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Tears, Screaming and Insults: Inside an ‘Unhinged’ Meeting to Keep Trump in Power

来源:纽约时报    2022-07-13 03:24

        The meeting lasted for more than six hours, past midnight, and devolved into shouting that could be heard outside the room. Participants hurled insults and nearly came to blows. Some people left in tears.        会议持续了六个多小时,已经过了午夜,最后变成房间外都能听到的喊叫。参与者们互相辱骂,几乎动手。一些人哭着离开。
        Even by the standards of the Trump White House, where people screamed at one another and President Donald J. Trump screamed at them, the Dec. 18, 2020, meeting became known as an “unhinged” event — and an inflection point in Mr. Trump’s desperate efforts to remain in power after he had lost the election.        在特朗普的白宫,人们经常互相吼叫,特朗普总统也对他们吼叫,然而即使按照这样的标准,2020年12月18日的会议也被称为“疯了”——它是特朗普在选举失败后拼命想要保住权力的一个转折点。
        Details of the meeting have been reported before, including by The New York Times and Axios, but at a public hearing on Tuesday of the Jan. 6 committee, participants in the mayhem offered a series of jolting new details of the meeting between Mr. Trump and rival factions of advisers.        此前《纽约时报》和Axios等媒体曾报道过这次会议的细节,但在1月6日事件委员会周二的公开听证会上,这场混乱的参与者提供了一系列令人震惊的新细节,描述特朗普与互相对立的两派顾问之间的这次会议。
        “It got to the point where the screaming was completely, completely out there,” Eric Herschmann, a White House lawyer, told the committee in videotaped testimony. “I mean, you got people walking in — it was late at night, it had been a long day. And what they were proposing, I thought was nuts.”        “情况已经到了大喊大叫的地步,压都压不住,”白宫律师埃里克·赫斯曼在录像证词中告诉委员会。“我的意思是,会有人走进来——那是深夜,那是漫长的一天。而他们的提议,我觉得是有病。”
        The proposal, to have the president direct the secretary of defense to seize voting machines to examine for fraud and also to appoint a special counsel to potentially charge people with crimes, had been hatched by three outside advisers: Sidney Powell, a former lawyer for Mr. Trump’s campaign who promoted conspiracy theories about a Venezuelan plot to rig the voting machines; Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser Mr. Trump fired in his first weeks in office; and Patrick Byrne, the former chief executive of Overstock.com.        这些提议包括让总统指示国防部长扣押投票机,以检查是否存在欺诈行为,并任命一名特别检察官,以便有可能指控有人犯罪。该提议由三名外部顾问提出,包括特朗普竞选团队的律师西德尼·鲍威尔,她曾经宣传有关委内瑞拉人密谋操纵投票机的阴谋;上任头几周就被特朗普解雇的国家安全顾问迈克尔·弗林;以及Overstock.com网站前首席执行官帕特里克·伯恩。
        On the other side were Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel; Mr. Herschmann; and Derek Lyons, the White House staff secretary.        另一边是白宫法律顾问帕特·A·希波隆、赫斯曼,以及白宫幕僚秘书德里克·莱昂斯。
        The arguing began soon after Ms. Powell and her two companions were let into the White House by a junior aide and wandered to the Oval Office without an appointment.        在鲍威尔和她的两个同伴被一名初级助手放进白宫,并在没有预约的情况走进椭圆形办公室后不久后,争论开始了。
        They were there alone with Mr. Trump for about 15 minutes before other officials were alerted to their presence. Mr. Cipollone recounted receiving an urgent call from a staff member to get to the Oval Office.        他们和特朗普单独在那里待了大约15分钟,之后其他官员才被告知她们来了。希波隆回忆说,他接到一名工作人员的紧急电话,要求他去椭圆形办公室。
        “I opened the door and I walked in. I saw General Flynn,” he said in a videotaped interview the committee played at the hearing on Tuesday. “I saw Sidney Powell sitting there. I was not happy to see the people who were in the Oval Office.”        “我打开门,走了进去。我看到了弗林将军,”他在周二听证会上播放的一段采访视频中说。“我看见西德尼·鲍威尔坐在那里。看到这些人来到椭圆形办公室,我很不高兴。”
        Asked to explain why, Mr. Cipollone said, “First of all, the Overstock person, I’ve never met, I never knew who this guy was.” The first thing he did, Mr. Cipollone said, was say to Mr. Byrne, “Who are you?” “And he told me,” Mr. Cipollone said. “I don’t think any of these people were providing the president with good advice.”        当被问及原因时,希波隆说,“首先,我从未见过Overstock那人,我从来都不知道他是谁。”希波隆说,他做的第一件事就是问伯恩:“你是谁?”“他告诉了我,”希波隆说。“我不认为这些人当中有谁为总统提供了什么好的建议。”
        Mr. Lyons and Mr. Herschmann joined the group. “It was not a casual meeting,” Mr. Lyons told the committee in videotaped testimony. “At times, there were people shouting at each other, hurling insults at each other. It wasn’t just sort of people sitting around on a couch like chitchatting.”        莱昂斯和赫斯曼加入了这个小组。“这不是一次轻松随意的会议,”莱昂斯在录像证词中对委员会说。“有时,人们会互相喊叫,互相谩骂。不是大家坐在沙发上闲聊的那种会议。”
        Ms. Powell, in her videotaped interview, described Mr. Trump as “very interested in hearing” what she and her two cohorts had to say, things that “apparently nobody else had bothered to inform him of.”        鲍威尔在视频走访中称,特朗普“非常有兴趣听一听”她和她的两名同伴说些什么,就是那些“显然没有人愿意告诉他”的事情。
