电影。这是对努力学习和基本尊严的魅力的认可。”
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Stream it on Mubi.        在Mubi上在线观看
        ‘Pleasure’        《快感》(Pleasure)
        The story: A young Swedish woman with the stage-name Bella Cherry (Sofia Kappel) is newly arrived in Los Angeles and determined to become a star in the porn industry. As she performs in extreme scenes, trying to overcome her own limits, she observes how the work affects the humanity of fellow performers, men and women.        故事:一位艺名贝拉·樱桃(索菲亚·卡佩尔)的瑞典年轻女子刚来到洛杉矶,决心成为色情行业的明星。在极端场景中表演时,她试图克服自己的极限,她观察这份工作如何影响其他男男女女表演者的人性。
        Manohla Dargis’s take: “It’s a smart, gutsy, wholly unexpected movie that, at center, is an old-fashioned story about an ambitious striver overcoming the odds to become another American success story,” the critic wrote. The director Ninja Thyberg “knows the horrors, as an excruciating scene underscores. But women make porn and women watch it, and for different reasons, including because they like it. Because it’s their choice.”        马诺拉·达吉斯的看法:“这是一部聪明、勇敢、完全出人意料的电影,核心故事并不新鲜,讲述了一个胸怀大志的奋斗者克服困难,谱写出又一个美国成功故事,”影评人写道。“(导演尼基娅·泰伯格)深知个中的恐怖,一个令人难以忍受的场景凸显了这一点。但是有女性制作色情片,也有女性在看,她们是出于不同的原因,包括就是喜欢看。因为这是她们的选择。”
        Read the review.        点此阅读影评。
        Rent or buy it on major digital platforms.        在主流数字平台上租赁或购买。

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