        Mr. Herschmann said he was flabbergasted by what he was hearing.        赫斯曼说,听到的东西让他大吃一惊。
        “And I was asking, like, are you claiming the Democrats were working with Hugo Chavez, Venezuelans and whomever else? And at one point, General Flynn took out a diagram that supposedly showed IP addresses all over the world and who was communicating with whom via the machines. And some comment about, like, Nest thermostats being hooked up to the internet.”        “我问,你是在说民主党人同乌戈·查韦斯、委内瑞拉人之类的合作吗?会议当中,弗林将军还拿出一张图表,说上面显示了世界各地的IP地址,以及谁在通过这些机器与什么人进行交流。还有人说什么Nest恒温器被接到互联网上。”
        When the White House officials pointed out to Ms. Powell that she had lost dozens of lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 election, she replied, “Well, the judges are corrupt.”        白宫官员向鲍威尔指出,她在挑战2020年选举结果的数十起诉讼中都败诉了,她回答说,“法官腐败的呀。”
        “I’m like, everyone?” Mr. Herschmann testified. “Every single case that you’ve done in the country that you guys lost? Every one of them is corrupt? Even the ones we appointed?”        “我想,所有法官吗?”赫斯曼作证说。“你们在这个国家的每一个案子都输了?每个法官都是腐败的?甚至是我们任命的法官?”
        Ms. Powell testified that Mr. Trump’s White House advisers “showed nothing but contempt and disdain for the president.”        鲍威尔作证说,特朗普的白宫顾问“对总统的态度只有蔑视和不屑”。
        The plan, the White House advisers learned, was for Ms. Powell to become the special counsel. This did not go over well.        白宫顾问们了解到,计划是让鲍威尔成为特别检察官。这个主意得到的反响不佳。
        “I don’t think Sidney Powell would say that I thought it was a good idea to appoint her special counsel,” Mr. Cipollone testified. “I didn’t think she should be appointed anything.”        “我不认为西德尼·鲍威尔会说,我认为任命她为特别检察官是个好主意,”希波隆作证说。“我认为她不应该得到任何任命。”
        Mr. Cipollone also testified that he was alarmed by the insistence of Ms. Powell and the others that there had been election fraud when there was no evidence. “When other people kept suggesting that there was, the answer is, what is it? At some point, you have to put up or shut up. That was my view.”        希波隆还作证说,鲍威尔等人在没有证据的情况下坚称选举存在舞弊,这让他感到震惊。“当其他人一直说有情况的时候,答案是,什么情况?到了一定时候,你要么站出来,要么闭嘴。这就是我的观点。”
        Mr. Herschmann described a particularly intense moment. “Flynn screamed at me that I was a quitter and everything, kept on standing up and standing around and screaming at me. At a certain point, I had it with him, so I yelled back, ‘Either come over or sit your f-ing ass back down.’”        赫斯曼描述了一个特别紧张的时刻。“弗林对我吼叫,说我打退堂鼓什么的,他一直站着,站在我身边,对我大吼大叫。我终于受够了他,于是我对他喊,‘你要么过来,要么(脏话)给我坐下。’”
        Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, could hear the shouting from outside the Oval Office. She texted a deputy chief of staff, Anthony M. Ornato, that the West Wing was “UNHINGED.”        白宫幕僚长马克·梅多斯的高级助手卡西迪·哈钦森在椭圆形办公室外可以听到喊声。她给白宫副幕僚长安东尼·奥纳托发短信说,白宫西翼“疯了”。
        After the meeting had started, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, was called in by the White House advisers to argue against Ms. Powell. Eventually the meeting migrated to the Roosevelt Room and the Cabinet Room, where Mr. Giuliani found himself alone at one point, something he told the committee he found “kind of cool.”        会议开始后,特朗普的私人律师鲁道夫·朱利安尼被白宫顾问请来反驳鲍威尔。最终,会议转移到了罗斯福厅和内阁厅,朱利安尼一度发现房间里就他一个人,对此他告诉委员会,他觉得这“还挺酷”。
        Finally, the group ended up in the White House residence.        最后,这群人在白宫官邸结束了会议。
        Ms. Powell believed that she had been appointed special counsel, something that Mr. Trump declared he wanted, including that she should have a security clearance, which other aides opposed. She testified that others said that even if that happened, they would ignore her. She said she would have “fired” them on the spot for such insubordination.        鲍威尔认为她已经被任命为特别检察官,这是特朗普宣称自己想要的,包括她应该获得安全许可,而其他助手表示反对。她作证说,其他人说,即使发生这种事,他们也会无视她。她说,如果他们不服从命令,她会当场“解雇”他们。
        Mr. Trump, she said, told her something to the effect of: “You see what I deal with? I deal with this all the time.”        她说,特朗普对她说了一句话,大意是:“你看到我在对付什么了吗?我一直在处理这个问题。”
        Eventually Mr. Trump backed down and rejected the outside advisers’ proposal. But early the next morning, Dec. 19, he posted to Twitter urging his supporters to arrive at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the day that a joint session of Congress was set to certify the Electoral College results.        最终,特朗普做出了让步,拒绝了外部顾问的提议。但是第二天,也就是12月19日一大早,他发推敦促他的支持者在1月6日抵达国会大厦,这一天,国会联席会议将对选举团的结果进行认证。
        “Be there, will be wild!” he wrote.        “大家都来,会很热闹的!”他写道。

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